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The creation of balance and harmony in ones life through our chosen career or field of work. Occupational wellness is firmly connected to societal health and well-being. Using your skills, talents, and gifts to not only enrich ones own life, but extending these gifts to enrich and encourage society.

Connect with Occupational Wellness WU World-Changers

Profile picture of Moira Hutchison
Premier Member

Moira Hutchison

Mindset Cultivator, Spiritual Guidance, Tarot Card Readings... Empowering you to shift through change and challenge with grace & ease.
Profile picture of Marilyn O'Malley
Premier Member

Marilyn O'Malley

Marilyn O'Malley, Energy Guide and Life Coach to Highly Sensitive and Creative People who are called to stand out and make a difference in the world.
Profile picture of Toni Warner
Premier Member

Toni Warner

I’m Dr. Toni. Mom of 3. Psychotherapist and Transformational Wellness Coach. I help driven, caring professionals to create balance so they can live, lead & love powerfully without sacrificing impact, health or relationships.
Profile picture of Asit Ghosh
Premier Member

Asit Ghosh

Transformation Catalyst - speaker, trainer, coach, NLP master, behavioral analyst and author - three decades in practice.

World Changers


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