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You create, in the current moment, with your thoughts, words and actions, based upon your fears and beliefs.
Choose them wisely.  ~ Reverend Theresa Crabtree

Theresa is the creator of the SOULCLEANSE®, a powerful method of releasing entities and non-beneficial energies. All work is performed remotely, via email, by donation, payable after services are rendered. Every day she witnesses miracles as her clients drop addictions, gain clarity and awaken to their spiritual roots. They often observe remarkable changes with their loved ones and others who are receiving the benefits of the SoulCleanse simply due to their energetic ties to her clients.

You are invited to join the CELESTIAL GATHERINGS which Theresa hosts every Full and New Moon, Equinox and Solstice. These are virtual gatherings that you can experience from the comfort of your own home. You will experience a personal cleanse and then you and your Spirit Team will combine energies for a global cleanse. Since all work is done from the Soul level, you don't have to "tune in" to participate! Suggested donation: $5-20 USD

Looking for a unique gift? Consider a MAYAN ASTROLOGY report based on several mayan calendars. The Maya believe that before incarnating, a date of birth is chosen to enhance the Soul Mission of the person. Priests and mid-wives are extensively trained in the calendar in order to teach the community and parents how to support the children in their pre-chosen occupations. You will be amazed at how accurately the Mayan Astrology report depicts your personality traits and gives you insight into what makes your loved ones tick.

Receive Theresa's daily inspirational SOUL CONNECTIONS and memes on her blogYouTube and Facebook.

Mayan Messages: Daily Guide to Self-Empowerment is a collection of 260 daily inspirations, following the Tzolkin calendar, held sacred to the Maya.

Wanting to declutter and create more peace in your life? Take a sneak peak into Theresa's book:
Feng Shui: Creating Places of Peace in the Home, Office and Garden

Gardening with Nature Spirits is dedicated to anyone seeking to communicate with Light Beings in the Unseen World.
The Devas and Wee Folk have a message for you!

Awards and Affiliations

Interested in becoming a licensed minister?  Consider the Alliance of Divine Love!
Our ministers come from a wide variety of spiritual backgrounds.

Causes and Organizations

PRISON MINISTRY: Theresa's first book, Mayan Messages, has been donated to over 1100 USA prisons and over 2000 inmates. As a result, many are walking away from their criminal past as they begin to awaken behind bars. She is currently working with several inmates to create a book based on their spiritual beliefs and practices that they have embraced while incarcerated.

NEXT TWO PROJECTS:  Two more books will be released in 2020 and then donated to prison libraries and inmates. The first is a collaboration book with eight inmate authors sharing their spiritual beliefs. Each of them began their Spiritual Awakening behind bars, with an accumulated time in prison of 170 years! Stop by and MEET THE AUTHORS!


The second book in the birthing process is a collection of the "Soul Connection" daily inspirational messages. You can read them on my blog and Facebook group, The Soul Connection.

Theresa Crabtree

Profile picture of Theresa Crabtree


Active 5 years ago