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    Gerry Straatemeier posted an update
    It is vital to balance inner work and outer work. If you become too focused on outer work, you become inauthentic and ineffective. If you focus too much on inner work, your Light does not shine where people can see it. This poster appears on my FB Peace Page, which has followers from over 45 countries, many in regions of conflict. It is my heart. My reach has dropped dramatically recently due to FB algorhythms and I am requesting if you feel moved to support my work, that you would "like" this page to expand its reach again. All love t to all WU. <3 Gerry #WUVIP lighthouse.back_.quiet_.Amazing.Pics_.SNV_.gs_.location.m
    Gerry Straatemeier posted an update
    Congratulations WU on reaching 2,000 members and opening up the groups. Am looking forward to getting to know WU all over again. Love, Gerry I took screenshots. Then old lady read instructions, lol. Screen-Shot-2017-07-15-at-5.31.42-PMScreen-Shot-2017-07-15-at-5.29.48-PM
    Gerry Straatemeier posted an update
    Congratulations WU on reaching 2,000 members and opening up the groups. Am looking forward to getting to know WU all over again. Love, Gerry I took screenshots. Then old lady read instructions, lol. Screen-Shot-2017-07-15-at-5.31.42-PMScreen-Shot-2017-07-15-at-5.29.48-PM
    Gerry Straatemeier posted an update
    Open your heart to the Infinite Power for Good flowing through YOU. It is yours to use for yourself, for those you love, for the planet. Love, Gerry Autumn_Stream_DOĞA Hayattı
    Gerry Straatemeier posted an update
    Those of us with a history of depression have very strongly traveled neural pathways for looking for what's wrong instead of what's right with the ourselves and our world. It is our default setting and makes us vulnerable to relapse. The good news is that we can deliberately change the balance by repeatedly and deliberately looking for, being grateful for, all that's beautiful and good and kind and inspiring. This discipline is one of the simplest and most effective "Happiness Tools." Hugz, Gerry #WUVIP
    Gerry Straatemeier posted an update
    Dearest Peacemaker, Even as we each take a stand for what we believe is moral and loving, let us never insist that our point of view is the only "right," and be open to listening deeply to points of view that differ so we can understand what they really need. All values are relative - that is, we hold many values at once, and prioritize them differently at different points in our life. We ALL do that. So it is up to us to understand how the other person has prioritized their values and look for values we share upon which to build our relationships. Only in this way can we see and support the Divine Love at the core of the other and create loving solutions we can both live with in peace. Love, Gerry #WUVIP I am really working hard to build this FB page, which is reaching people in 45 countries around the world and counting. So I would really appreciate you also share from the FB link: Thank you so much. abstract.hrse.butterflu.TheEclecticCloset.SNV
    Gerry Straatemeier posted an update
    Your life is a Stream of Clarity, of Wellness, of Peace, Abundance and Joy - and at any moment you have a choice to accept it, to welcome it - or not. If you find yourself off track simply sit quietly, breathe deeply, smily gently and contemplate the gifts of your life with gratitude. And choose again. Love, Gerry #WUVIP FB Share link:
    Gerry Straatemeier posted an update
    This smile doesn't come from something outside yourself which pleases you...this smile comes from your connection to your Source and smiles Love upon all you meet today. Start your day with brief "Breathing and Smiling" meditation...feel the difference in your energy as soon as you add the quiet smile. Love, Gerry child_smile_Our Beautiful Planet.HLL.nai
    Gerry Straatemeier posted a new activity comment
    Heather, this one didn't share out. The Wellness Universe one did. Please share with the IT team. Screen Shot 2017-02-14 at 10.21.15 AM
    Gerry Straatemeier posted an update
    As Lightworkers, I think our function is not to look the other way and pretend nothing is happening when we see injustice - we wouldn't walk past a child being beaten in the sidewalk and pretend we didn't see - but to participate actively and with great love in helping to bring about the peace and justice we desire, keeping things positive around us. But if we don't succeed in melting the hatred, any gains will be nice but short-lived so we must work continually towards healing the hate we encounter. Peace and Blessings to you, Love, Gerry
    Gerry Straatemeier posted an update
    These are unsettling time for me and maybe for you. Not only in the global happenings, but also a dear friend is transitioning; she is in and out of consciousness, her immediate family is with her. I have already said goodbye, but I know she is still here... and am sitting vigil in consciousness. I was so disoriented yesterday because of the news of the day, I left a pot boiling on the stove and at another time turned off the water and left the garbage disposal going. Luckily Darwin caught me at both and alerted me to my state of mind. I'm of no use to anyone if most of me is somewhere else. So, I had to take a little time quietly smiling and breathing to center myself in Source energy, Love, and know that, all fearful appearances to the contrary notwithstanding, life is good and all is well. I draw my strength from Love. Love, Gerry
    Gerry Straatemeier posted an update
    We live in turbulent times and many people have been tossed out of their comfort zone into a maelstrom of chaos and fear...and for many, deep anger. There is temptation to give in to fear and for some of my friends, hatred and derision. That will not bring us the world we are working for. Mother Teresa once said that she would not join an anti-war protest, as strongly as she felt about war and peace,, but if someone would hold a PEACE rally, fighting FOR peace instead of against war, she'd be the first one there. I paraphrase. Gandhi and King, whose principles I teach, anchor their philosophies and strategies soundly in the principle of the Golden Rule, of Brotherly Love, the foundation of every one of the world's major religions. Of course if we believe a thing seems harmful to other human beings or Mother Earth, we are morally bound to resist it. But we fight for justice and fairness...brotherly love... and hatred has no place in our struggle. We must remain in our hearts and affirm and trust that Love is stronger than hate and fear. abstract.hrse.butterflu.TheEclecticCloset.SNV
    Gerry Straatemeier posted an update
    I believe the key to happiness is to experience the Divine everywhere Perfectly Present. Beauty is one of the fastest ways to experiencing The Presence. Love, Gerry background.purple.flower.Flowers and Nature.HLL
    Gerry Straatemeier posted an update
    I have been teaching principles and practices of peace and nonviolence, especially from Mahatma Gandhi and Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for 20 years. For me, this was a ministry and after retirement, I have brought it online. To accompany this poster, I am sharing below a powerful quote from one of Dr. King's sermons that I believe explain the 2 aspects of the challenge he faced - his movement worked successfully to gain civil rights for black Americans of course, and nonviolence was the path to gaining those rights as well as a spiritual path of Love. Indeed, Dr. King gave his life for his movement. ""Do to us what you will and we will still love you. We cannot in all good conscience obey your unjust laws and abide by the unjust system, because non-cooperation with evil is as much a moral obligation as is cooperation with good, and so throw us in jail and we will still love you. Bomb our homes and threaten our children, and, as difficult as it is, we will still love you. Send your hooded perpetrators of violence into our communities at the midnight hour and drag us out on some wayside road and leave us half-dead as you beat us, and we will still love you. Send your propaganda agents around the country, and make it appear that we are not fit, culturally and otherwise, for integration, and we’ll still love you. But be assured that we’ll wear you down by our capacity to suffer, and one day we will win our freedom. We will not only win freedom for ourselves; we will so appeal to your heart and conscience that WE WILL WIN YOU in the process, and our victory will be a double victory.” MLK "Agape Love" sermon feather-1588819_960_720.SNV
    Gerry Straatemeier posted an update
    I have been teaching principles and practices of peace and nonviolence, especially from Mahatma Gandhi and Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for 20 years. For me, this was a ministry and after retirement, I have brought it online. To accompany this poster, I am sharing below a powerful quote from one of Dr. King's sermons that I believe explain the 2 aspects of the challenge he faced - his movement worked successfully to gain civil rights for black Americans of course, and nonviolence was the path to gaining those rights as well as a spiritual path of Love. Indeed, Dr. King gave his life for his movement. ""Do to us what you will and we will still love you. We cannot in all good conscience obey your unjust laws and abide by the unjust system, because non-cooperation with evil is as much a moral obligation as is cooperation with good, and so throw us in jail and we will still love you. Bomb our homes and threaten our children, and, as difficult as it is, we will still love you. Send your hooded perpetrators of violence into our communities at the midnight hour and drag us out on some wayside road and leave us half-dead as you beat us, and we will still love you. Send your propaganda agents around the country, and make it appear that we are not fit, culturally and otherwise, for integration, and we’ll still love you. But be assured that we’ll wear you down by our capacity to suffer, and one day we will win our freedom. We will not only win freedom for ourselves; we will so appeal to your heart and conscience that WE WILL WIN YOU in the process, and our victory will be a double victory.” MLK "Agape Love" sermon feather-1588819_960_720.SNV
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Gerry Straatemeier

Profile picture of Gerry Straatemeier


Active 5 years, 3 months ago