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SOUL CONNECTION 127 ~ Experience the Universe

August 17, 2019

The Creator is loving, allowing all of creation to experience whatever it chooses within the parameters set for this universe. Wise parents do the same, allowing their children to learn lessons for themselves. Although it is difficult at times to watch others follow paths you are sure will lead to pain or heartache, it is…

Balancing Act ~ Audio

August 2, 2019

Take time each day to quiet your mind and go within. Begin first thing in the morning before you arise. Feel gratitude for the experience of being on Earth at this time. Be mindful of all the blessings you have. Set your intentions and ask for guidance for what you choose to create this day……


July 29, 2019

Your positive attitude, coupled with a belief that there is good in all things, will assist you in overcoming any situation. Once you connect with your Soul and learn to ask directly for guidance in all situations, your life will become magical. If you ask for guidance within the parameter, “for my highest good and…


July 16, 2019

Find a quiet space where you will not be disturbed for at least 15 minutes. The purpose of this quiet time is to become balanced and to release tension and stress. It is necessary for you to be in a relaxed and harmonious state of being in order to move beyond yourself and to experience…

Soul Connection 107 ~ Go Within or Go Without   

July 16, 2019

There is an adage that says, “As above, so below.” There is another that is equally true, “Go within, or go without.” As you look at yourself in the mirror, pay close attention to every detail of the way you present yourself to others. Starting from head to toe, look at everything: your hair (or…

Soul Connection 105 ~ Random Acts of Kindness 

July 14, 2019

Kindness and mercy are two great gifts you can give to yourself and others. In so doing, all other gifts are naturally bestowed. Without kindness, there can be no compassion, without compassion, there can be no mercy and without mercy, there can be no true love. Kindness comes from the heart, when you give to…

Soul Connection 103 ~ Peace is the Path 

July 10, 2019

Although your life may be in turmoil, you have within the ability to stay calm and peaceful every moment of your life. Like any attitude or emotion, you are fully in charge. Can anyone else make you happy? No. You may feel happy, but that is your choice. This is true for all emotions. In…

Soul Connection 100 ~ Return to Unity   

July 7, 2019

All humans are children of God. Not only do we have the same blood running in our veins, but we also have the same spirit connection to the Source of all. In one sense, we are all gods, each being an aspect of the whole, a hologram. Take time each day to go within and…

Walk the Line

July 5, 2019

Theresa Crabtree

Profile picture of Theresa Crabtree


Active 5 years, 1 month ago