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Writer, mystic, happiness coach and open-hearted social activist.
Know this: "Something Beautiful Wants to Express through YOU."
You and I and everyone else DESERVE to live, are born to live, happy and fulfilling lives - and the Universe will always support us in that. To fully experience the life we are meant for, I believe we must each reach deep within ourselves to find our Core Identity and reach beyond ourselves to make a difference on this planet, in any order or simultaneously.
We each have a unique and beautiful purpose here on this planet and it’s our job to continue to ask what that is until we find an answer that deeply resonates with our soul.
Can you complete this sentence?  "I am here to........"
Your challenges and obstacles, the pain you have lived through, those are your teachers.  I have had my share, with years of deep depression. Think of yourself as being on a "Hero's Journey" and celebrate the strength in you that has brought you through thus far!
Your unrelenting quest to know the Truth of your Being and find meaning in your life will guide you to your own unique insights and world view. Your gifts and talents will help you to express all that beauty you discover there inside to benefit the world. No one else can do this for you, although it helps a LOT to have companions on the path, such as my friends here at The Wellness Universe.
I was a therapist (MSW) for 40 years and have been an ordained New Thought (metaphysical) minster since 1994. I also was clinically depressed for at least 20 yeas and working on my happiness in recovery for these past 20.  I bring both my personal and my professional experience to my writing, meditations, webinars and coaching, to bring some Light and happiness to others like myself.
Gerry Straatemeier WU Author Page  - I am so proud to have been chosen to be a Core Blogger here at WU:

I have three FB fanpages because I publish content in three different areas - and you may not be interested in all three.
Spirituality - Open Hearted Musings
Open Hearted Musings™ started as a private Facebook spiritual page for myself only.  I am a metaphysical minister and I was collecting quotes and commenting/taking notes on my personal insights in preparation for writing a book. I was clear on the message (living through the open heart) but was working on ways to really flush it out.  It also became the name of my blog and my web page and though the book is still in progress, this work has brought me to a deeper understanding that in turn informs my work – and eventually you will have a better book. I deliver tools from my Happiness Toolbox in my bi-monthly FREE Open Hearted Musings newsletters. (click to join)
Personal Happiness - Imagine Yourself Happy™
Depression is a deadly can not only lose your physical life to self harm, but it will also steal your energy and your joy and adversely affect everyone close to you while you are still breathing.  It can destroy relationships with those you love, destroy your career, and suck up any joy you have in life, leaving you wanting only to end the pain - as everyone who loves you stands helplessly by. It is no respecter of social status, income, ethnicity, religion, occupation or fame, as the headlines testify.
Imagine Yourself Happy™ is a Facebook community page and an upcoming book - and a topic on my blog.  I suffered from depression for many years and found relief and recovery in my early 50's.   Now 20+ years into that recovery, though I still learn more every day, I deeply want to share what I have learned in transforming my life from one of unrelenting gloom and unbidden suicidal thoughts  to one of freedom and joy.  I am also working on a Happiness Toolbox that I'm sending out through my bi-monthly FREE Open Hearted Musings newsletters.
My work at Imagine Yourself Happy is ME actively working every day on my (now 20 year) recovery from long-term, debilitating, suicidal depression and hoping to bring some Light to others like myself.  I write/post things that have meaning to ME and things from other wonderful healers that help to lift me up or help me to deal with life’s challenges, hoping each post will have meaning for you too or just even get you through a tough day.
Global Peace , Social Activism - Seasons for Peace and Nonviolence Tucson 
The “Seasons for Peace and Nonviolence” was born on the 50th and 30th death anniversaries of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.   It is an inspirational, educational, media and grassroots action campaign to teach peace principles at the community level and facilitate people working locally to promote individual, family, school, community and world peace and well-being.
This was a primary ministry for me before retirement, so I have taken it online. We celebrate 4 seasons, and I focus on those on the Seasons for Peace and Nonviolence Tucson FB page with my own original content and good news about work that others around the world are doing.

Gandhi/King Season for Nonviolence (Dec. 30-April 4th)
Season for the Earth The Earth (April-June)
Season for Humane Service  (July-September)
Season for Intercultural and Interfaith Understanding (October-December)

If you are inspired to start a group in your home community I will be delighted to show you how. There are plenty of tools online.  My own SNV ministry is now totally online and I hope you will join me there and become part of the conversation.
So, that's me.  I was born the week of Pearl Harbor (1941), it feels like I have lived at least 7 lives already, and I am excited about sharing any insights I have gleaned from my years on the planet and the work I have done in myself with you.
I SEE the Light of Love in you.

With Love -

Rev. Gerry Straatemeier, MSW

Gerry Straatemeier

Profile picture of Gerry Straatemeier


Active 5 years, 3 months ago