Jennifer Moore posted an update
Independence has taken on new meaning to me in the last few years. I realized, while there’s no denying innocents imprisoned by tyranny, for many of us it’s our own fear and doubt that keeps us tolerating mediocrity and pain.
Even if opportunity knocks if we don’t have the courage to change the things we can, we’ll keep spinning our wheels. Whether it’s making dietary changes, getting sober from drugs or alcohol, quitting a lousy job, leaving an abusive relationship or getting out of our own way to go after our dreams... it’s not going to happen until we do our inner work.
Here’s where EFT comes in. With over 35 years on the path of spiritual development, personal recovery and energy healing, I’ve never found a more effective & efficient tool than EFT/Tapping.
That’s why I decided to become a practitioner and continued to jump through all the necessary hoops to qualify as one of 18 Master Trainers here in the United States for EFT International. To say that I am proud and honored to serve as a teacher for EFTi is an understatement.
IMHO the world needs EFT practitioners more than ever right now. I’m offering my next Level 1&2 Practitioner Training August 9-11 here in Maine. Visit for more info, comment below to get the ball rolling.
#EFTtraining #EFTI #EFT
#EFTpractitioner #EmotionalFreedom #EmotionalFreedomTechniques #EFTTrainer #PersonalGrowth #EnergyHealing #EnergyPsychology #Iamokay #EmpathicWoman #Healing #Wellbeing #SpiritualHealing #healer #spiritualhealer EFTTrainingMeme2
Jennifer Moore posted an update
SUCH a BLAST offering my WU Expert Workshop today! If you missed it don’t despair the recording is coming soon! Visit to get free access!!! 765F9758-A2F6-4F75-B1EC-6B859F7B8E2B
Jennifer Moore posted an update
I am getting so excited for my WU Expert Workshop on January 24th 2019 at 2PM Eastern Time. I recorded a video to explain a little more about what we'll be covering. Here's the link to the video! maxresdefault
Jennifer Moore posted an update
EFT is the special sauce that has made my life HUM. In the over 3 decades I've been doing this work, I've never found a modality that is more efficient, elegant and effective as tapping. I am thrilled beyond words that I get to share this powerful tool with you and help others become accredited practitioners too! FMI visit EFTflyerFinalLocal
Jennifer Moore posted an update
I'm really excited (and honored) to be part of the first annual New England Energy Psychology Conference: Autumn Energy Event in Worcester MA this November 3&4. Since this happens to fall on the weekend following All Soul's Day and Dia De Los Muertos, I’m really thrilled to be presenting: Stepping into the Light: Healing Ancestral Burdens with EFT. This will be a hands on presentation about how we can do work not only for ourselves but also to support and revitalize our ancestral lines. If you're a holistic practitioner or simply curious about energy medicine this weekend is gonna be AWESOME. Check out for more info! JEMpathic
Jennifer Moore posted an update
Making Bowl of Beauty Peony Flower Essence IMG_3892