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    Penny Hodgson posted an update
    Happy Sunday fellow WU members! Just in case you didn't see the post in The Exchange....I am offering 50% off the registration fee for my upcoming workshop to all WU members! As an added bonus - the first 100 people to register will get a complimentary iTunes download of my book! PM me for details! IT'S TRUE! WU MEMBERS SAVE 50%!
    Penny Hodgson posted an update
    It takes time, effort and money to earn certification or a degree and when a person has dedicated a part of their life to that education, the desire for that effort to be recognized and validated and rewarded can become more important than the initial motivation behind all that effort. Last week, when I read the blog post Patient Harm: Betrayal, Heartbreak and how To Heal by WU World Changer @sheila-l-kalkbrenner, I was reminded that many people make assumptions about the people who work in the health and wellness industry. I learned very early on that people are people regardless of their title and people are human and make mistakes. Their intentions might be coming from a good place.......but they are unknowingly inflicting harm on others all the while thinking they are doing good. The first few surgeries I had were performed by people who had good intentions, but had not yet learned or accepted their temporary limitations. These surgeries caused harm to my body, and my intellectual and emotional health. It took me years - decades actually - to understand the how's and the why's and the justifications etc. of the lies they told to me and my parents, and to ultimately forgive the doctors that damaged my body. The expectations that come along with education create illusions and our mind's process will always find ways to justify those illusions. It is in the justification that our integrity is tested. Always follow your gut instinct - which is your Spirit guiding you - rather than your intellectual mind's process when dealing with experts and professionals. Your Spirit's guidance will always lead you to the right place! Integrity does not come with a certificate or degree
    Penny Hodgson posted an update
    Happy Sunday everyone! FAITH - jump in FB
    Penny Hodgson posted an update
    Everyone learns in their own way. Some folks are auditory learners - meaning they learn better when they can hear what it is they're supposed to be learning. Others do equally as well on their own just reading a text book. Some folks enjoy learning and are eager to put into practice the things they've learned - others are content to parrot what they've memorized and often have no idea how what they're talking about actually works. Education provides us with the tools but it doesn't always show us HOW to use them. Some teachers and professors are great at teaching while others just wanted respect and obedience. Institutions are not the be all end all. People learn how to do things through a variety of ways. Have a look inside your LOVE cabinet. Are there files in there that describe how well you did in school and all the things you accomplished, or are all your files dealing with school in your FEAR cabinet? Information is just information and will stay in the NEUTRAL cabinet unless you actually DO something with it. Apply it to yourself in some way. Education is meant to provide you with the tools you will need to navigate through life. If you didn't gain what you needed - seek it elsewhere. Education is meant to teach you how to think. Not memorize
    Penny Hodgson posted an update
    There are all kinds of moms out there in this world - good ones, bad ones, and trying hard ones. Happy Mother's Day to all!! Happy Mother's Day
    Penny Hodgson posted an update
    Our lives become what we think about and we think about all the things we hear and read every day. It's important to know what's going on in your community but we have to be mindful of how much bad news we're willing to watch, listen to and read. FEAR sells. It sells newspapers and it sells a ton of products too. Think! Don't just take everything at face value. Ask questions - LOTS of questions! Don't buy into the all the fear! Dont-allow-yourself-to-be-swayed-byFEAR-PROPAGANDA
    Penny Hodgson posted an update
    It's hard to remain hopeful when it seems as though life is hitting you with one nasty thing after another, but calmer waters really are just around the corner. Hang in there! Remind yourself "This too shall pass" and do your best to have faith that whatever is happening right now is meant to be. We learn through adversity. We gather tools through adversity. We gain strength through adversity. We become who we were meant to be through adversity. Tell your mind's process that adversity is no longer a threat. Tell your mind's process that you got this! Tell your mind's process you are no longer afraid to face what life throws at you. Tell your mind's process that you are enough! Circumstances-are-temporary
    Penny Hodgson posted an update
    No one wants to feel crappy. No one wants to be angry all the time. No one wants to be miserable. No one likes to feel defeat. No one enjoys pain. Negative feelings are a part of being human. No one is happy 100% of the time. No one feels love 100% of the time. Balance. We have to be the ones who will bring our lives back into balance. No one is going to do it for you. Choose you. Choose to participate in life. Allow the negative to motivate you into changing your life to be what you want it to be. Never settle. Negative-feelings-arent-always-a-bad-thing
    Penny Hodgson posted an update
    What does it mean to live life authentically? Do you know who you really are? What is your passion? Do you participate in it? Confidence isn't a thought - it's a feeling that is the result of repetitive effort. You are capable of so much more than you think you are! Discover who you really are - not who you've been told you are. BEAUTY-is-authenticity
    Penny Hodgson posted an update
    Easter reminds us there is Hope. A chance to start over. Freedom from pain. The story of the betrayal, the crucifixion and death of Jesus tells us of the many ways that people can hurt us. Jesus was lied to, deceived and betrayed by one of his closest friends. Accused of things he did not do, condemned, publicly humiliated, shamed, tortured and mocked. He suffered greatly because people turned on him. People were afraid of him and sought to find a way to get rid of him. People were jealous of him and the things he could do. People led Jesus through the streets, lashed him, beat him, nailed him to a cross and left him to die. People did this. People can be cruel but we can choose to separate ourselves from the cruel people and seek to find those who live in peace and harmony. We can learn from them. We can choose to renew ourselves. To revive the spark of life that we once felt - before the cruelty of the world hurt us. We can choose to be reborn. To live the life we were meant to live. We can choose to allow our authentic self to spring forth from our being and we can learn to live life joyfully, peacefully and lovingly. Connect with the little voice within you that is your Spirit and follow where it leads you. Discover who you really are and allow that person to be born. Revive-FB
    Penny Hodgson posted an update
    To heal, our perspectives must be challenged. Everyone-sees-things-in-their-own-way-FB1
    Penny Hodgson posted an update
    When you're hurting you just want whatever it is that is hurting you to end. To be over. There's a feeling deep within you that longs for acceptance and love. You feel like you can't do anything right and this causes you to be angry and resentful towards those you think have something you don't. The idea that all you have to do is choose to get better feels absurd! Obviously you do - and obviously you've stated it many times out loud to God and anyone else who would listen....... so what's up? There's nothing wrong with you - that's what's up! Your mind's process is keeping you stuck and you're going to have to work against your mind's process to get unstuck. Message me to find out how you can defeat your mind's process - get unstuck - undo the knot that is deep inside you and learn to live joyfully and peacefully. That-knot-you-feel-inside-FB
    Penny Hodgson posted an update
    When I was finally ready to rid myself of all the anger, resentment, frustration and once and for all heal, everything that I needed to get me there found its way into my life. your-life-is-a-reflection-FB
    Penny Hodgson posted an update
    How do you express yourself creatively? Do you play an instrument? Do you draw? Paint? Sculpt? Write? Perhaps you have a talent for cutting hair or decorating houses. Maybe you are passionate about exercise or sports. Everyone has something that ignites that spark. Dig around in your LOVE cabinet and locate the file that holds your passions! FB-Unlock-Your-Creativity
    Penny Hodgson posted an update
    It is possible to find your way back to peace, happiness and joy! No one is happy 100% of the time - it's not possible. Life will always have it's ups and downs. We are meant to experience all that life has to offer, but if we find ourselves experiencing pain more often than joy, our perception becomes distorted. Learn how to retrain your mind's process to seek positive experiences more often. Learn how to resolve your past so it can't interfere with your present. Learn who you really are! Invite-Wonder-Back-Into-Your-Life
    Penny Hodgson posted an update
    I used to fancy myself a warrior. I fought to walk after multiple surgeries. I fought against what I believed to be male oppression. I fought to recover from the negative emotional impact of childhood sexual abuse and rape. I fought against emotional abuse hurled at me from numerous addicts and people who were struggling for whatever other reasons who I had invited into my world. I fought to gain my independence from people I believed were trying to manipulate and control me. I fought and I won one battle at a time. The more I won these 'battles', the more convinced I became that I was a warrior. The more I told myself I was a warrior - the more I found myself in battles. Blog post: WARRIOR, VICTIM OR MARTYR? There-is-no-defiance-in-LOVE
    Penny Hodgson posted an update
    We can't truly heal until we've forgiven the people we believe have harmed us. Our mind's process isn't capable of forgiveness so, if we are to heal, we must re-connect with God - however we choose to understand Him/Her/It. Accept-God-FB1
    Penny Hodgson posted an update
    We can only see things through our own eyes. The mind's process works by referencing files stored in the filing cabinets of your mind, which were created by your mind's process! It doesn't have access to anyone else's files. While people certainly have similar experiences, each person's mind's process forms conclusions based on previous data, or at the level of understanding a person has at the time of an experience. A-persons-truth
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Penny Hodgson

Profile picture of Penny Hodgson


Active 4 years, 9 months ago