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I work for spiritually-oriented people who are facing a challenging, oppressive or scary legal situation. I help them navigate their challenge with calm, clarity and confidence so they can create the best possible outcome.

I am a licensed California attorney with 25 years' experience in more than a dozen areas of the law. I have mediated, arbitrated and taken many cases to trial.  I am also a professional life coach and an iRest Level II meditation instructor and compassionate inquiry facilitator.

I have more than 40 years experience in my own growth and healing, and have practiced and taught dozens of ways of meditation and prayer.

I can resonate with my clients' pain, in part because of my childhood trauma from physical and emotional abuse from an alcoholic step-father, which left me with years of depression, self-doubt, anger and social isolation.  I have been blessed to have had many teachers and guides who helped me ground my life in what I call the Great Peace, or the Peace that Passes All Human Understanding.

Helping my clients connect with and live more from this Great Peace fulfills my higher life purpose.

My spiritual practices have been based in Contemplative Christianity, Buddhism, Yoga, Zen, Chan, Sufi, Breathwork, and Native American Tradition.  I begin with my clients' practices, beliefs, and ways of deepening into their True Self, and I suggest and teach new practices for  variety and freshness.

My Specialties: Meditation, Contemplative Prayer, Stress-Reduction, Guidance on how to deal with attorneys, courts, mediations, judges, the IRS and other government agencies, lawsuits or divorce with calm, confidence, compassion and courage.

Duane Light

Profile picture of Duane Light


Active 4 years, 10 months ago