Forgiveness Prayer for Spring Renewal - Body & Soul:
Divine Being, God, Higher Power, Infinite One, Creator, Source of All That Is — You go by many names yet You are One. We thank You for sharing Your love on us eternally. We love You and we are grateful. We ask You for all our ancestors, through all space, time, dimension, and all realms:
For all the times we entered the Spring and found birth and growth around us cut short; for the times we sowed seed and they didn’t produce they rotted in the ground;
for times of famine and heavy spring rains that turned into floods, spring seasons that came with no rains at all, times of powerfully damaging storms that we felt both outside and within our very souls;
for the dustbowl days and all the loss, grief and uncertainty that came with them;
for the times we didn’t think we’d survive and all we made that mean about ourselves, each other, life and even You, Higher Power: Please help us all to forgive each other for all that happened and help us to forgive ourselves - please and thank You.
For all the times our promises were broken, for the times others broke their promises to us, and for the times we broke our promises to ourselves - please help us all to forgive each other and help us all forgive ourselves. Please and thank You.
For all the times we felt internal strife; for the times we were at war with ourselves and didn’t know how to make peace, and all that arose in the lineage because of internal conflict, inflammation and downright anger - please help us all to forgive each other and help us all forgive ourselves. Please and thank You.
Help us learn to love each other and ourselves as you love us. Help us find peace with each other and ourselves. Now and forever. Please and thank You. Please and thank You. Please and thank You.
#AncestralClearing #ComplementaryHealing #ForgivenessPrayer #kippinitreal
Single wood anemone in forest
Sparkler for the Day:
Have…”the courage to show up and be seen even if it means risking failure, hurt, shame, and possibly even heartbreak. Why? Because hiding out, pretending, and armoring up against vulnerability are killing us: killing our spirits, our hopes, our potential, our creativity, our ability to lead, our love, our faith, and our joy.”
– Brene Brown, from Rising Strong
#GetYourSparkOn #FeelTheRapture #Vulnerability #kippinitreal #WUVIP
Peace Pod for the Day:
“We already have everything we need. There is no need for self-improvement. All these trips that we lay on ourselves—the heavy-duty fearing that we’re bad and hoping that we’re good, the identities that we so dearly cling to, the rage, the jealousy and the addictions of all kinds—never touch our basic wealth. They are like clouds that temporarily block the sun. But all the time our warmth and brilliance are right here. This is who we really are. We are one blink of an eye away from being fully awake.”
~ Pema Chodron
#PeacePod #ThriveInRecovery #UnleashYourHealingPower #LivingBeyondChronicPain #WUVIP #kippinitreal
Sparkler for the Day:
Show up. Open your heart, wider than you ever before imagined. Spread open your inner eyes and inner ears to envision and listen ever so deeply. Risk exposure and reveal your vulnerabilities. Cut yourself some slack. Uncloak your imperfections. Give yourself a break and reach out. It’s worth taking that great ….leap! #ToolsForBetterLiving #GetYourSparkOn #FeelTheRapture #kippinitreal #WUVIP with gratitude to for the image light-themantraresort-com1
Peace Pod for the Day:
I would like to live in a world where love isn’t a metaphor for sex or lusting for something else externally; where silence isn’t filled with fear or judgment, keeping me small and contracted, repressed and unexpressed; where laughing and grinning from ear to ear in pure joy isn’t considered grounds for being labeled as crazy, or if it is, it doesn’t matter – I just continue to laugh and grin, beaming with gratitude and joy; where the desire to help someone without expecting anything in return is the norm; where there is genuine communication, deeper than small talk, that cuts to the core of who we are, heart-centered and whole-hearted; where brother meets brother harmoniously, sister meets sister supportively, each of us and everyone joins together in grateful and thriving fellowship and community; where we can share differing viewpoints and respectfully agree to disagree; where the clarity is so great that I can see and accept what is right in front of me and what is happening right now; and where you and I realize in our bones that we are truly reflections of one another and inextricably bound to one another. Imagine a world like this – how beautiful it would be. This sounds like a dream world, a world straight out of a great well of imagination, right? Well, this world already exists. It sits squarely in the Field of Infinite Possibilities. It resides within us. This is a world that exists right here, right now, in the present moment. It is only a matter of choice. I choose to step in and live here in this world. I choose to open to the possibilities and let what is within me spring forth into this world. Come with me. Actually, you are already here. You need only choose and acknowledge it. We are all together in this world and in this moment. Let our consciousness stay here, expand and grow here, embraced by the love that we already are. #ToolsForBetterLiving #PeacePod #kippinitreal #wuvip with gratitude to for the image of Barn Owl Barn-Owl-wallpaperscraft-com-via-pinterest1
Sparkler for the Day:
“Every one of us is a teacher- we all have so much wisdom within. Yet who among us has it all figured out? Who isn't screwed up in some way? These days, I live in a world full of famous spiritual teachers and self help authors. And so far (I haven't yet met the Dalai Lama, so maybe he's exempt), I've not yet met one free of human foible. But we're all doing the best we can to make the world a better place and we're trying our damnedest to be good people in the process. The minute we suggest that someone needs to be free of human flaws before we can trust a divine transmission that comes through, that's the minute we are prone to the most unspiritual of traits- judgment. Would it not be better to open our hearts in compassion to those who are still struggling and veering astray on their spiritual paths?
Every single one of us is doing the best we can. None of us have it all figured out, even the ones you might be tempted to put on a pedestal. Do any of us want to be judged for our mistakes when we're doing the best we can? The world doesn't need more judgment. We need more COMPASSION, and every single one of us has the opportunity to grant this every day.
Think of one person you're judging today, one person who isn't living up to your standards, one person who is disappointing you or doing something you don't like. Would it be possible for you to tune into the part of that person that is hurting? Can you see that part as a little child who just needs love? Can you open your heart to that little child and reach out to that person with that kind of love?
When you do, you bless the world.”
- Lissa Rankin
“I believe that the spiritual path has ditches on either side of it. Sometimes we fall into the ditch on one side, correct ourselves, and get back on the path, only to fall into the ditch on the other side. Our bumps and bruises along the way are our best teachers. If nothing else, they prompt us to keep seeking.” – Cameron Sears
#GetYourSparkOn #FeelTheRapture #WaheGuru #kippinitreal
Peace Pod for the Day:
"Beauty appears when something is completely and absolutely and openly itself."
- Deena Metzger
#PeacePod #Soulness #UnleashYourHealingPower #kippinitreal #WUVIP EK-logo-and-site-Waterlogue-2017-03-27-16-28-111
Sparkler for the Day: Love gives because it is in its nature. It has no expectation of a return. #GetYourSparkOn #FeelTheRapture #Waheguru #kippinitreal #WUVIP 17424807_1282119175176205_1077614607735806954_n1
The promise of writing is that you can learn something you can't learn any other way. You're welcome to visit me at and get taste of what writing has done for me, plus you can pick up my FREE program "5 Ways to Relieve Stress, Fear & Anxiety: A Toolkit for Daily Use" #lkippinitreal Fountain pen signing a signature on paperwork
Sparkler for the Day:
"You are the light of the world. All you have to do is flip the switch." ~ Joyce Myer
#GetYourSparkOn #FeelTheRapture #WaheGuru #kippinitreal with gratitude to The Creator and Pinterest for the image #WUVIP IMG_84591
Sparkler for the Day:
The bravest thing we ever do is own who we are and love ourselves through it.
#GetYourSparkOn #FeelTheRapture #WaheGuru #kippinitreal #WUVIP IMG_84551
Sparkler for the Day:
“Love is a process in which ego is lost and infinity is experienced.”
- Yogi Bhajan
#GetYourSparkOn #FeelTheRapture #WaheGuru #kippnitreal #WUVIP
Sunset Woman
Enough of the Not Enough – We Are All Enough!
I’ve had it with the “I’m not enough” voice in my head – the negative ego run amok and that loves to visit anytime it can squeeze through any crack, or crevasse, or into any shadowed corner in my mind. I say, I’m done with it. Plenty of others have told me that I’m not enough for this or that, especially as a child, and a female child at that. I say to them all, “Keep talking. That is your message. I choose to ignore it, thank you very much. I’ve listened to and believed you long enough. No more.”
What’s even worse than others telling me that I’m not enough is that part of me, a version of the ego, that pipes up at any moment, especially when I’m about to do something new and I have no clue how it will turn out. In these moments, the Not Enough voice chimes in with its warning bells and sirens, saying, “Who do you think you are to try this? Do you really believe you are up to this challenge? And you know what happened to you before when you tried something new. You don’t really want to do this!”
Well, I’ve listened to the Not Enough voice for my whole life. I’m getting tired of its incessant dire warning. Enough of the Not Enough. I much prefer listening to the other voice, the Voice that says, “You are enough. You always were enough, and you always will be enough. I made you – and I don’t make mistakes.” This Voice of the Divine, our Creator, reminds me of this inherent truth that lives in me eternally. This truth lives in each and every one of us. We are all enough just the way we are. #YouAreEnough #RememberToRemember #ToolsForBetterLiving #kippinitreal #WUVIP elm-leaves-in-the-sun-032116-I-am-enough-0323161
Peace Pod for the Day:
I love this that Pope John Paul II said: “the ultimate test of your greatness is the way you treat every human being.” I would only add that the other test of our greatness is how we treat ourselves in our darkest moments. Do we lead with self-doubt and negativity, or do we lead with self-compassion?
#PeacePod #UltimateTest #Compassion #kippinitreal #WUVIP
Sparker for the Day:
" is alive and you are the vessel through which it may come to know itself in form. Never give up on love, for it will never, ever give up on you." - Matt Licata
#GetYourSparkOn #FeelTheRapture #WaheGuru #kippinitreal IMG_8355
Sparkler for the Day:
Let’s just be clear here. Comfort zones are not all that. Sure, we love cuddling up with a nice hot bowl of stew, in a soft, warm blanket by a fire when it’s snowing outside. It’s like revisiting the womb experience, right? We have food, warmth, and protection from the external forces in the world. Sort of. The comfort zone seems to me like a pretty passive place to hang out. Where’s the spark of excitement? Of life? We define our zone of comfort as that place where we know the lay of the land. We have surety. We think we have safety. Illusions all of it. Change – the opposite of a comfort zone is the constant after all. I say embrace the unknown. It’s inevitable. Why not go with the flow? That great Tool song “46 and 2” speaks to moving beyond the comfort zone: “…I wanna feel the changes coming down. I wanna know what I’ve been hiding in. My shadow. Change is coming through my shadow. My shadow’s shedding skin…I wanna feel the change consume me, feel the outside turning in…” Reach through the shadow of your comfort zone and step out into the sun. You’ll never know the joy of a sunbeam dancing unless you come out to play with it.
#GetYourSparkOn #FeelTheRapture #WaheGuru #kippinitreal 🙏💜🙏 IMG_8350