Is Who I Believe my Self to be the Truth of Who I Am?

I love and greatly appreciate the feedback and questions I receive on the quotes I share. Some of the questions are thought provoking while some comments are as simple as,” huh?”

I share the quotes (mostly from The Key to LIFE, Living In Full Expression) to stimulate thought and curiosity so we can better understand why we believe what we believe. And ultimately, to determine if what we believe is true.

Imagine this, most of what we believe is not from personal experience but from what we have read or have been told and then accept as true. But what if what we have held as true is not, how far from the Truth might we be?

These are questions I ask of my Self almost daily. I don’t engage in this exercise to prove my Self or anyone else right or wrong but to determine if what I believe and hold as true is true, at least for me in this moment.

You might ask why this is important. For me, and I would imagine countless others, I want to be as certain as possible that each decision I make is being made against the truth (as much as I can know it) and not just something that I hold and accept as true. This is especially important when it comes to questions about our Self.

“Is who we believe our Self to be the Truth of who we are?” ~Jim Phillips

Are we what we do or the roles that we play? Or, is who we are what allows us to do what we do and play the roles that we play?

When I consider these questions I think in terms of stripping away all of the thoughts and beliefs of who I think and believe I am. When I strip away any titles, accomplishments, wealth, worries, concerns, perceived shortcomings and any roles I play or have played, who or what is left?

When we look in the mirror, who or what looks back? When we consider these questions, who or what is considering these questions? And to take it one level deeper, who or what is thinking about the fact that we are thinking about these questions? Who or what indeed.

I believe the purpose of life to be the progressive realization of the Truth of who we are. This progressive realization comes through the events and experiences of life and our Self within the context of life’s events.

“The purpose of life is the progressive realization of the truth of who we are.” Jim Phillips

What I have found through my “progressive realization” process (life) is that today what I know to be true, tomorrow might not be.

“Today what I know to be true tomorrow might not be.” ~ Jim Phillips

By being unattached to what I believe, I remain open and receptive to what is or might be in this moment. However, at any moment new information, a new experience or a greater understanding might be presented that changes what I have held as true to this moment. I therefore allow or incorporate this new truth into my beliefs and understanding and live from this knowing until greater truths are presented.

By allowing for the fluidity of truth I come ever closer to the truth and therefore, can live more fully in the truth of who I am.

Jim Phillips is an author, speaker and certified L.I.F.E. and business coach. At the age of thirteen Jim had an experience that confirmed to him he had a specific message to share about our connection to the Divine. This message was to be shared when the time was right, that time is now.

Jim has authored two books to date, “The Key to Life”, which is set for release on April 4 and is available as a pre-order now on and “From Inspiration to Intention” which is available as an e-book on

Additionally, Jim is one of the featured experts in an upcoming movie, “Becoming the Keys” that also features don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements, and Dannion Brinkley, author of “Saved by the Light.”

You can hear more of Jim’s personal philosophy on life through his bi-weekly podcast, Ancient Wisdom for a Modern World which can be found on i-Tunes.

Jim graduated from James Madison University in Harrisonburg, VA. He currently resides in Aldie, VA where he continues his writing, coaching and speaking.

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