We live in a spiritual universe, based upon spiritual laws. I believe in the Law of Compensation...Karma...and I understand that we "inter-are." That is, we are not separate except by illusion, like waves of the ocean or rays of the sun.
While we are working for a more loving world, we MUST stay in this awareness of our Oneness, our common humanity. This keeps us linked to Source-Power, Love.
Even if others who oppose us fight dirty, the only way to win what we truly desire is by speaking our truth without hate, and joyfully embodying the Love and Peace we are working to create.
Love, Gerry
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I’m a little overwhelmed tonight, in a really good way, as I see the gigantic “Women’s Marches” all over the US and in 50 countries all over the world that all had one overarching theme, “LOVE.”
The day was a massive demonstration of UNITY-ONENESS, from every corner of the world…if you marched today, you know that the LOVE that was in the air was much bigger than any of the issues individuals marched and cheered for.
Make no mistake, the issues were very personal and very important to people. But the issues were diverse and so all melted into a One-LOVE fest. And Love is something we can all get behind.
Even I heard a report that in SF there was a pro-life event scheduled before the Women’s march and the two groups held a friendly chants back and forth “Pro-Life,” “Pro-Choice” as they changed places. People everywhere were kind, peaceful , and totally supportive of each other.
I have written several times about the awesome privilege as a #WUVIP of being part of worldwide circle of LOVE - people like us, the world over, who spend every day putting positive, world-changing , loving inspiration and information out into the cosmos, into the collective consciousness.
And today I saw that Love out-pictured today on the streets all over the world - WOW! I think we're onto something Yuge!
Love, Gerry
From Seasons for Peace and Nonviolence Tucson, where we "live love and build peace, around the world." https://goo.gl/ZKsTMemajestic-sunrise-at-the-ocean-pubdompics.SNV
I won't pretend this is easy unless you are sitting on a mountaintop. But this is what nonviolence means. It is a spiritual path as much as a practical strategy. Nonviolence lives through our thoughts, words and deeds. Dr. King said, "You may kill me, but you can't make me hate you." So, the best we can do is to keep returning to Love, each time we are distracted or provoked, return to Love - and Love will inform whatever's next for you.
Love, Gerry
Today has been a tough day for many people, including me, because it was inauguration day in the US and, well, "my side" lost an election and I'm afraid "the other side" is going to trample on everything I hold dear.
The thing is I might be right...and I am committed to do everything I can, to continue to fight FOR the things I have worked for all my adult life - but even so, I must do so in high consciousness...Love Consciousness...because "the other side" are other humans, other emanations of the Divine and we are each others' teachers.
My son once had to decide whether he was going to come live with me in Oregon or stay in California with his father. He was in AA and spoke to his sponsor who told him, "If you move there, you will learn lessons. If you stay here, you will learn lessons." I have never forgotten that great advice. We are here to give our gifts and to learn lessons on the way to spiritual unfoldment.
Dr. King and Gandhi both modeled for me how to take a moral stand for what you believe is right without giving in to hating the people on "the other side." I'll do my best every day to live to that high standard. Some days I will fall short of the mark, but I will keep trying, because Love is my spiritual path.
Peace and Blessings,
Gerry #WUVIP
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No one is born bad. We each have the Light of Love at our core. At the same time, we all are out of tune with that core at times, experience fear in all its forms and behave in ways that hurt people, even on purpose at times.
If we want to live in a peaceful, prosperous world and leave that to our children, then when we interact with people, it is vitally important to speak from our Highest Self to the other person's Highest self we know to be there.
This way, we move our associate away from their fear and our relationship can shift.
"Do to us what you will and we will still love you." MLK, discussing the obligation not to obey unjust laws on the one hand and on the other hand to embody Love not to become bitter.
FB Share link with excerpt from MLK Agape sermon: https://goo.gl/ZKsTMe feather-1588819_960_720.SNV
I KNOW Love is the answer and the path to the peace I long for. So, I confess it is not easy in these divisive times, but I aspire to, I am working to, love without judgment even those whose actions may harm us. I invite you to join me in sending blessings to those who have already harmed you, or may in the future. Your heart doesn't need the baggage and as a Light of Love you will be a safe haven for all you encounter. All Love, Gerry pexels-storm.photo.gs.SNV.n
Amma is pure Love emanating to bless all who enter her presence and here she teaches us how to remain peaceful while everyone around us seems to be mad. When we enter the madness in anger and resistance, we become part of the problem. Practicing this is not easy for me, but I have gotten better over time because I understand its wisdom.
Amma will be on the US East Coast November 20-23 at the Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center and on the West Coast November 25-29 Fairmont San José. There should be public evening sessions. I myself have not yet been blessed by her presence, except through a friend who spends 6 weeks a year at her ashram.
Abundant Blessings to you and yours.
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