I'd love to have you all in the facebook community that I'm building! It's called the U Factor Tribe and we have a number of health and wellness enthusiasts and experts alike. Share your expertise with us at The U Factor Tribe
I hope to see you there! jointhetribe0107
It's a little early, but I'm eager to celebrate all women on March 8. Here's an early greeting and love and hugs from me and my team! celebrate-women-1
I offer exploration sessions for living your dream lifestyle, achieving radiant wellbeing, achieving a radiant body, and activating your wealth! What kind of explorations do you find are the best? Ready-Set-Explore
The Blissful Living Podcast features a ton of wonderful guests and you might be the next! Got something you wanna talk about? Email us at info[at]healthhealingwellness.com
Wanna listen to the show? We're on iHeart Radio!
iHeart Radio WebTalk Radio 4
I'm just so excited to the NEW YEAR! I know this excitement comes a little early but 2019 is just SO CLOSE! Hoping everyone has had fabulous holidays so far. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to those that celebrate! happy-christmas
Happy Thanksgiving from me and my Blissful Living Family! Gratitude has played such a huge role in my life and I love taking opportunity to express it. I am so grateful for this community. For the things I'm learning, for the people I've met, and for the joy it brings. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Happy-Thanksgiving