Linda Gillan posted an update 6 years, 8 months ago
G’day, I am the REAL Face of MENTAL HEALTH, speaking from LIVED EXPERIENCE with Brief Reactive Psychosis. Please meet ‘Tully’ bear.. a significant chapter in my book INSIDE LOOKING OUT. I am writing my memoire, to increase understanding and help break STIGMA of Mental Health and I intend to open a centre for FAMILIES of people with Mental Illness. I am studying for the Diploma of Mental Health.
I am reaching out for your support by sponsorship of Donation or ‘IN KIND’ towards reaching my goal for my BOOK LAUNCH on 27 Nov 2018… I am saving for:
> Flights, Perth WA – Toronto CA in November.
> International BOOK DISTRIBUTION to Schools & Hospitals
> Premises for MUD to STARS CENTRE (Perth Australia)EVERY single $1 dollar helps ~ Thanks a Latte xx Linda
https://www.paypal.me/HEARTofLINDA/1Linda Gillan ~ HEART of LINDA Enterprises
Perth Australia: (+61) 0416122765
Email: linda@heartoflinda.com http://www.heartoflinda.com.#InsideLookingOut #mentalhealth #spiritYOUality and #everythinginbetween #memoire TULLY-Balcony-@-Flat-5-Mosman-Park-2-ILOVery-Pensive-Victor-A