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    Elizabeth Kipp posted an update
    On Opioids and Chronic Pain: As to people turning to opioids as a solution to chronic pain, the clinical evidence shows that such medication is ineffective after 90 days – or worse, can actually cause an increase in pain, known as hyperalgesia. I know about hyperalgesia since I suffered from it unknowingly for years and years. Chronic pain is any pain - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual – occurring at least 15 days out of the month for three months or more. Dr. Peter Przekop offers non-pharmaceutical methods of addressing and moving beyond chronic pain in his book “Conquer Chronic Pain”, a foundational text on this subject, in my opinion. I have been through addiction to opioid pain medication and benzodiazapines and was blessed with the opportunity to learn Dr.Przekop’s methods. I and over 90% of the other chronic pain patients using his methods walked out of treatment pain free after 45 days. #ConquerChronicPain #UnleashYourHealingPower #WeCanRecover #kippinitreal 12241508_1651863168427412_5711589126011452947_n1
    Elizabeth Kipp posted an update
    ...and Tuesday came and it was purple and green #kippinitre IMG_8735
    Elizabeth Kipp posted an update
    Sparkler for the Day: "Can you feel your heart? Is it opening? Can you allow it to crack open? Maybe even allow the secret chambers of your heart and all the secret places where you never allow anyone in to blossom? Your soul resides inside this heart. This heart is imprinted with memories of this lifetime, other lifetimes, and the lifetimes of your dear ancestors. What if your soul is doing the work for your entire lineage? Is that a responsibility that is too much? Nothing is too much for God and every single time you chant you are connecting with God's all encompassing Love. God's Love is permeating the walls of your heart. Is there anything else you need? Ask for it. All the sorrow and hurt feelings... all the joy, celebration and inspiration... they live inside your heart. Who can come in? Who can walk these chambers with you? Can you break your heart open and say yes? Can you reclaim your power and say no? Can you trust that yes and no when spoken from the heart are both words of Love? Let your heart open.... and allow it to heal. You are not alone, Dear one. Every single time you love with sincerity, you are receiving love in return. That Love may come unexpectedly or from someone who you least expect it from. Perhaps the Love may come from the one you are Loving, perhaps it does not. But.... if you crack your heart open.... You may begin to Love in a different way... and you may see that you are Loving others who are worthy of your Love... As you crack your heart open the divine Love begins to bathe every chamber. The nectar of the Guru is within you. The fruit is hanging low and ripe. You can reach up with Grace. You are So very Loved. Touch it. It is yours. Share it. It is yours. Love. What is love if it is not shared? Openly? Eternally? Infinitely? Love is Love. Thank you, God, for showing us how to LOVE. We are so grateful for you, Dear God and Guru. Forever Grateful for the way you show us to Love. God Loves you... I do too...” ~ Karena Virginia #GetYourSparkOn #FeelTheRapture #WaheGuru #kippinitreal Watercolour layered hearts background
    Elizabeth Kipp posted an update
    It's a purple kind of Monday. #kippinitreal #WUVIP purple-flowers-2-042117-Waterlogue-2017-04-24-09-52-59
    Elizabeth Kipp posted an update
    Unleash Your Healing Power - Healing A Break | Days 21-24 I’ve been hunkered down for the last three days, resting, digging deep, pulling out yet more tools to bring to the healing table, beginning with asking for more help. Being of service works both ways after all. I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends around me. They have brought so much love and healing energy to the table, including so many prayers from you, my Facebook friends following this. The old patterns I had around chronic pain have tried to raise themselves up into new life, but I have caught them, fortunately, before they had a chance to reestablish themselves. You know, the ones that say “It will always be like this”, “you’ll never recover from this”, and on and on…I remain the witness to these old remnant thoughts/beliefs, but allow them to parade right through the canvas of my mind. Here’s the nugget I learned so profoundly: we have sensation, and we have a reaction to that sensation. It is in resolving, in neutralizing our reaction, staying in a place of witnessing, in pure conscious presence, that we dissolve any suffering and get out of our own way, letting the healing miracle emerge and work its magic. I am grateful for the teachings and for you, my friends, for your support, healing vibes, and love. We do this thing called life together. Blessed be. #UnleashYourHealingPower #LivingBeyondChronicPain #ComplementaryHealing #kippinitreal #WUVIP lilac-waterlogue-041517-cropped-with-website-and-logo1
    Elizabeth Kipp posted an update
    Report from the Back 40 ~ Ferns &Morels Spring is spreading Her verdant carpet across the land, even in the deep woods, where the morels rise and release their spores in billowy clouds amidst the gentle breezes. Walk softly, gently today, my friends. Life is emerging from beneath our very feet, so tread lightly. #ReportFromTheBack40 #GetOutside #SquirrelRun #kippinitreal #WUVIP Fern-in-spring-EK-logo-and-site-cropped-Waterlogue-2017-04-21-01-49-19-0022
    Elizabeth Kipp posted an update
    Of Night Owls & Spirits: Night owl hours, you have a rhythm all your own, tiny moments stretched out on gossamer time tendrils, punctuated by nectar drops of dreams, dappled and awash in star beams. Time of deepened prayers sent aloft into the veil. Come closely, I hear the spirits of the ancestors. “Harken! You are the one. It has all come down through us to you. You - the pinnacle of all the rest of us. This is your time. Remember.” #kippinitreal with gratitude to The Infinite and NASA Hubble Space Telescope for image of merging antennae galaxies. During the course of this collision, billions of stars will be created. #feelthewonder #WUVIP antennae-galaxy1
    Elizabeth Kipp posted an update
    On The Nature of Time: Time – we are so bound it, by its order. Our memories can trick us into moving backwards on the timeline or project how we imagine the future to be. We imagine that time is this fabric…a highway runs as warp and weft, albeit in a fragmented, fractal all its own. We say we are moving through time. I have a friend who views time as moving through us. I could bring up our laws governing time and the speed of light, but instead I’ll share this piece. Here is what I feel is the cool part about time: in the quantum world, in any given moment, I/you exist in different versions of ourselves in the past, the present, and the future along the whole continuum – all at once…and our existence itself lives as probability. So, whereas the world we live in day-to-day seems bound and ordered, seen from a different perspective, we exist in an unbounded, infinite space-time matrix. We live a paradox of the bounded within the unbounded. Go figure. #kippinitrealaspossible #ElizabethsBlog Distorted Time
    Elizabeth Kipp posted an update
    Sparkler for the Day: We live in a small, yet infinite, mysterious and miraculous world. May you always relish the wonder. #GetYourSparkOn #FeelTheRapture #WaheGuru #kippinitreal #WUVIP bush-in-bud-EK-logo-and-site1
    Elizabeth Kipp posted an update
    Living Beyond Chronic Pain - Healing a Break | Days 17-18 I am re-learning the lesson of the magic of our opposable thumbs all over again…one that I haven’t had to explore since my very early days indeed. To date, I have managed to open 36 cans of cat food one-handed without slicing myself open. A sweet victory. I sat quietly for a good 45 minutes today on my mat in meditation and chanting and managed to keep my left thumb and forefinger in gyan mudra (see image of my forefinger touching my thumb) for about 5 minutes at a time before having to rest them. In comparison, I can sit for hours on end with my right hand in this position, and at one point I could do that with my left. Between walking short distances and gaining back the strength and coordination in my left hand, my dominant hand, I am getting a great look at where the bar is set day-to-day. Though I am still having to grab a nap during the day, and am feeling somewhat like a yoyo emotionally, just when I feel I am about to burst into tears over not being able to do something which used to be second nature, I suddenly find joy in the smallest of accomplishments. Life in the fully engaged, all my feelings coming up raw and edgy, strong in whatever direction their prevailing winds are blowing at any given moment. I am grateful for the gift of the breath and knowing how powerful and profound breathing consciously, deliberately with my focus solely on it, and how this pulls me out of the seemingly incessant storytelling my mind engages in. It is quite the relief for me to be able to drop out of my mind’s chatter and rest quietly in the blissful peace of the steady, deep breath and the still point between the inhale and the exhale. I am grateful to finally have my morning sadhana practice back in some kind of working order. I can finally sit again with an almost straight back, with only a slight lean to the left, and do my practice, the one that I have been doing for long enough that to be in it again feels like slipping my foot into a well-worn comfortable old shoe. For the past two weeks or so since the accident, I was only able to lay quietly in meditation – a blessing, to be sure, but my usual morning sadhana has always been such a steadying force for me. The body wants to heal. I am learning once more to dig even deeper into patience and into allowing all that is coming up. I am learning to give myself a break, slow down, and listen more closely to the signals my body is giving me. These lessons are the guideposts for me to get out of the way, to unleash the healing power within, to be the witness to the healing miracle with all its multidimensional rainbow of physical and emotional expressions, to embrace this chapter in life just as ferociously and joyously as any other. #LivingBeyondChronicPain #UnleashYourHealingPower #kippinitreal #WUVIP EK-in-a-cast-gyan-mudra-cropped1
    Elizabeth Kipp posted an update
    Living Beyond Chronic Pain – Healing a Break | Day 16 I can now move one step beyond using the fingers on my left hand to help tie my shoes, an ability I regained four days ago, to now being able to grasp a spoon in my left thumb and forefinger and manipulate it somewhat. I must be careful how much strength I try to pull from this area as the bruising and swelling remain, though these are also getting incrementally better. I have been encouraged to move my fingers, but I am wary of pushing the envelope and inflicting yet more trauma into the area. This is a fine line, but I will listen to my inner knowing to tell me how best to navigate it. My wonder at the power and the sheer miracle of the body’s ability to heal has reached another level of awe. I cannot rush this process, but I can sure appreciate its persevering inching towards rebuilding these broken bones and damaged joint tissue. This power, this miracle, is most obvious to me in those moments when I just get still, just be. It is here in this place of being that I feel the healing coursing through me the most. I witness how thorough its magic is, as I feel the healing throbbing move – whoosh – to the rhythm of my heartbeat. I notice some sensations bolt through me like lightning. No cell is left behind. There is no suffering in this place of witnessing, of experiencing without judgment. Herein I discover once again the full measure of the body unleashing the healing power within. I have been through many times of healing in my life, but no matter how many times I return to this place of healing from an injury, I am humbled, struck to my core at the power in the pulse of life. The body wants, more than anything, to heal, to thrive, to express its potential. When we take care to feed, water, exercise, and rest the body, and then settle with reverence into the still quiet place within, we can discover and witness the magnificent living creation that we are. The body wants to heal. #UnleashYourHealingPower #LivingBeyondChronicPain #kippinitreal purple-phlox-CROPPED-Waterlogue-2017-04-08-18-17-36-EK-logo-and-site1
    Elizabeth Kipp posted an update
    Sparkler for the Day: “The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” – Marcel Proust #HappyEaster #Awaken #GetYourSparkOn #FeelTheRapture #WaheGuru #kippinitreal #WUVIP Sunbeams Coming Through Forest On To Path
    Elizabeth Kipp posted an update
    Morning #meditation with #bluebells and #treebeings in Bowden Woods, West Berkshire, England with gratitude to for the image #GetOutside #kippinitreal #WUVIP bluebells-Bowden-Woods-West-Berkshire-England-landscapelifescape-tumblr-com1
    Elizabeth Kipp posted an update
    Living Beyond Chronic Pain - Healing a Break | Days 0-14: Healing progress comes with time, patience, proper feeding and watering our bodies, and literally putting one foot in front of the other. Here are a few notes from the last two weeks since I fell and broke my left arm…and I am left-handed. Day 0: In the afternoon, I fell hard on some concrete when I tripped over a heaved piece of pavement…fortunately I was with a friend, who helped me up and drove me to the ER. The good news was that I hadn’t broken my elbow and that I didn’t need surgery. The not so good news was the number and location of the breaks up at the wrist. They set my arm in a sling, without medication, but with me doing slow focused breathing, along with benefitting from my prayers and those of a few friends. I went home in the early evening and slept until the next morning. The power of the breath and prayer - what potent healing tools these are, and they are always at the ready for us. Day: 1-11: I spent time both in bed rest and desk work, with limited walking from room-to-room. I was surprised at how tired I was, but I honored it. My mood was grumpy and erratic and this demeanor was a new phenomenon to me, at least when it lasted for days at a time. Here's the thing: I knew not to judge the moment and not to beat myself up for being cross and feeling down. I made sure to do the slow deep breathing and allow all that was coming up for me in the moment. What a powerful and profound practice this was for me. I lived through a color, a shade, a different harmonic - all part of what it means to be human. Somehow, I loved myself through all of it. Day 12: I walked 400 steps, 0.17 miles in 4 minutes, 20 seconds and had to rest. Exhausted, I took a nap and then had a good dinner and slept well for the night. Day 13: I tied my own shoes for the first time since the fall. It was so interesting to me what pure joy I got out of this heretofore simple task! Later, I climbed a flight of stairs...easily. Day 14: walked 4,133 steps, 1.7 miles in 3 hours...tired but not exhausted. It is easy for me as someone who moments before this accident was fit and full of energy, to turn and judge myself as not healing fast enough. To deny the extent of the trauma. To try and push through all of it and do my best to ignore the yearning messages of the body. After all, these are the hallmark old behaviors I had as a chronic pain patient. I am well over three and a half years into my recovery from decades of chronic pain. I was given a toolbelt of stress management tools when I was in Dr. Peter Przekop’s pain management program. The cool thing is that I seem to really have incorporated all those tools into a whole new lifestyle, living beyond chronic pain. We do recover. We just need to listen to and honor the body's messages to us. The body wants to heal. Our job is to provide it with the care it needs and then get out of the way, allowing the body to work its miracle of healing. This is a recipe to unleash your healing power and live a thriving life - beyond chronic pain. We don't have to suffer. #UnleashYourHealingPower #LivingBeyondChronicPain #kippinitreal EK-041417-cropped1
    Elizabeth Kipp posted an update
    Prognosis, Belief, & Healing - Let’s Get Real: So it just happened again. For the second time in my life, a doctor has laid down an ironclad prognosis. The first time this happened it almost broke me in two emotionally, until I remembered the difference between hard cold truth and probabilities. I went to the doctor today to get my arm re-X-rayed and a splint traded out for a cast. When he looked at the X-rays, he declared: "You will develop arthritis in this wrist. It's just a fact." ??? REALLY?!!! It would be honest to say that the likelihood of me getting arthritis in that wrist is high, but to pronounce a future event as a done deal...Geez! He is a doctor, not a fortune teller. He is supposed to help and instill healing vibes. Well, planting a belief like "you will develop xyz" as a fait accompli is just not what I call responsible. Or healing. Let's get real with the patient. Let's get clear and honest with our words. My body will heal. I am grateful this doctor set the bones. Very grateful. But do not presume to tell me or my body how to heal or pronounce a foregone conclusion on me. Listen up! What we believe makes a difference in how we heal and our quality of life generally. The science is there and spiritual leaders have been saying this for ages. I say to this doctor, "Thank you for helping me. I appreciate you setting the bones in my arm. There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy, and that’s the truth." #NeverTellMeTheOdds #UnleashYourHealingPower #LivingBeyondChronicPain #kippinitreal EK-purple-cast-0413171
    Elizabeth Kipp posted an update
    Sparkler for the Day: "We began as a mineral. We emerged into plant life and into the animal state, and then to being human. And always we have forgotten our former states, except in early spring when we dimly recall being green again. That is how a young person turns toward a teacher, how a baby leans toward the breast, without knowing the secret of its desire, yet turning instinctively. So humankind is implied along an evolving course through this migration of intelligences, and though we seem to be sleeping, there is an inner wakefulness that directs the dream. It will eventually startle us back to the truth of who we are." ~ Rumi #GetYourSparkOn #FeelTheRapture #WaheGuru #kippinitreal EK-site-and-logo-recolored
    Elizabeth Kipp posted an update
    Sparkler for the Day: "I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light of your own being." - Hafiz #GetYourSparkOn #FeelTheRapture #WaheGuru # kippinitreal purple-phlox-in-grass-with-EK-logo-and-site-Waterlogue-2017-04-08-18-17-00
    Elizabeth Kipp posted an update
    Please enjoy my newest blog "Living Beyond Chronic Pain: 5 Effective Ways to Manage Your Stress" Unhappy woman's form double exposed with paint splatter effect
    Elizabeth Kipp posted an update
    Forgiveness Prayer for Calm Mind and Open Heart: Divine Light, God, Higher Power, Infinite Creator, Source of All That Is – You go by many names, but You are One. We love You. Thank You for showering Your love upon us and never turning Your back on us. We are so grateful for all Your blessings. We ask, for all of our ancestors, through all time, space, dimension, and all realms: For all the times we lost sight and sense of what was in our hearts and projected our fears and failures onto others with blame and aggression – please help us all to forgive each other and ourselves, for all that happened, whatever it was, now and forever. Please and thank You. For the fear, frustration, sadness, and powerlessness we felt by the decisions, mandates, rulings, and actions made by those in positions of power over us as we watched their effects spur conflict to arise, continue, and conflagrate, and all the heartache, sorrow, and suffering that emerged in our lineage and in the world as a result. Please help us all to forgive everyone involved and help us to forgive ourselves. Please and thank You. For all the bullies and their blustering throughout the ages, and for the fears and insecurities that drove them, and for their effects on our lineage and the world – please help us all to forgive them and help us to forgive ourselves. Please and thank You. For all misunderstandings and conflicts of any kind, feelings of not being worthy, any time anyone tried to assert their power over us with force, and for those times we were disrespected in any way, and all that we suffered or caused suffering in others because of these issues – please help us all to forgive each other and to forgive ourselves. Please and thank You. Help us to seek understanding and stand firm in our conviction to resolve conflicts peacefully and whole-heartedly. Help us to heal those wounds within us that hold us in conflict with ourselves. Help us to feel Your eternal love for us and each other, and please help us to remember to hold fast to the love that lives within us, no matter what. Please and thank You. Please and thank You. Please and thank You. Amen. #AncestralClearing #ComplementaryHealing #ForgivenessPrayer #kippinitreal Bronze Ganesha and a Diya (oil Lamp)
    Elizabeth Kipp posted an update
    Smoky Mountain morning flower petal #meditation with gratitude to The Creator and Pinterest for the image of a #treebeing foot stone path strewn with spent Rhododendron flower petals #GetOutside IMG_8532
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Elizabeth Kipp

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Active 4 years, 11 months ago