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Sheila Murrey has a passion for WORDS and Connecting people. In particular, Sheila loves speaking and writing about spiritual and consciousness raising topics, holistic wellness and simple healthy living. Sheila is empathic, intuitive, compassionate, and kind. She's got a keen and unified wisdom about life that shines through her words and easy conversational style. When she's "in the flow" she knows it, sensing it profoundly within her body--and she calls the physical sensation of that, "God Bumps." (You can watch her first explanation of this here.)

Sheila is currently (mid December 2019) traveling back to Ireland to bring you energy and enlightenment from the sacred site of Newgrange in county Meath, Ireland--where she will be one of only 60 people who won entry (out of 30,861 entries) this year to be INSIDE the stone age chamber for sunrise during the Winter Solstice... what a once in a lifetime opportunity!

Sheila and her Soul-connected husband, Richard, are on a committed path to put together some new, fresh, exciting, and uplifting entertaining educational projects during 2020! So, if LIVE original music that tells a story delights you, or if you want to have a lot of fun while connecting with like-minded people, please reach out and Connect with us!

Reach out to Sheila at: Sheila.Murrey (at)

You may also reach Sheila on Facebook Messenger or by text at: 321.289.2262

The author of, "Take It Upon Yourself to Live a Wholly Vibrant Life”, as well as two blogs, Sheila meditates and sits with her thoughts to write on spiritual and holistic health and wellness topics. Sheila's intention is to share what she practices everyday to help others live a more Soul-aligned and wholly vibrant life! Sheila is in her element while presenting at holistic health and wellness events as an emcee and speaker, and while performing in an officiant role for Soul-aligned weddings (as a Florida notary public). Sheila sense from a deep place that we are all vibrant spiritual beings living a Soul-connected earthly experience.

Sheila speaks on the power of WORDS (Hint: Tone matters), Wholeness, Easing one’s emotions, Connections (We’re never really alone), and how "We Are All Connected."


Why is Sheila passionate about these subjects?

Because she naturally released asthma from her body over a decade ago, by opening her mind (at first, just a little bit), taking a family member's advice and experimenting with new treatments (hint: most were very old), and documented it all in a book that became, Take It Upon Yourself to Live a Wholly Vibrant Life! She’s writing the book, Sheila's been on fire to light up and empower you in fun and practical ways to integrate mind, body, spirit, and soul-aligned practices and raise our consciousness to support our collective health, as well as our own.

Sheila's mantras are: Align with Spirit in ALL ways. Go with your "God Bumps" and flow to FEEL your Soul-alignment in ALL ways and for ALL time.

How might you begin to feel your God Bumps:

  • Pray
  • Meditate
  • Study whatever you are passionate about
  • Connect with others and talk about it
  • Be really present and engaged with them

Then, Take It Upon Yourself to walk your talk, practice what you preach. Find ways (even little ones), to integrate all you learn into your day-to-day, so you joyfully express Omni-everything!

We Are All Connected. Life's an ADVENTURE! Now, go have FUN!

We Are All Connected

Read all about Sheila and her Soul-connected husband, Richard's trip to Ireland, England, and Scotland on her website here. And you can follow Sheila on her blog to get all the latest news directly emailed to you. And you can follow Sheila on her public Facebook page here.

And here's your invitation to join us in our Facebook group, We Are All Connected here.

More ways to Connect:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • YouTube
  • Instagram
  • Pinterest
  • Amazon Author Page
  • Sheila's personal site:
  • Sheila's natural products site: Being Wholly Vibrant
Awards and Affiliations

Bachelors degree in Visual Communications / Digital Design (highest honors)

Science degree in  Aviation Business

Certified in Distance Learning

Certified in Essential oils application

Certified in Fast Track for Kidz (an emotionally releasing game)

Causes and Organizations

Pachamama Alliance

Maue Kay Foundation

Sheila Murrey

Profile picture of Sheila Murrey


Active 5 years, 1 month ago