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Can You Really Die of a Broken Heart?

March 24, 2017

“Awake, my dear. Be kind to your sleeping heart. Take it out into the vast fields of Light and let it breathe.” ~ Hafiz I’m writing this at the end of 2016, which carried the sad news of the death of Carrie Fisher. She left us all too soon at the age of 60 – and what was tragically…

Myths About Grieving and Loss

January 7, 2017

The attitude towards grief in mainstream America is often one of impatience. Many of us are uncomfortable with acknowledging our emotions, especially the negative ones. If you think about it, grief is just downright inefficient. Grief gets in the way of “business as usual,” because it’s the reaction to our lives being turned upside down…

Carrie Doubts

Profile picture of Carrie Doubts


Active 5 years, 2 months ago