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Wonder, curiosity, and learning through active engagement with the world around you is the root of intellectual wellness. The ability to apply the lessons you have learned and create a better living environment through these experiences going forward.

Connect with Intellectual Wellness WU World-Changers

Profile picture of Linda Gillan
Premier Member

Linda Gillan

Making a dent in STIGMA of mental illness. Speaking from lived experience with Brief Reactive Psychosis , PTSD and Anxiety.
Profile picture of Laurie Seymour
Premier Member

Laurie Seymour

Transformational Wisdom Innovator, #1 international best-selling author, co-host of Wisdom Talk Radio podcast, speaker and founder of The Baca Journey.
Profile picture of Jennifer Maki
Premier Member

Jennifer Maki

Uniting Mad Heroes and offering Xtraordinary Tips, Gadgets and Missions to Ignite meaning and Fuel heroic action for self, family, community and the world!
Profile picture of Lynda Goldman
Premier Member

Lynda Goldman

Write a wellness book that changes lives, with the help of Lynda Goldman, book coach, publishing expert and author of 44 books including Amazon bestseller, Write to Heal.

World Changers


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