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Hello! Nice to meet you here. I work with busy working women who want to have a balanced life but struggle with making themselves a priority. Together we create a plan for work-life-balance that is easy and achievable so they can feel energized and in control again. It is my honor and calling to serve and connect with women through the profession of health and wellness coaching and the life practice of yoga.

Not too long ago I was a full time stressed out mom of 4 sons who worked as an administrative assistant for my husband while operating an online store. Busy and stressed were my friends. Relaxation was a fairweather friend.  From the outside, everything in my life looked great, but on the inside I was stuffing my emotions down as far as I could send them, numbing myself with food and alcohol just to cover up what I was feeling.

One day I made a decision in the midst of my chaotic life to try a yoga class.  At the end of class while in Savasana, I began to cry as something in me that day was allowed be acknowledged.  My journey from this place slowly unfolded over the next 6 years to where I am today. I went on from this place to complete a yoga teacher training and from here  I completed and became certified as a health and wellness coach.

Today, I’m just as busy as I ever was, but my life is now one of balance.
I now have the ability to recognize when I’m feeling overwhelmed and to use the skills and tools I’ve gathered to reconnect with myself and get back to a place of calm and focus.
I want for women who like me are overwhelmed with the many roles they carry to find and live with self-care and a balanced life as it needs to be where they are.  Finding and taking action for myself was life-changing for me. I believe self-care is not just for some of us but for all of us and is the foundation for living a thriving life allowing greater service and care.

Connect with me at my home!



Profile picture of NANCY STEVENS


Active 5 years ago