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  • Nutritional CBD oils are helping people sleep better, relieving anxiety, pain and in some cases having positive effects on diabetes, blood pressure and other aliments that are plaguing our society, especially those over 55 (of which I am one). After years of research and probing into the science behind cannabidiol – the parts of the hemp plant…[Read more]

  • Finding out how much good can be delivered in one little bottle of functional nutrtition!! Zeal is real and has been confirming my “suspicions” about how well it conveys some of the nutrition that’s missing for many of us – even those who feel they eat well and take good care of themselves.
    For me personally, it’s actually gotten rid of…[Read more]


  • Wonderful totally herbal and botanical drinks that may help dementia and Alzheimer’s from a nutritional perspective: Zeal is a combination formula scientifically based with positive benefits that include improved mood, stronger vigor and vitality, and less anxiety and fatigue. How many of us can use any or all of those benefits!!

  • My mom made her transition on Oct 10th after falling and breaking her arm and bruising her head, leg and other arm. Not fun, and at 97, she contracted pneumonia in the hospital, so no fixing the arm. She partially recovered enough to be moved into skilled nursing for a week then Hospice, which lasted about 12 hours before she peacefully left the Earth.

  • Houston TX is recovering from what is being called the worst disaster in the history of this nation . Harvey proved that the present drainage system is not adequate for the water to drain fast enough to disperse 4 – 6 inches of rain per hour, which dumped on our city and surrounding areas for 4 days, without wreaking havoc on much of the land and…[Read more]

  • OMY GOSH, I’m honored and delighted to be welcomed by and be among all of you wonderful WU contributors. It’s great to know others who want to contribute to the wellbeing and goodness of the world around us. Thank you all!!

Ricki McKenna

Profile picture of Ricki McKenna


Active 5 years, 1 month ago