Gerry Straatemeier posted an update 8 years ago
These are unsettling time for me and maybe for you. Not only in the global happenings, but also a dear friend is transitioning; she is in and out of consciousness, her immediate family is with her. I have already said goodbye, but I know she is still here… and am sitting vigil in consciousness.
I was so disoriented yesterday because of the news of the day, I left a pot boiling on the stove and at another time turned off the water and left the garbage disposal going. Luckily Darwin caught me at both and alerted me to my state of mind. I’m of no use to anyone if most of me is somewhere else.
So, I had to take a little time quietly smiling and breathing to center myself in Source energy, Love, and know that, all fearful appearances to the contrary notwithstanding, life is good and all is well. I draw my strength from Love.
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