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My name is Jennifer Tasker, my friends call me Jenny. I was born an Empath, Light Energy Worker, and Clairvoyant. My other gifts from Source include Intuitive Coaching, Writing, and Poetry.

I first found my connection with spirit during a traumatic experience at the tender age of five. Throughout childhood, the abuse continued, but I never lost my way, thanks to this strong connection and guidance from Source. I was always guided back to my light and found a way to rise above and beyond each phase I went through. 

I met my Soulmate Shawn at 18. Due to severe Endometriosis, I was told that I could not have children of my own. Thanks to my strong connection to spirit I learned that what these doctors told me didn't have to come to be, 17 miscarriages and 27 surgeries later I was a mother of 2 beautiful indigo children.

My employment background is primarily in Healthcare looking after the resident accounts for a long-term care facility. Upon completing Non-Violent Crisis Prevention training at the CPI, I began working closely with WorkSafe BC and developed a leading-edge ‘Purple Dot Program’ which provides caregivers the skills and tools they require to ensure a safe, ‘Person-Centered Care’ environment. This program is now an essential tool used in hospitals and care facilities Canada wide.

In 2009, I was diagnosed with a rare debilitating condition called Mastocytosis. It causes my body to produce way too many mast cells and they are very overprotective.

Normally, our mast cells are a great thing. They are there to protect and alert our body to all sorts of dangers and allergens, and actually work to protect us from said dangers. But in a condition like mine with just too many mast cells, we are in a constant high alert mode, always in what we call a ‘flare’ just beneath the surface. Due to our unpredictable and sensitive ‘alert mode’, almost anything can trigger us and cause us to go into ANA. (Anaphylaxis Shock) Basically, you never know what you are going to get each day, as the symptoms and effects are always changing, and adapting. Tricky little cells those.

So, I spend my days going in and out of flares, alternating good days and bad. Waxing and waning just like our Moon. I always do my best to remain focused on the blessings in each and every beautiful moment of each and every day and have faith and trust that my light will always show me the way.

I am grateful to be home with my family, and for the days I am able to write and share some inspiration, laughter, or thought-provoking quote.

I am even thankful for those bad days, the ‘resting times’, as they always make me feel lighter and stronger, getting brighter with each flare I overcome. I feel like I’m literally glowing in all of my light, giving me the courage, and strength I need, to continue to persevere, move through, and beyond this recent challenge.

It is an immense blessing and honor it is to be walking alongside our amazing World-Changers every day.  This wellness movement is opening the doors to the change we've all been working so hard for. Together, we will achieve World Peace and global wellbeing. has helped rekindle my own gratitude for life. It's reignited my passion for writing, really deepened the love and acceptance of myself, and has created the deepest connections and life-long friendships.

I am honored to have shared, a piece of myself with you. I hope it helps to remind you to have continued faith. To trust and embrace your resilient light. Always remain grateful, even for those struggles, as they will only make you a stronger, brighter, and much wiser person for it.

I am closing with a poem. Do you ever feel like our ever-changing Moon?

I Feel Like the Moon

I feel like the moon, a sliver of light,

a wink of brightness in the darkness of night.

I feel like the moon, as with each passing day,

I get fuller and brighter, lighting my way.

I feel like the moon, so full and so bright,

as the world is aglow, with all of my light.

I feel like the moon, as my light whisks away,

as the tides rumble through me, and I begin to fade.

I feel like the moon while I rest and I heal,

as my whispering light reminds me to feel.

I feel like the moon, beginning a fresh new glow,

as my strength grows only stronger when I just let it flow.

I feel like the moon, as I boldly shine,

this light that surrounds me, that is completely divine.

I feel like the moon, this ever-changing ball of light,

just waxing and waning with all of my might.


Jenny Tasker


 Treasured Testimonial 

Jenny has been an amazing support for The Wellness Universe for over 5 years. As a light-worker and highly sensitive being, Jenny serves with authentic, heart-based energy that allows everyone to feel heard, seen and supported in the highest and for their greatest good. This very rare ability shines through in ALL she does! Jenny is a phenomenal and most treasured resource for The Wellness Universe, supporting our members, a super resource for inspiration and blog article contributor as well as getting our message out. She is all heart, wise, dedicated and kind beyond expectations. Jenny is a reliable woman with the highest energy vibe I have every come across. Every day is a great day! Jenny is the quintessential Positive Inspiration you see online and truly represents all she shares with the world for her own brand. Thank you, Jenny, for all you do and for everyone you touch. You are truly wonderful and cannot imagine WU without you!!

~ Anna Pereira , Founder, The Wellness Universe

Causes and Organizations

I suffer from a rare disease called Mastocytosis.

If you would like to learn more about this condition, or how you can help please consider visiting these sites:

Jenny Tasker

Profile picture of Jenny Tasker


Active 5 years, 2 months ago