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Jennifer Maki is a Seeker, Speaker, Communications Aficionado,  Executive Coach, Facilitator, Chief Visionary Officer & Owner of Project YES! Life, and above all, a Mom and LifeSchool Educator for her brilliant boys. Most recently, Jennifer is author of The Mad Hero’s Manifesto and founder of The Phone Booth Project, a movement to ignite the hero within us all and fuel heroic action in the world.

Part of Jennifer's Xtraordinary mission is to contribute to projects that initiate opportunities for people to authentically connect and powerfully co-create... The Wellness Universe is one such movement. As such, Jennifer is honored and thrilled to assist the WU Team as Communications Advisor and as Editor for WU News - our weekly newsletter highlighting the life-altering and wellness-enhancing contributions of #WUVIP.

Jennifer’s career in Communications, Public Relations and Leadership Development for over 15 years, has spanned the British West Indies, Europe, the US and Canada. From agency and non-profit to innovative entrepreneurs, Jennifer has empowered leaders and teams to transform inspired visions into powerful programs to initiate change. Her clients have been featured by the likes of The New York TimesThe Wall Street Journal, Money Magazine and CBC TV and CBC Radio to name a few.

But what sparked her desire to Step In to the Phone Booth and Don the Cape of Possibility with her kids and form a league of Xtraordinary Game-Changers? Her life-long study of the tenacity and depth of the human spirit; people put to the test who come out swinging and inspiring despite the odds; the ordinary heroes who reveal the potential for extraordinary within us all. 

And her vision is to show the people, leaders, teams and communities of this world just how powerful they are to Shift the World for WoW one Xtraordinary Game-Changing Mission at a time. As we live so we inspire and empower the next generation of XGers to Suit Up!

Jennifer Maki

Profile picture of Jennifer Maki


Active 7 years, 4 months ago