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I had the loving marriage, the house, the business.

It should have been perfect. But it was someone else’s idea of a perfect life.

Not once in over three decades of living had I ever stopped to ask, “What do I want?”

I mastered the rules of persuasive sales copy and email marketing, using what I learned to bootstrap two 6-figure businesses, create and sell marketing courses to thousands of entrepreneurs, earn over $1 million in sales, and coach both solo-preneurs and multi-million dollar corporations.

I got certified as a Master Practitioner of NLP, Master NLP Coach, Master Hypnotherapist and Master Time Line Therapy®️ Practitioner and NLP Trainer.

I combined my experience in EFT (Emotional Freedom Therapy), Kundalini yoga and meditation, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), coaching and various energy psychology techniques with my experience in copywriting, internet marketing and sales into one power package.

Yeah, I can write copy and spin messaging that sells.

But here’s the thing:

None of that felt like ME.

I was choosing from the limited options placed before me and selecting from the roles other people wanted me to fill.

So I completely dismantled my life.

I said goodbye to my marriage of 16 years and stepped away from my old life to dive into the Unknown.

I’m not going to bullshit you and tell you that it was easy.

What I'm learning is that my way of living and doing business doesn’t look like anyone else’s. 

It’s weird and fun. It flows with ease, even in the challenges, because there isn’t anything I’d rather be more than ME.

I get to play my favorite game, “Let’s Make Money Together,” with inspiring entrepreneurs every single day.

I had stop pretending NOT to be what I really am.

What are you pretending not to be?

What if you reclaim and own ALL of you and create your reality…instead of living a poor imitation of someone else’s?

It’s time to design your Wild Creation. Tell me what inspires you, and let’s hop on a call to see what we can create!

You're also invited to download this free guided Creativity visualization to get inspired and amplify the creation of your life and business.

Stephanie Benedetto Padovani

Profile picture of Stephanie Benedetto Padovani


Active 5 years, 2 months ago