Awaken a new Reality

You create your reality.

You create the reality you are experiencing by your opinions, thoughts and emotions. You are viewing the world through your filters, which are the opinions, beliefs, knowledge and experience you have had in this lifetime…and others. If you are experiencing a world where you see lack, because it’s what you have learned, then you see lack. If you see abundance, it is because you have had that type of experience. We do live in a world where polarity exists. Polarity is a way we are shown differences so we can choose our own beliefs, opinions, and thoughts. We are human, and somedays our thoughts and emotions can change, or something catches our eye and we judge. Judging violence only attracts more violence. It is another form of understanding, or another type of belief. ALL just IS. We are in a virtual classroom. Lessons abound everywhere and from everyone. It is what we Choose to believe that creates the reality we are experiencing. 

I have discovered that when I’m living choices of Love and Abundance, I attract that type of energy. I have learned that when I see others acting a certain way, it is because they are experiencing life in a certain way. It is their choice through the experiences they have had and what they choose to believe to be true. It is their own wounds they are showing us if they are choosing something other than abundance and Love. If they are stating that “all people are awful”, then all they see are awful people. I choose to see those same people as unawakened. They haven’t chosen to learn a new way of thinking, acting and speaking. They haven’t chosen to use Love with others. They haven’t chosen to understand that others may be having a “bad” day, or have “bad” circumstances, and those others are also choosing to see “bad” things, people and behaviors. “Good” and “bad” are part of that polarity, and we assign the meaning behind these words. They are just words, yet they are powerful when we attach meaning to them. You choose the meaning or choose to see them as just words. And this creates your reality. Plus, the feeling behind the word also defines your reality. For instance, the world “unbelievable”. People use this word for all types of situations. When you read “That is unbelievable!” what are you feeling right now? “Good” or “Bad”?

Or are you awakened enough to realize it just IS unbelievable, without attaching to the feeling, thought or belief?

What thoughts, beliefs and opinions are you choosing every day? How are you creating your own reality? Are you willing to change and awaken? To be open and aware? To create a Love filled reality? Are you ready to heal? Are you ready to allow me to help you heal yourself?

“Awaken a more brilliant version of you™” ~

Namaste! <3 ~ Heather 

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