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    HEAVENLY BLESSINGS Would you like to receive heavenly blessings at this time? To prepare, get into a comfortable position. Then take several long, deep breaths. Slowly and deeply, breathe in and out. Allow your body to relax and let go of the concerns of the day. If you prefer, you may choose to listen to soothing music during this time. Once you feel relaxed, make a heart connection with your Higher Self and Spirit Team. Then do the same for the Source of All, and any Saints, Masters or Angels that you feel connected to. One way to call them in, is to place your attention on each one separately. One at a time, call the specific name of this Being of Light three times, either out loud or within your mind. Once you have called everyone in, then set the intention of the gathering. Share that you wish to receive and feel their blessings of Divine Love. At the same time, allow yourself to be open to receive love and gratitude from each of them. You do not need to think about how the energies will enter or leave your body. Get more into a mindset of “nothingness.” Allow their energy of Divine Love to flow through you and around you. Simply receive and feel their love. Know that this love is being to directed to you all the time. You are fully supported by the “Heavenly Host,” even when you are unaware of it. At this time, bathe in this loving energy for as long as you wish. When you are ready to close this session, send gratitude back to them. Express appreciation for their Love and the support they provide along your path of spiritual awakening. Know that at any time, you can call them in for another shower of heavenly blessings. If you choose, you can close with a prayer, such as the 23rd psalm. Personally, I love to do this exercise while listening to Tom Kenyon’s “The Ghandarva Experience.” In this CD, he calls in the masters of all world religions. Then the music he creates during the bestowing of the blessings, sounds like an angelic choir. At the end, he does a beautiful rendition of the 23rd psalm that touches me to the core. If you have internet connection, you can listen to Kenyon’s rendition of the 23rd psalm at: © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 197 Receive Our Blessings compressed
    Theresa Crabtree posted an update
    RAINBOW REMINDERS Rainbows are symbolic of fortune, abundance and promise. Whenever you see a rainbow, stop what you are doing and tune into these energies, feeling gratitude for the blessings in your life. Visualize yourself receiving abundance in all things. Send blessings to all other Beings so they too, may allow themselves to receive abundance and to share their gifts. See the arch as a portal you can enter at any time to collect gifts within you that currently lie dormant. Receive the promise that you are loved and supported by Source, your Soul and Spirit Guides. Each color in the rainbow has its own energy frequency, correlating with your chakras. Allow these frequencies to enter your body, healing all aspects of your self. As you look at the beautiful water crystals glistening in the sun, which creates the rainbow, send blessings to all the waters of the Earth, including the water in your body. Consider buying a crystal for your car and home, welcoming in the “dancing rainbows.” Let them be a daily reminder of the abundance available to you. © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 196 Rainbow Reminders compressed
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    FEELING STRESSED?…/2…/11/HEART-CONNECTION.pdf Increase your inner peace and help create balance with those challenging people and events in your life! Download the FREE Heart Connection meditation and get relief today! snowman meditating
    Theresa Crabtree posted an update
    NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE Before incarnation, you are given possible exit points that are determined by your Higher Self. Exit points are times when you superconsciously choose to die. These exit points come at times when it is likely you will have attained the experiences or reasons you came to Earth. Sometimes, your Higher Self sets up scenarios when you nearly die as a way to get you back on track. Due to the state of amnesia when you incarnate in this Realm, you may take longer than anticipated to get in touch with your Higher Self. Thus, wander off your chosen Path. You will more likely avoid traumatic experiences, if you are in tune with your Higher Self and Spirit Guides. It is also important to pay attention to your intuition. Some people make dramatic life changes after having a near death experience. While they were clinically dead, they may have met with their Higher Self or a beloved Master. They may have had an expanded conscious awareness, receiving clear direction on how to move forward in their life. In order to stay on your Path, it is imperative to get past the blocks that keep you from having direct communication with your Self and Guides. Once you do, your life will amaze you. As you release the need to do things out of obligation or expectancy, you will find yourself energized and with more time on your hands to do what brings you joy. In your prayers, always remember to ask for guidance. Ask that it be for your highest good and for the highest good of all concerned, gracefully. Then express gratitude and live your life knowing what you desire is already manifested. © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 193 Near Death Experience compressed
    Theresa Crabtree posted an update
    CONSCIOUS LIVING Conscious living is when you recognize and acknowledge your beliefs. Pay attention to the choices you make in each moment. These choices will blatantly and sometimes subtly lead you to the understanding of the foundations you have built your life upon. Take time daily to work through your issues, not just for your benefit, but also for the betterment of all. We are all from the same Source and will return to the same Source. Once this is fully understood, it will be much easier for each person to share in a more loving manner with all other living Beings on Earth. Be clear with your intentions, know what it is you desire and keep your eyes focused there. Then it will be much easier for the Heavenly Helpers to assist you. Remember to set the parameter, “for my highest good and for the highest good of all concerned, gracefully” to ensure that your Path will be smoother. Dream big, with clear focus, and you will find that the Earth has an abundance of things to offer you! © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today!   SC 191 Conscious Living compressed
    Theresa Crabtree posted an update
    NATURE SPIRITS All plants have Nature Spirits overseeing them. There are myriads of these Beings living among you. Their role is to assist plants in obtaining their needs. They have been given names such as: sylphs, gnomes, fairies, elves and little people. Some Nature Spirits are delighted when they can communicate freely with conscious and caring humans. They are open to working with humans, for they are having great difficulty maintaining balance within Nature due to man’s disrespect. You can call in Nature Spirits and let them know you wish to work with them. They may not answer at first, but you can be sure they are watching to see how you interact with plants and animals. Not everyone can see them, because their vibrations are rather high. However, when you release your fears and replace them with loving behaviors, you may begin to catch glimpses or have full conversations with them telepathically. Each species of plant has its own caretakers. For example, there are devas of sweet peas, oranges and cedar trees. These devas know what their plant species need. If you have a garden or landscaped yard, there is a deva who oversees the entire project and can be invaluable when you are designing your yard or garden. When you have a yard that is large enough, consider setting aside a special area for the Nature Spirits where no humans trod and invite them to dwell in this space. If they accept your offer, you will find that these areas flourish when left undisturbed by. For more information on Nature Spirits, visit © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Check out my book and free downloads about Nature Spirits. SC 190 Nature Spirits compressed
    Theresa Crabtree posted an update
    PARADIGM SWITCH Are you ready to make a paradigm switch? Your Higher Self and Spirit Guides are truly grateful for each moment you are consciously connected with them. When you are knowingly aware of them and desire to work together, there is a highly charged energy frequency that occurs between you. There is always the possibility for a myriad of choices to occur, yet it is the one you focus your mind on that will manifest. Thus, be mindful of what you wish to experience, for you have within you the power to make it so. There are often things that manifest in ways you do not desire. There are several reasons why this occurs. Since we live in a world with more than seven billion humans, there will be times when you simply are a receiver of something that was not consciously intended specifically for you. If it is something that goes strongly against your paradigm, your Guides will send messages to assist you in avoiding being part of that scenario. It is up to you to be tuned into their frequency and to recognize and choose whether to follow their guidance. When you are tuned in, the lights come on and the current flows, oftentimes bringing you the gifts and joy you desire. To allow the energy between you to flow freely, you must remove any blocks. When you have fear, negative thinking or disbelief, it is like having the light switch in the “off” position; the flow is blocked. When you release beliefs and habits that keep you in fear, it is similar to turning the switch into the “on” position. How can you make the paradigm switch? Go within daily and consciously make the changes necessary to overcome fears and unwanted habits. When you have thoughts that are detrimental to your goals, force yourself to literally think again. Continue doing this until the habit is changed. When you find yourself falling into habits you do not desire, stop and choose again. Although it may seem difficult to do, it really is simple, although it takes perseverance, courage and will power. © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 187 Paradigm Switch compressed
    Theresa Crabtree posted an update
    OBSERVING INSECTS While in nature, stand in awe and witness the beauty that surrounds you. Stare at the ground for a few moments and you may find that you are surrounded by tiny insects. At first, you did not notice they were there. Once your awareness was turned to this small area, you began to notice new things. This is true every moment of your life. You will notice things where you place your attention. If you focus on negative memories or all the bad things that could possibly happen, your experiences and conversations will reflect this. Those who focus on positive thoughts and outcomes are less likely to be burdened when sad or bad things occur. Since they regard life in general as good and happy, they will take bad situations and find the good in them, for they know there is good in all things. A second lesson we can learn from the insects is regarding their work activities. No matter if a huge Being such as a human is standing near them, they continue with their daily routine. They do not stop to engage you in idle chatter. They do not make demands or place judgments on you; they simply continue to be. How many times do you allow yourself to be distracted by others? Would you be able to keep your focus on what you desire to do? Do you feel the need to entertain or engage others who are in your vicinity? Another lesson we can learn from insects is how we react when others provoke us. Do you feel the need to defend your actions and choices? To be able to stand in courage with your decision without the need to defend yourself is a mark of maturity. There are times when walking away is in your best interest. However, what often happens is people who are provoked become fearful and not able to stand in their truth. If you find this is a habit of yours, you may choose to go within and look at why you allow others to intimidate you. Take time to know yourself and have the courage to become the person you wish to be. Learn to say “no” to requests that are not in your highest good. There are many lessons that can be learned when one takes time to sit in nature and observe. Set time aside often to relax in Nature and commune with these highly intelligent Beings. © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 186 Observing Insects compressed
    Theresa Crabtree posted an update
    SOUL CONNECTION 184 ~ BE SYLLY!| Take time to be sylly! You have worked hard and often take your Path very seriously. Sometimes, it is good to relax, rest and simply be in joy. Today, every time you pass a mirror, be silly. This also includes reflective surfaces such as windows and cars. Make a silly face, smile from ear to ear, laugh, sing, whatever helps to get you out of serious mode. You may be self-conscious about what others will think. Work through it, invite them to join you, tell them you are lightening up and encourage them to do the same. If you cannot encourage yourself to be silly in public, then do so privately. Make yourself laugh, be ridiculous, skip, jump, dance with wild abandon and begin to free yourself from the shackles of seriousness. Let your serious side rest and be Sylly! © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 184 Be Sylly compressed
    Theresa Crabtree posted an update
    CHOICES Choices you make during your daily routine influences all of society. Often, people complain yet do not make changes in their own life. Do you choose to be part of the problem or part of the solution? When you look at the grand design of all from a spiritual perspective, there is no problem. We are spirit beings having a human experience. In the Big Picture, All is well. However, as long as you choose to live in the physical realm, you are impacted by what happens in society. How do you want the world to operate? Make choices that are good for you as well as your community members. Get out of complaining mode and enter the realm of activation. Your life will be greatly enhanced and you will find joy in every moment. © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 183 Choices compressed
    Theresa Crabtree posted an update
    SPIRITUAL ROOTS Your Spiritual roots are created from pure love. There is nothing in the world that does not come from the inspiration of pure love. This is difficult to grasp when surrounded by experiences of Not-Love. Until you step into your power and see the bigger picture of what is happening on Earth, it is hard to exist in such a place. Have patience, for there is much that you can do to assist with the changes that are currently taking place. Many Lightworkers have come to the Earth at this time to assist in returning the Earth to her pristine state. Although the Earth was pristine at the time of her original creation, she and her inhabitants are now beginning to vibrate at a much higher frequency. This means that those who cling to lower frequency aspirations will not be able to maintain their goals of Not-Love experiences. You, as a Lightworker, have the ability to pressure those in leadership positions to make the changes you wish to occur on Earth. There is power in numbers and as you unite with each other, with common goals, your voice will be heard. Many industries will crumble overnight if each of us simply says, “No more!” and stop feeding the monsters. As groups bond together and boycott industries that are harmful, these corporations are scrambling to restructure. With the advent of the personal computer and accessibility of the internet, the truth can be told across the world in a moment. As more people step forward with the truth, we have the ability to offset mass marketing and reach people who are being misled. Part of the work of each Lightworker is to reach those in your network. Perhaps you are the only one who can influence your parents, your siblings, your friends and acquaintances. Take your role seriously by educating yourself and others. Empower yourself with the knowledge that you are an important ambassador with the ability to help others create a world of peace and joy. © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 180 Spiritual Roots compressed
    Theresa Crabtree posted an update
    AMBASSADOR OF LOVE Being an Ambassador of Love is the most important life goal you can achieve. As an extension of your Higher Self, you can make an impact in the physical realm. As you step forward into self-empowerment, releasing fears, fretful thoughts and habits that have kept you enslaved, reach out to your brothers and sisters, sharing your wisdom and knowledge. There are many on Earth that are shut down to esoteric teachings. You have the ability to be an Ambassador of Love, for you can reach people that others cannot. Be a role model to all you meet. If you wish to live in a world filled with beauty, peace and abundance, then live your life in this manner. Others will notice as you walk with grace amongst the chaos and they will reach out, seeking what you have. The time for separation must end in order to create a New Earth. Come together and celebrate your differences. When you are with others who are disgruntled, attempt to bring conversations around so they become problem-solving sessions rather than complaint sessions. Help people pay attention to their thoughts, words, actions and emotions. Encourage them to notice the difference they feel when they are engaged in various activities and to choose those that are uplifting. You have much potential to make an impact on the future of the Earth, beginning this moment. It is in the present moment where you make the choices that create your future. Choose wisely. Have fun. Be of good cheer. © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 179 Ambassador of Love compressed
    Theresa Crabtree posted an update
    GRATITUDE MEDITATION If possible, do this gratitude meditation while in nature or your yard. If not, cozy up with a houseplant or a photo of one. Spend several moments caressing a plant or sitting with a tree. Focus solely on your breathing. On your inhale, breathe in oxygen and the fragrance of the plant. On your exhale, give gratitude to the plant for providing the oxygen that you breathe. Continue with this simple exercise until you are completely relaxed and have worked up a warm feeling of love and gratitude. Now, visualize someone you are having difficulties with or someone you would like to have a deeper relationship with. On the inbreath, bring that person closer to you, releasing all judgments and negative feelings. On the outbreath, send loving thoughts from your heart to theirs. Continue until you feel a connection of acceptance or love. For people you are having great difficulty with, it may take several attempts to get into a state of acceptance. Continue with this practice for as many days as it takes until you can freely send love to them. This is also a good exercise to release negative emotions from past events that were unpleasant. Spending time in Nature is very healing and you are encouraged to set aside time to do this on a daily basis. © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 178 Gratitude Meditation compressed
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    RELINQUISH JUDGMENT When you relinquish judgment you hold against yourself, you will more readily release the judgment you hold against others. When you live from a base of non-judgment, your life indeed will become truly magnificent. Judgment separates you from others. It creates feelings of worthlessness and “better than thou.” These beliefs are extremely detrimental to unconditional love. They come from low density energy and make it difficult to attain higher vibrational levels of love and gratitude. Be prepared to release judgment by going within and paying attention to how you treat others. Some of these judgments have become so engrained, they may not be easily identified by you. The way to find them is to pay attention to any thoughts you have in which you see any person, place or event as better or less than you. Understand that we are all One and seek ways to merge with all others energetically. This can be done by releasing fears and thoughtforms that creates space between you. Relinquish the need to be right and the need to get others on "your side." These are the very thoughts that keep you separate. Accept that everyone has the right to choose their own experiences. Instead of finding ways you are different, begin to have conversations in which you find ways in which you are alike. No two people embrace identical beliefs. This knowledge releases you from the need to persuade others to follow your beliefs. Accept differences the same as you would expect a library to be full of various books. Every person is a living library, each has a different cover and story to tell. Although there are many genres of books, each story within the genre is unique. There may be some books you have no interest in reading when you are young, that you find fascinating as you mature. It is the same with people. There are some you find no common ground with, perhaps your entire lifetime, yet they are treasured by others. © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 177 Reliquish Judgment compressed
    Theresa Crabtree posted an update
    SPACE FOR LOVE Create a space for love within yourself. As a result, you will attract high quality relationships. Relationships generally fall apart because initially one or both partners were not being authentic when they first met. Both put on their best behavior, acting out roles they thought would attract the other person. Eventually, the role becomes a heavy burden and each begins to revert to their old habits. If these habits are not within the parameters each has set as acceptable, then friction results. At one point, the chasm between their authentic selves becomes too wide and the couple parts. How much better would it be to find your authentic self and enter all relationships fully in your integrity? Look within and heal the wounds you have allowed to fester. Release negative thoughts and judgments by allowing all to follow their own Paths. Choose habits that are healthy for you. Seek employment that brings you joy. Choose friends and lovers who are compatible with the real you. Brush off the cobwebs of negative thinking, clean the windows to let in more light and sweep away unwanted habits. Once you have accomplished this, you will naturally draw people to you who are like-minded. Among those associates, you will have a better chance of finding a suitable mate and loving friends. © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 176 Space for Love compressed
    Theresa Crabtree posted an update
    DAILY CLEANSING Daily cleansing will help those who are floundering, not knowing where to place their time and energy. There is much unrest due to the remolding of all infrastructures. Many changes are occurring rapidly on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions. Some are feeling uneasy and full of anxiety and despair. Much of this is due to unconscious chatter on the energy grids as well as whispers from your Soul and Spirit Guides. It is good every morning to clear yourself of adverse energies that you accumulated from the previous day and during your sleep time. Most are unaware of the effects of mass conscious thoughtforms. It is imperative to understand these things are occurring in order to keep from continually being knocked off balance. Knowledge is power. The goal is to remain centered in all situations. Negative thoughtforms that are pervasive on Earth have the ability to attach themselves to any negative thoughtforms held within your auric field. Unresolved issues within you are now bubbling to the surface, wanting to be healed and replaced with the energies of love and gratitude. This is part of the awakening process and it is happening at a soul level. You may feel anxious without knowing why. What is happening is that your Soul and Guides are reminding you it is time to get busy and realize your full potential. The time is at hand to create the New Earth you have dreamed of. It is now time for the dark energies to be left behind as those who choose to ascend begin to replace dark thoughts with light energies. If you have an understanding of the chakra system, choose a method of daily energetic cleansing. Include stretching exercises such as yoga to keep your body limber and circulation flowing. All is well. We are all One. Remember always that you are a Spiritual Being who is temporarily choosing a physical existence. © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 175 Daily Cleansing compressed
    Theresa Crabtree posted an update
    Soul Connection 174 ~ As Within, So Without When you look at yourself in the mirror, pay close attention to every detail of the way you present yourself to others. Starting from head to toe, look at everything: your hair (or lack of hair), make-up (or lack of make-up), jewelry, why you do or do not shave various parts of your body, tattoos, nails (manicured or not, painted or unpainted), perfume or cologne, beauty products, etc. As you look at each detail, take time to notice how each makes you feel. If you like the effect, then keep it. If you don’t like the effect, then make the conscious choice to change it and take the steps to do so. You may find it interesting to discover the various reasons why you have developed these patterns. Do the same with your wardrobe, paying attention to the clothing styles and colors, shoes, belts, ties, etc. Then go through your home and do the same with each item. Keep the items that give you a warm feeling. By surrounding yourself with uplifting items and clothing, your energy will be uplifted, as well. Each item you allow into your personal space carries energy with it. The energy comes from those who manufactured the item, those who have handled it, previous owners, the person who gifted it to you, as well as your reaction to the item based on any memories it brings to the surface. Look at any of your items that bring up bad memories. Take time to look at the memory and heal the situation. After you have released these stuck low vibrational energies, look again at the item. If you no longer feel a negative emotion with this item, consider keeping it, otherwise, find a new home for it. This is one of the basic principles of Feng Shui. As you enhance your beauty within, surround yourself with beauty in your environment. Then reap the rewards of increased joy, contentment and inner peace. As within, so without. © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Check out my Feng Shui book and how to declutter at: Listen to the Soul Connections at: SC 174 As Within, So Below compressed
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    SOUL CONNECTION 171 ~ SHARE WITHOUT EXPECTATIONS When you share without expectations, then you are sharing from your heart. Many times people think they are sharing without expectations, yet there comes a time when they feel that the other person should be reciprocating or expressing some type of gratitude. Sharing from the heart holds no expectation of ever being appreciated or acknowledged. Practice sharing without expectation. Throughout the day, say “thank you” to others who have done things you have appreciated. Do not expect any type of compliment in return. Do random acts of kindness, which no one knows you did. Make it a day of adventure by planting seeds of love! © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 171 Share Without Expectations compressed
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    SOUL CONNECTION 168 ~ S.T.A.R.T. CREATING MIRACLES Start creating miracles today! When you set a clear intention and invoke your Soul and Spirit Guides to co-create with you, miracles happen. Passion is a great motivator and gets their attention, telling them you are serious about this intention. Here’s how to S.T.A.R.T. State clear intentions. Trust your intuition, gut feelings and synchronicities. Ask that the request be for your highest good and for the highest good for all concerned, gracefully. Remove fears and beliefs that block the request. Take necessary actions to make the intention a reality. There you have it in a nutshell. Be clear about what you want to create, without wavering. Develop clear communication with your Soul and you will be shown how to use your skills and talents to enjoy a life filled with wonder and excitement. © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 168 S.T.A.R.T. Creating Miracles compressed
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    SOUL CONNECTION 167 ~ DOORS OF OPPORTUNITY Doors of opportunity are always available, waiting for you to open them. When you make a clear intention for something that you desire, such as a job that pays well and is more inspiring, take steps to make this goal a reality. Expect synchronicities, follow leads and check into various opportunities. Pay attention to your intuition and gut feelings, decide if these opportunities are truly what you want. Do not settle for anything less. Create situations that will make things happen; choose doors that best fit your needs. Sometimes what appears to be a wrong door could lead you to something better. Perhaps by taking the “wrong” door, you will meet someone or gain skills that lead you to the door of your highest choice. The key is to not be swayed by fears and false beliefs. Have courage in yourself and know that in reality, there are no wrong doors. There may be missed opportunities, yet within these lie myriads of learning experiences and opportunities. Reach beyond your comfort zone and open the doors to see what lies beyond. You may find the perfect mate, career or adventure on the other side. Enjoy life to the fullest, for you indeed are in a time of manifestation. © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 167 Doors of Opportunity compressed
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