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    Shari Alyse posted an update
    I extended my book offer for 99 cents for one more day! Grab your copy now Last chance
    Shari Alyse posted an update
    I hope you will grab your copy! LYH 4
    Shari Alyse posted an update
    All I've ever wanted was for my pain to help others. It had to have been for a purpose. Sharing myself openly and vulnerably has always just come naturally to me but that doesn't mean it hasn't been hard to do. I've been called to share my journey since I was literally 7 years old. And now, I've done it for the world to see. I hope it heals. I hope it allows YOU to see your YOU! Beautiful, loving, magnificent, joyful, light-filled YOU! PLEASE GET YOURSELF A COPY & SHARE! I know you know someone who needs this. Last chance
    Shari Alyse posted an update
    It's HERE!!! I hope you will grab your copy today for only 99 cents! My heart in written form. 🙂 Please share if you feel so inspired! Today only
    Shari Alyse posted an update
    I am so excited! My new book, LOVE YOURSELF HAPPY, comes out tomorrow! Let’s face it. Life can feel messy at times. Filled with heartbreak, heartache, disappointments, and letdowns. It’s also filled with makeups, breakthroughs, beautiful surprises and joy. This book isn’t about glossing over the hard moments or telling you to look on the bright side or some other glass half-full sentiment. The journey is messy, the road is bumpy and that’s what this is about. An on-the-surface-not-so-pretty journey, but one filled with breathtakingly beautiful truths that will surprise and astonish you, and even in the most challenging of moments, will have you tilt your head back up to the sky, curl the corners of your mouth up and say ‘THANK YOU.’ Love Yourself Happy: A Journey Back to You is Shari’s journey through sexual abuse, growing up in a broken home, unhealthy relationships with others, her body and herself. Through broken hearts, wild nights of partying, spirituality lost and found, and a three month whirlwind solo trip to Italy, you get to sit shotgun on her road trip as she takes off into the world in hopes of forgetting her past. Only to come face-to-face with the one person she was running from all along – herself. This book is about love. Love for your life, love for your journey and most importantly, love for YOU. It will be available on Amazon tomorrow (7/16) for 99 cents for 24 hours only! You will be able to pick up your copy here: or directly on Amazon! I really can’t wait for you to read it! LYH 3
    Shari Alyse posted an update
    I am so excited to release my new book, Love Yourself Happy, on Tuesday - 7/16! For 24 hours, it will be 99 cents! I hope you will support me and support YOU by grabbing your copy and helping me to become an Amazon #1 Best Seller!! 🙂 LYH 2
    Shari Alyse posted an update
    If you’ve ever had an inkling that there was more for you awaiting you in this life, then you are going to want to read my new book, ‘Love Yourself Happy’. I take you on a road trip that journeys through my life with sexual abuse, unhealthy relationships, wild nights of partying, spirituality lost and found and ultimately back to the one place that most of us are so often running from. This book will open you up to YOU! I hope you will grab your copy on 7/16 for only 99 cents! #selflove #LoveYourselfHappy Words LYH ad
    Shari Alyse posted an update
    Very excited to announce that my new book will be launched soon! If anyone wants to help and be on my best seller launch team, I would be honored!! If interested, comment below and I will share more details. 🙂 IMG_6429
    Shari Alyse posted an update in the group The Scoop
    Today's featured SoulTreat presenter is Carrie Doubts! @carriedoubts will be leading a talk on: Transformational Conversations with Grief Loss and Grief are part of life. Yet, how many of us understand how to support ourselves and others who are grieving? In this workshop, you will learn about what healthy grieving is (and isn't). Most of us were taught to avoid or distance ourselves from the emotional vertigo that comes with loss and grief. We want to hurry through the "stages" and "get rid" of these uncomfortable and scary feelings. When we do that, healing is either delayed or becomes impossible. Healing is the application of love to the parts of us that are hurting. In this safe space, you'll learn tools and ways of meeting "negative" emotions of sadness, anger, and fear with compassion and love. You'll start the process of healing for yourself and/or learn to become a healing presence for others who are in pain. In this workshop, you'll have the opportunity to: -Discover the myths about grief and how they don't help anyone deal with loss -Learn how to accept, express, and release your emotional energy effectively -Explore compassionate ways to support others who are grieving Explore all the workshops and activities at SoulTreat and connect with your community in person! SOULTREAT: NOV 1-4 | ---> Enjoy 3.5 days of relationship building, workshops, and activities designed to heal your spirit, renew your soul, and connect with our amazing community. This will be life-changing for you. Ticket Includes: -Opening day meet & greet and hors d'oeuvres -Three days of healing, renewal workshops, & talks -Sedona activities (i.e. Native American Fire Ceremony, Medicine Wheel, stargazing - TBA soon) -Relationship Building & Networking Circles --Daily Lunch -Daily snacks, water, coffee, & tea -Optional Activities with fee REGISTER NOW: You deserve a SoulTreat! Carrie
    Shari Alyse posted an update
    Do you dream of bringing like-minded people together in fabulous locations to inspire, heal, share and connect? Are retreats something you've thought about for your business but aren't sure where to begin? Then you must meet Destination Retreat Planner, Tamara Golden. Tamara is the Owner and Founder of Journeywork Retreats and she is joining us on WU Inspired Sessions! She will be sharing 5 Tips to Filling Your Retreats and Events. Attend LIVE on 6/5 at 2pm ET and receive her "Retreats 101" training video, free! Join here: Tamara
    Shari Alyse posted an update in the group The Scoop
    Do you dream of bringing like-minded people together in fabulous locations to inspire, heal, share and connect? Are retreats something you've thought about for your business but aren't sure where to begin? Then you must meet Destination Retreat Planner, Tamara Golden. Tamara is the Owner and Founder of Journeywork retreats and she is joining us on WU Inspired Sessions! She will be sharing 5 Tips to Filling Your Retreats and Events. Attend LIVE on 6/5 at 2pm ET and receive her "Retreats 101" training video, free! Connect with @tamaragolden P.S. Tamara was our retreat planner for SoulTreat so she definitely is someone you want to connect with!Tamara
    Shari Alyse posted an update
    Please meet Dolores Fazzino! Dolores will be leading a workshop at SoulTreat in Sedona, AZ on: Moving Beyond Surviving to Thriving Are you an Empath, Intuitive, and Highly Sensitive Person? Do you feel at times that you just do not fit in? Or ever wonder where the manual is that you were supposed to come with, since you seemed to not get what "earth- life" was all about? Or maybe you have been struggling and are sick and tired of it all. You are not crazy, you are here to make a huge difference in the world. When you are born into a world you do not fit into, you are here to create a new one! In this workshop you will... -Learn tools and techniques to move beyond surviving to thriving -Experience "Being" in the present moment through a guided meditation journey -Begin your manual to create and thrive in your life. Excited to join us? Find out more about SoulTreat here: --> <-- WHEN: NOV 1-4, 2019 WHERE: Sedona, AZ We would love to see you and connect with you there! **If you are not a member and are a WU Friend, please register here: Dolores
    Shari Alyse posted an update
    Hello WU Friend! Please meet Denise B. Povernick! @denisepovernick will be leading a workshop at SoulTreat in Sedona, AZ on: Embrace Your Madness - Roadmap to Invincibility In this workshop you will learn how to recognize how the Conscious & Subconscious Minds work & speak separately, how to unify them to work in harmony as a team so you can optimize amazing creative breakthroughs on your Pathway to Invincibility. We will establish a Roadmap to Invincibility 1. Clearly Define a Jumpoff Point, Endgame & Urgency 2. Connect the Dots Between the Conscious & Subconscious Minds 5. Embrace Plot Twists & Ownership of Actions 4. Discover Their Super Power of Accountabilty 5. Discover their Invincibility Excited to join us? Find out more about SoulTreat here: --> <-- WHEN: NOV 2-3, 2019 WHERE: Sedona, AZ EARLY BIRD PRICING ENDS 5/31! NOW ONLY $247! (SAVINGS OF $150) Your 2 day SoulTreat pass includes: -Two full days of holistic healing, renewal workshops, and soul-focused talks -Daily Lunch (vegan options available) -Daily snacks and beverages, including water, coffee, and tea -Direct connection with our wellness practitioners -Meditation, mindfulness, laughter, and fun! -Optional morning activities (yoga, meditation, vortex hikes, and more) Upgrade to a VIP ticket and enjoy our SoulTreat fair, early online workshop registration, special gift and more! Join Denise and 17 other wellness healers, speakers, practitioners at SoulTreat! REGISTER NOW: LIMITED TICKETS! You deserve a SoulTreat! **If you're a WU World-Changer, please register here: Denise
    Shari Alyse posted an update
    Hello WU Friend! Come meet me and amazing heart-centered, loving and inspiring people in Sedona at SoulTreat! Spend 2 full days connecting with you, releasing the stuff you hold on to that isn't serving you and keeping you stuck. Then on day 2, you will be given tools to be able to reset your soul and walk into the world fully connected to yourself and ready to live your best life! Plus, you get to connect to amazing people, spend time in the most beautiful, healing and magical Sedona and you get to have fun! All of this for only $247! This early bird price ends tomorrow (5/21/19) and goes up to $397. Do not miss this chance to change your life! *If you're a WU World-Changer, please check 'The Scoop' for your own registration dates and site. 60980327_2434811250080820_7809321425503780864_n
    Shari Alyse posted an update
    Come meet and connect with Manuela Rohr at SoulTreat in Sedona, AZ! @manuelarohr will be leading a workshop: WITNESS WITHOUT JUDGMENT Experience a powerful mindfulness-based Yoga workshop to connect to your inner wisdom. Using Yoga as a vehicle for deepening awareness we can release old patterns of resistance and invite freedom of flow into our lives. TAKEAWAYS 1. Discovering the Edge is a unique concept of understanding how we do what we do. What is too much, what is too little? It offers a chance to create a balance of effort and surrender, on and off the mat and release of what’s holding us back. 2. Deep understanding of what embodied mindfulness is and how it can support us to transform our lives. Freedom and Flow as the result. 3. Breath is Life. Discover what a full breath feels like. And the most significant tool: learn what it means to receive the breath. 4. The power of pausing – how “Tiny Islands” help us to bring joy and energy into our everyday life. Explore all the workshops and activities at SoulTreat! --> <-- SOULTREAT: NOV 2-3 | EARLY BIRD PRICING ONLY $247!! **Enjoy Early Bird Pricing until 5/21/19 Ticket Includes: -Two full days of holistic healing, renewal workshops, and soul-focused talks -Daily Lunch (vegan options available) -Daily snacks and beverages, including water, coffee, and tea -Direct connection with our wellness practitioners -Meditation, mindfulness, laughter, and fun! -Optional morning activities (yoga, meditation, vortex hikes, and more) Join Manuela and 17 other wellness healers, speakers, practictioners at SoulTreat! REGISTER NOW: You deserve a SoulTreat! **If you're a WU World-Changer, be sure to use your private registration form that can be found in The Scoop 60046781_10156333205388527_7841219344452288512_n
    Shari Alyse posted an update in the group Co-Creation Launchpad
    We only have 11 slots left for presenters! Submit your proposal NOW to be a part of WU SoulTreat in Sedona! Seriously, it's awesome! 🙂 We have 60 & 90 minute slots available for the theme RELEASE & RESET. This is your chance to connect with the WU community to help us clear our stuff so we can serve better AND to connect with our WU friends to create happier, healthier and more whole people. These workshops & talks are your ideal time to create new client relationships and grow your business. To expand your own self personally & professionally. SoulTreat is literally a treat for all who come. Just ask those who we had the pleasure of spending 3.5 beautiful days with! INFO & SUBMISSION HERE: member-SoulTreat-collage-111-114
    Shari Alyse posted an update
    Reminder that I am going LIVE tomorrow with World-Changer @alysonfranz! She will be sharing with us on WU Inspired Sessions about grief and trauma and how you get to heal completely from it and the possibilities that exist for you in your life! Join us live here on FB at 2pm ET / 11am PT Alyson Franz is a Grief and Trauma Expert, Best-Selling Author and of course, a WU World-Changer. See ya live tomorrow! (set your reminder) alyson1
    Shari Alyse posted an update
    Tune in tomorrow at 10am EST (9am central/7am Pacific) where I will be talking about toxic beliefs and how to release them to live a life that feels great! Tune in to The J-Spot! IMG_1D9033D85C69-1
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Shari Alyse

Profile picture of Shari Alyse


Active 3 years, 4 months ago