Raelin Saindon
My own lived-experiences of childhood trauma and neglect lead me on a life-long quest of self-exploration, understanding and deep healing work. Thorough my journey, I have been lead to the compassionate practice of Usui-Reiki, the insight of Hypnosis and Meditation, and the reconciliation of Ho'oponopono. Each practice has lead me to deeper insight, understanding and healing of my and generational-inherited wounds~ which has empowered me toward authentic connection with my own Soul. The message given to me, and one that I spread to those lead to me is this~ Empowerment and RE-membrance of Soul; when we live and move according to who we truly are at Soul-level, Life becomes Purpose-ful, Wonder-ful, and Magical. Holding space for other's healing is sacred and an honor to witness~ and I am grateful for it.
In love and service,
Awards and Affiliations
B.S. Psychology, Cum Laude- Capella University, MN
Usui-Reiki, Master-Teacher
Hypnotherapist- Hypnosis Motivational Institute (HMI), CA
Ho'oponopono Practitioner- Dr. Joe Vitale & Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len
A.A.S Sign Language Interpreting- Front Range Comm. College, CO