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As an intuitive Master Healer, I offer high level spiritual energy healing for individuals, families, pets, and groups. For 33 years my work has helped people own their inner peace, physical health, mental health, wholeness and spiritual growth.  Through empowerment I help people ride the waves of change in our world, and to succeed through all the opportunities in their lives.  As an author, teacher, award winning blogger and speaker/workshop facilitator I offer transformational leadership.  Contact me at
My Background
I have an intuitive awareness of where people are blocked in physical, emotional, mental or spiritual health and work with their Higher Self to set them free for optimal empowerment, health and inner peace.  My spiritual gift blossomed in my teen years and in my twenties I began to practice full time. I was immediately successful offering intuitive spiritual energy healing and continue to receive recommendations from Doctors and Psychotherapists.  When asked to teach others I chose to provide legal certification to my work and my graduate Healer Practitioners.  I have recently received the title of Master Healer in honor of my work.  My passion is the evolution, ascension, and healing of people and the planet.
I am the author of both an award-winning healing blog – The Weekly Word for Healing & Ascension, and of Riding the Wave of Change – Hope Healing and Spiritual Growth for Our World which has been called “A light to pierce fear’s darkness and reconnect us with the everlasting light of love”.   Over the years my understanding of how to use life’s challenges as springboards for transformation and healing has led me to provide transformational leadership for the ascension process which is currently underway on earth.  My Healing and Ascension Monthlies class is a joyful experience of ascension into unity with higher self and the oneness of all life, helping people ride the waves of change in their lives and in our world with ease and success.

I Offer
Healing Treatments for Adults and Children
Family and Relationship Healing
Pet Healing
The Weekly Word for Healing & Ascension Blog – - Recipient of an international award as one of the Best Healing Blogs on the Planet
Monday Prayer and Wednesday Meditation available through as well as Twitter and Linked-In

Healing & Ascension Monthlies – a 6-month series providing a positive perspective on world changes, joyfully potent meditations for healing and Ascension and transformational leadership.
The Healer & Ascension Certification Course - Offering Nationally Accredited UCM Healer Practitioner Certification
Monthly Articles in Body Mind Spirit Guide Magazine in print and online, and Wisdom Magazine online
Author and Public Speaker/Workshop Leader

Reach me at and

Awards and Affiliations

Weekly Word for Healing and Ascension Blog - Received an International award in 2017 as One of the Best Healing Blogs on the Planet from

Master Healer Certificate received from UCM for having certified the most Healer Practitioners of any individual in UCMs 100 years of service

Reverend, Master Healer - The Universal Church of the Master - an ecumenical Spiritualist Church

Articles published monthly in Body Mind Spirit Guide Magazine in print and online since 2006 and Wisdom Magazine online since 2015

Director The Healer Development Program

Reiki Master

Causes and Organizations

To support the healing and ascension of people and all life is my deepest passion.  I have trained others to assist with this work and together we partner with The One (by whatever name you call that) to help our world to heal and ascend into unity and unconditional love as gently as is possible.  What appears to be chaos and destruction in our world is actually a releasing of the old to step up to our true potential.  My Weekly Word Blog, book Riding the Wave of Change - Hope, Healing and Spiritual Growth for Our World and published articles focus on the positive aspects of the challenges we face and help people to ride the waves of change with trust, confidence and skill.

Eve Wilson

Profile picture of Eve Wilson


Active 5 years, 1 month ago