Dark Energy is Real – May 2017

Over the years, I have literally tried to write about dark energy at least three or four times―never really knowing how to approach it because I don’t like coming from a place of fear. However, with the sadness, depression, and hopelessness that many of us have been dealing with lately, I believe it’s time to at least address the basics. I’m not going to go into discussions of dark entities, but I am going to highlight some of the negativity that seems to be spreading―and what we can all do to help stop it.

As many of you know, everything is made up of energy and vibrates at different frequencies. If you’ve had a session with me, the work we do is aimed at raising vibration and shaking off the heaviness, sometimes even the darkness. Over the past few months, I have had so many people come to me with an unexplainable sorrow, sadness, anger and confusion. And the reason is a universal vibration that we’re feeling. Because of it, a lot of us are being pulled into areas we’re not used to. And we’re reacting by making our decisions out of fear, rather than out of faith. When that happens, the “dark cloud” that is seeming to follow us just gets darker and heavier, making it more and more difficult to climb out of that space.

My intention with this newsletter is to help you shake off the heaviness, make a change and take your power back. I humbly ask that you begin by being conscious of your thoughts again―and focus on keeping them positive! See the good in everything and everyone. Send people love and light instead of hate and frustration.

Every morning when we arrive at school and my children get out of the car I say, “Send them love and light.” My kids already know to send it to the “mean people” first, as I’ve explained that we simply can’t know what their home lives might be like, or what experiences they’ve had that trigger them to act in a certain way. But lately, I have been getting caught up in my own stories and had forgotten to do my part as well. All of us are lightworkers and, as such, we all have the opportunity and obligation to send others the love and light they need.

So many of us are living in darkness because we’re afraid. And when we act out of fear, we fail to recognize that there is always enough for everyone. Life is so much easier when we work together and respect one another’s differences, rather than standing on the front porch worrying about what we may lose. When we live in fear, we assume we’re never going to be enough and that others will uncover our flaws. But when we shift our thinking and begin to accept ourselves and each other as we are―perfectly imperfect beings―we allow ourselves to love and be loved, simply because we exist.

I know it’s possible to shift our energy and choose love and light once again. For some, it may require the decision to stop listening to the news―or at least stop allowing ourselves to get so caught up in it. For others, renewing an interest in a cause that you’re passionate about or taking up an activity that you can pour your heart into can help you get unstuck. We all have the power to live in faith and raise our collective vibration―one moment at a time. WE GOT THIS!


I am making my decisions out of Love!

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