Learn How to Harmonize Your Heart and Brain for More Love and Less Stress

I’m sharing a simple yet profound ancient tool to help you harmonize your heart and brain.


Because it will help you manage your body better, relieve stress and stress hormones, increase your intuition and creativity, initiate over 1300 biochemical reactions including anti-aging and boosting your immune system, help you build resilience, open up your learning capacity and is key to the deepest truths of who you are…

I will explain and guide you through this process in the video (link below) that I made for you.

                                    Watch this short video for all the information and instruction on
                                        “How to Harmonize Your Heart and Brain” 

How to Harmonize your Heart and Brain outline

Turn your awareness inward to your heart space. It helps to place your finger, hand, or hands in any position that is comfortable to you over your heart to keep your attention focused there.

Slow your breathing down (example: 5 sec. inhalation, 5 sec exhalation).

Choose to feel in your heart either one or more of the following emotions: care, gratitude, appreciation, compassion for anything or anyone.

Here is a guided Harmonize Your Heart and Brain meditation with Sound Healing if you’re interested in taking this process to whole other level. 

Learn more about the HeartMath Institute regarding Heart/Brain connection research

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