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Hi my name is Carole and I call myself a "Light Worker".

Even as a little girl I saw the world differently to most of the people around me. I saw colours and energies, had insights and always felt things deeply. I didn't find out that this meant I was very sensitive and psychic until much later in life. 20 years ago I experienced what I can only describe as a true calling to the Light and Love. To begin with I knew I had to learn Tai Chi, I didn't even know what it was I just knew I had to learn it. The Universe led me to study Infinite Tai Chi with Master Jason Chan. I had attended Yoga classes with my Mother from age 14 and went on to train as a Yoga teacher . Since then I have continued to study and train to use these abilities and skills and follow my true Soul calling.

As my path unfolded my awareness opened to work with Divine Feminine Goddess Essence and this flows thro0ugh all of my work. I now follow inner guidance to help others to become empowered and uplifted, to feel positive, healthy and happy. For some this means worldly empowerment. But my core work is to help those with a calling to live a natural, inspired life to follow their path and open to new levels of awareness and consciousness. To bring forth their own deep Joy and Inner Wisdom.
To help achieve this I use a synthesis of Ancient Arts for Modern Times including Sacred Movement Energy Work: Infinite Tai Chi, Chi Kung and Yoga to strengthen the whole of the physical and energy bodies and support the Mind I use Meditation and Ling Chi Healing (Healing Light Healing), Spiritual Counselling and Coaching and Whole Life Readings.
I study and teach a blend of Tibetan Buddhism, Hinduism, and Taoism. All adapted for modern life.

After years of studying, practising, teaching and working with groups and individual clients these complimentary approaches resulted in the birth of Ling Chi Yoga ( Healing Light Yoga).
This is the powerful organic reunion of the Ancient Art of Yoga with the Powerful Practice ofLing Chi Healing. Bringing Yoga back to its' true purpose as a Healing and Awakening Path to Self Realisation.

Everything  I do is geared towards Healing. Using one or a combination of these approaches we explore how we can release and move our karma through the different levels of our consciousness with lazar focus. To Release, Cut Through, Transform and Transcend  the old experiences, patterns, programs and karma that hold us back from Truth.
In addition to One to One sessions I teach classes and workshops and run courses and seminars.
I meet in person and through Skype.
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If you are at a point on your journey where you feel the world doesn't offer you everything. You feel unfulfilled and sense that something is missing or incomplete but you can't put your finger on what it is. This could be the next step for you.

Love and Blessings Carole

Carole Park

Profile picture of Carole Park


Active 4 years, 12 months ago