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"Healing is bringing all the pieces you left behind  and making yourself whole again" Jacqueline Conroy
Imagine if someone would ask 'what has happened to you?', listen to you without judgement to understand your pain and fears, and walk beside you to find the courage to heal, change and grow. Abuse, neglect and trauma is what happened to you, it is not who you are.
I am passionate about guiding women and young people in a safe, compassionate, and non-judgemental therapeutic space through the pain, shame and fear to find peace, joy and happiness. I will walk beside you from the darkness of pain, confusion and fear into the light of a peaceful and happy life.
My mission is to guide all those who work with me to:
heal mental, emotional and spiritual pain and emerge from the shame and pain;
live with peace, happiness and hope as the norm rather than the exception;
create lasting change to live wholeheartedly and make your dreams a reality.
I am a holistic Mental Health Social Worker, Professional Counsellor (Level 4) and Trauma/Abuse Survivor Recovery Coach. I hold registration with the Australian Association of Social Work (AASW) and the Australian Counselling Association (ACA) with access to Australian Medicare and Health Insurance rebates.

I am the mother of four and grandmother to one. I live in the natural beauty of Queensland, Australia where the tropical rainforest meets the Great Barrier Reef. I combine my professional learning with practice wisdom and rich and full life experience including the lived experience of mental illness.
I believe in the universality of trauma for all mental and emotional illness - with depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and psychosis being symptoms of the trauma. I understand that self harm and substance use are coping strategies and these strategies can be changed for less harmful ones.
I recognise that you are the expert in your life and work with a mix of therapies to best meet your unique healing needs. I am able to work with individuals and families.
Together we will untangle your mental, emotional and spiritual threads to heal the pain, shame and fear to access your deep knowing and truth so you can hear your heart sing.Together we will develop a holistic psychological therapy plan that meets your unique needs using talk therapy, art and creative therapeutic approaches.
Beautiful one, the world needs the shining light of the authentic unique YOU.
Living in hope and beauty
Jacqueline Conroy
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Get to know me better and contact me by visiting my website Jacqueline Conroy Talking Therapies
Visit my Adacdemy for online courses - you will find my flagship course Soothe Your Spirit here

Jacqueline Conroy

Profile picture of Jacqueline Conroy


Active 7 years, 4 months ago