Catherine Gruener posted an update 6 years, 11 months ago
Want to go to The Best Expo in Long Beach California for FREE? March 24th and March 25th.
I’m looking for college age psychology or community wellness students who want to come work my booth at The Best You Expo March 24th and March 25th. Got a son or daughter, niece or nephew who wants to go into psychology and would love to gain some exposure to community mental health. Give 4 hours of your time, get a free ticket to the ENTIRE Expo! ($40 value).
You get a ticket for the entire Expo, you get to learn an experiential exercise used in counseling and parent trainings at my booth, you get to engage in community psychology, and I’ll even throw in snacks and drinks.
Requirements from applicants:
Must be open and friendly
Work well with others
Be Responsible and Reliable
Support Gruener Consulting and Encouragement Parenting and it’s mission during their 4 hour shift
Agree to a background check
Provide 3 referencesJob tasks:
Show up on time
Read the information about Gruener Consulting and Encouragement Parenting
Hand out fliers and freebies to Expo participants
Answer simple questions about Gruener Consulting and Encouragement Parenting (what we do, where we are located, the services we provide)
Direct people to our website or to me for further questions (if they have any questions)
Complete sales if necessary
Stay at the Booth during your entire 4 hour shiftCheck out our Booth: https://thebestyouexpo.com/us/exhibitor/gruener-consulting/
Then contact me directly at Catherine.gruener@gruenerconsulting.com or call me at (872)216-5860 and let me know “I want to go to the Expo!”Feel free to pass this along to your trusted friends and family. And I’ll see YOU at The Best You Expo.
~CatherineGruener Consulting - The Best You ExpoLET YOURSELF BLOSSOM “We start with our strengths and build from that energy into problem solving other more challenging aspects of our lives,” Catherine Gruener. …