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Hello! My name is Rachel and I help small business owners in the health and wellness industry strengthen marketing practices and improve customer retention rates. If I can help your business thrive so you can make your community a healthier place to live, then I consider that a huge success.

I've dedicated my career to helping passionate small business owners find and retain more valuable, higher paying customers, build a stronger brand, and stay in business so they can continue to make this world a better place.  All without spending tons of money or time on ad campaigns, social media, or any of that other stuff most of us hate doing in the first place.

It's time to take the frustration out of your marketing and promotion. My guess is you'd much rather be teaching, coaching, and making the world a healthier place to live.  As a wellness business owner, I'm here for you.

"I'm really impressed at how much thought and research Rachel put into our business!"
- Ben Dreyer  Owner/Personal Trainer at Studio Melt

New to the wellness industry?

Don't own your own business yet, but wondering if you're ready to dive in?
Read this popular blog article, 15 Ways to Know You're Ready to Start Your Wellness Business

Been at it for a while and feel frustrated? 

Growth takes time, but it's time well spent when it comes to improving the lives of those around you. In my experience, it only takes a few small tweaks to what you're already doing to see a massive shift in results. Maybe you just need someone with a fresh view helping guide you through.

If you struggle with:

attracting enough customers, or enough of the right kind of customers...
retaining customers...
charging what you're actually worth
marketing, branding, and promotions that catch people's attention...

Then I am here to help!

"If you've ever felt like marketing yourself, and marketing your business is a 25-hour-a-day job, then you need to contact RAchel. When I started working with Rachel I felt like a huge burden had been lifted!"      -Diane B,   Health and Fitness Coach


Not sure where to start? 

Check out my free marketing foundations mini-course. 

Build a strong foundation and start heading in the right direction. You'll be amazed by how much clarity you get with this short video course.

Rachel Frederick

Profile picture of Rachel Frederick


Active 5 years, 3 months ago