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I work with professionals and entrepreneurs who are experiencing self-sabotage or procrastination or who are struggling with finding motivation or perhaps feeling stuck and overwhelmed. Using a holistic approach, I help them to recognize and remove their mindset blocks and patters of limitation so they can create more abundance and thus they truly serve their purpose in this world with confidence, inner-peace and a connection with their unique gifts & inner wisdom.

Ever wonder why you can’t overcome an obstacle in your life, even though there doesn’t seem to be any real reason that you can’t? Discouraging, isn’t it? Sometimes you need a wee boost, some encouragement, or a different perspective to give you the motivation to achieve your goals. Think about it: If you wanted to do something and could have done it on your own, you would have done it already!!

One reason that people fall short of their goals is that they keep attempting to solve the same problems with the same toolkit–themselves. How can a toolkit be expected to fix itself?

If this is what you see happening in your life, the solution could be easier than you think… You can get started by getting your copy of my Inner Peace Kit.


Life Coaching
Energy Healing
Tarot Card Reading
Akashic Record Reading
Mindfulness & Meditation

Why I do this work:

I get so sad to hear people talk about themselves in a derogatory and judgmental fashion - giving more importance to the "Inner Critic".  Where is the loving nurturing that we all need?

It deeply saddens me when I hear people say that they will never succeed or achieve their dreams (or even have one!) or that they hate the way they look.

For me, it’s all about ensuring inner connection for people – helping them see that there IS a divine plan for them and that they can choose what and how they show up in their lives!

I want to get people to take FULL responsibility for the life they have created for themselves… ultimately creating what makes them happy!! You can learn about some of my clients successes here.

How I work:

I love working with people in private sessions or in group sessions and workshops… I help you recognize what the actual blocks are for you and then together we create a plan of action and the appropriate tools to get you from where you are to where you wish to be with grace and ease.

If you are ready to see how I can help you break free of those limitations and obstacles that are keeping you stuck or playing small - let's talk.

Causes and Organizations

Ottawa Integrative Cancer Centre (non-profit organization to provide complementary care and support for those with and affected by cancer)

Tone Magazine (non-profit to support the consciousness raising community)

Moira Hutchison

Profile picture of Moira Hutchison


Active 4 years, 9 months ago