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Suzy Woo helps reconnect people to their source energy, removing conditioning, distractions, and resulting second-guessing/self-doubt. She is a sought after international spiritual energy healer, helping remove generational patterning and bleedthrough unfinished business and karmic debt. She does live demonstrations of her powerful healings where the audience can view the volunteer's energy shift on a screen.  Suzy is an avid soul astrologer and psychic medium, performing global readings and healings of a person's soul blueprint.

She can read where a person is presently stuck, identify the source, and then clear and reroute it. Incredible for depression, anxiety, and stagnance.

She brings creative, empowering and healing workshops, retreats and cacao ceremonies across the United States, spreading unconditional love as a way of life.

Awards and Affiliations

Humanitarian Award

Junior Achievement President's Award

Causes and Organizations

Domestic violence

Suzy Woo

Profile picture of Suzy Woo


Active 4 years, 12 months ago