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    SOUL CONNECTION 165 ~ PEACE, LOVE AND GRATITUDE MEDITATION Experience the feeling of peace, love and gratitude every day. If possible, go into nature and take a gentle walk. Pay attention to all you see around you. Let the love of Source fill your Being while basking in the glory of your Essence. Slowly and deeply, breathe in and out in cycles. On the first inbreath, feel a sense of peace coming over you; on the outbreath, send peace back to all of creation. On the second inbreath, inhale pure love from Source feeling every cell in your body filled with this love. As you breathe out, send love back to Source. On the third inbreath, inhale gratitude from Source, who treasures you for being an ambassador of love. Then breathe out gratitude to Source and all beings, remembering you are one with All. Continue this cycle of three breaths as long as you desire. Feel your body, mind and spirit relax as you receive and send peace, love and gratitude. Throughout the day, continue to breathe in this manner as often as possible. Note how relaxed you feel when you do this meditation. Little things will be less bothersome. Issues will be more readily resolved. Relationships will have a loving feeling. Even those things that are generally difficult will have much less stress associated with them. This simple exercise is a wonderful way to relax whenever you find yourself off-center. Go forth and breathe in the elixir of life! © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 165 Peace, Love and Kindness compressed
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    SOUL CONNECTION 164 ~ STUCK IN A RUT? Do you feel like you are stuck in a rut? There is more that you have to offer in life besides your daily routine. What is required is that you move out of the box and open the door to the vast array of possibilities that are offered freely to you. You may need to turn off your television, internet and other sources of information that keep you bogged in the doom and gloom feelings of despair. Place your focus on things that inspire you. Take time to ponder what you would like to experience. Look at these possibilities openly, without setting parameters such as, "It costs too much. I could never do that. What would others think?" Allow your thoughts to wander to things you once dreamed of doing. Does that desire still exist? Where do you wish to spend your time? How much energy do you want to expend on current projects? Is there a talent you would like to express? Is there a project you would like to be a part of? Is there a skill you wish to hone? Set aside the negative reasons that keep you from manifesting your desires. List the things that feel energizing and fulfilling. Research the steps you need to take to experience your dreams. Create new ways to meet your goals. Just because something has traditionally been accomplished one way does not mean you have to follow the “tried and true formula.” Dare to be different, climb out of the box and try things a new way. Set clear intentions of what you wish to manifest. Align with those who support your goals. When you find your passion, you will be tremendously energized. You are unique and have an abundance of talent and ideas to make Earth the Garden of Eden it was originally designed to be. Find your passions and do whatever you can to make the necessary changes so you are no longer stuck in a rut. Have fun creating! © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 164 Stuck in a Rut compressed
    Theresa Crabtree posted an update
    SOUL CONNECTION 163 ~ SPIRITUAL PROGRESSION Every moment is a natural progression of your spiritual path. There are many on Earth who are highly enlightened. They remain on Earth to assist others to attain higher degrees of love and understanding. Respect these gurus, but know that you have just as much ability to attain the higher frequencies of unconditional love as they are experiencing. There is no need to follow any one religion. It is not necessary to live a minimalistic lifestyle. Embrace and enjoy all of the beauty and wonder of this world, for this is the intention of its original design. Develop an earnest desire to leave behind the things that keep you locked into negative thought patterns and fear-based actions. You have within yourself the ability to make these changes. Begin by observing and paying attention to the things you think, say and do. Take time daily to reflect on your activities. Be filled with gratitude for those things that are flowing smoothly. Do not punish yourself with feelings of shame or guilt for choices you have made that were less than kind. Start each day anew, firmly stating your intentions for the day. Move forward with grace, paying attention to every word you utter, every thought, every action and reaction. At first, this may seem tedious, but as you change the behaviors that are distasteful to you, there will be much less need for monitoring as you become the person you choose to be. Write down the things you wish to change and review them often. Phrase them in positive statements such as, “I eat only foods that are healthy.” Rather than, “I no longer eat candy bars.” The latter keeps your attention focused on what you do not want while the former keeps you focused on what you do want. The difference may seem subtle, but to the subconscious mind, the reality lies where the focus is placed. Ponder these words and be encouraged to take action to increase the level of love in your life! © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 163 Spiritual Progression compressed
    Theresa Crabtree posted an update
    SOUL CONNECTION 162 ~ ONE AFFECTS ALL One affects all, when one person has a thought, it becomes an energetic field that floats outward. Higher frequency thoughtforms, such as love and gratitude, simply pass through dense masses. Lower frequencies collide with each other. Their essence is sticky, which allows them to glop to each other. When a person begins to change his thoughts, words and behaviors to those of higher frequencies, he uplifts himself, as well as everyone else. You may have heard the term “collective consciousness.” This refers to a proportionally small amount of people who affect the vibrational patterns of the whole when they work together to build higher frequencies on Earth. Each conscious Lightworker represents or balances the energies of a vast number of people who are operating on lower levels. As Lightworkers consciously co-create globally, their ability to make positive changes increases dramatically. Thus, begins movement towards a tipping point in which the energy frequencies increase and the whole planet moves a notch higher vibrationally. There is a great awakening in progress that affects all life forms on Earth. As Lightworkers become more empowered and increase their love vibration, more people begin to open up and make positive changes in their lives. Your individual progression affects the progress of all. You are more powerful than you give yourself credit for. Use the power of your thoughts, words, actions, emotions and beliefs to create Heaven on Earth! To really amp up the ascension, consciously tune in and ask for assistance from your Higher Self, Spirit Guides and Ascended Masters. They are waiting, for they too know that One affects All. © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 162 One Affects All compressed
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    SOUL CONNECTION 161 ~ CHOOSE SPIRITUAL TEACHERS WISELY It is wise and comforting to study the words of spiritual teachers, yet, it is imperative to take in only those things that intuitively feel are best for your unique path. Seek teachers who are role models of love and compassion, for they know the secrets to happy living. If your goal is to ascend out of duality, then ask for Guidance from Masters who are ascended above this realm. Call on the ones you are drawn to and build a relationship with them, starting with your I AM Presence first. You have the power to choose the reality you wish to experience. One way to remain balanced is to begin your day with gratitude and meditation. Ask your Soul for guidance throughout the day and observe the synchronicities that occur. State your intentions for the day, allowing things to flow as they may. Be prepared to say “no” to distractions that keep you from moving forward with your goals. Be on the alert for unexpected proposals and events that may arise, leading you toward your goal. Be aware and be selective. Everyone needs to hear and experience things at different times and from various sources before fully integrating them into their Being. This is part of the fun of co-creativity and Free Will along your Life Path. Go forth and make this a day of wonder and joy for yourself, seeking those things that make your soul and heart sing! © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 161 Choose Spiritual Teachers Wisely compressed
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    SOUL CONNECTION 159 ~ PERFECT LOVE Source allows all to happen, knowing in the end, there will be a return to perfect Love. There is no need to judge, for each will self-correct or experience reactions to every action. When you can see this world as an experimental place that allows for all experiences, you will be much better able to accept what others do, without conditions. This is a time of great transition. It is imperative that you bring yourself out of the low frequency role so you may become more capable of awakening yourself, your friends and family who are playing the darker roles. Not all will want to change. Many will ridicule you, yet stand steadfast in your beliefs. There is no need to be concerned about their Souls, for they will continue on a path that will ultimately lead back to Source. Practice loving all unconditionally, knowing this is a temporary illusion we are engaged in. As you learn to tune in with your Soul more, you will understand this to be true. Many wonder how the world can be allowed to have such cruel people in it. Why must others suffer at their hands? My dears, through time, humans created this mess by exercising the gift of Free Will. Many have not followed their intuition and gut feelings, thus placing them into positions causing harm to themselves and others. It is easy to do in a Realm that offers amnesia upon entry. You have chosen to incarnate at this time in order to be a part of this grand experience. Everyone has the ability to pay attention to their body and make choices out of love rather than fear. Everyone also has the ability to communicate with their Soul and Spirit Guides to assist with avoiding unnecessary pitfalls. You are never alone. Pay attention to your emotions and intuition, which increases the likelihood of avoiding uncomfortable experiences. Pull through the hard times by facing your fears and learning to love yourself and others unconditionally. Like all things, there comes a time to aspire to greater heights. This is happening now on Earth. The highest choice you can make in any situation is that of love, pure and unconditional love. It is attainable and you are well on your way to experiencing it fully. Enjoy your time on Earth and celebrate all your experiences with gratitude! © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 159 Perfect Love compressed
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    SOUL CONNECTION 158 ~ ADDICTIONS Many have been plagued with addictions of various types since early childhood. Some have developed addictions such as alcohol, drugs and overeating as a medication to ease unresolved emotional pain. Resolve those pains, change your behaviors and your life will unfold. This may sound simplistic, but it really is all that needs to be done. Release yourself from the feelings of being a victim or punishing yourself for what others have chosen to do. Some have chosen food substances such as sugar or coffee as their addictions. Perhaps life was not sweet while growing up or perhaps a burst of energy is needed, to replenish the energy spent in non-beneficial ways. Many have become addicted to cigarettes due to the temporary relaxed state they bring or because of wanting to be like their peers. All are reasons locked in beliefs that are not for your highest good. Others have chosen sex, careers and extreme sports in order to gain an emotional high. Often, this results when a person is spending an enormous amount of time and energy involved in things that do not satiate his/her passion. Look at obsessive thoughts and actions that come to your attention. Sometimes, they are past life issues triggered by current events. However, most often, they stem from unresolved emotional trauma which began in early childhood. Some addictions are created through habits learned from one’s family and friends. However, if you cannot stop the behavior, this is an indication of a deeper problem. Take notice of where you place your time and energy. If these habits are not in compliance with your highest good, you would do well to change them. Check your mental health. Bring to your attention any incessant thoughts and behaviors. You have the power to change the beliefs and the behaviors that leave you drained or cause you to feel shame and guilt. Know that you are worthy of love, perfect and pure in all ways, always. This is hard for many to believe. However, look around and notice others who are happy and full of joy. Ask them how they came to have a life they enjoy. Seek ways that feel fitting for you. There is nothing you cannot overcome. Face your addictions and enjoy your recovery as you rediscover your true Essence! © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 158 Addiction compressed
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    SOUL CONNECTION 157 ~ FACE YOUR FEAR Face your fear and switch your attitude and belief to a more positive desire in order to manifest higher vibrational experiences. When people have been hurt, they may live their life expecting this to occur again and then live according to that belief. Fear is one of the strongest emotions that humans possess. If you focus on fearful things, you are likely to manifest the things you fear. The more passion you give to your intentions, the more likely you will make the change. Thus, it is imperative that outdated beliefs are changed to ones that allow love and freedom to expand. It is not always easy to change these beliefs, but once broken and the habits that kept them in place are changed, life becomes nothing short of miraculous. There is nothing that can stop one who consciously creates their reality based on the belief that everything is possible and available. Go within often until you connect deeply with your Soul. © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 157 Face Your Fear compressed
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    SOUL CONNECTION 156 ~ EXPRESS GRATITUDE FOR EVERYTHING Express gratitude for everything you have experienced, first thing every morning. Take a few moments to relax and release the tension in your body. Recognize that even the painful experiences have been great teachers, helping you to better understand your Self and allowing you an opportunity to make future choices that are more rewarding. Take time each day to express gratitude to your Self and others as you pay attention to the blessings in all things. Continue this practice until it becomes a part of you, gratefully experiencing every opportunity presented to you in each moment. There are many frequencies to strive for and gratitude is one of the highest attainable while living in human form. Practice acts of kindness, not as an obligation, but for the sheer joy of sharing your talents and love for one another. Make this part of your spiritual practice and you will soon find yourself feeling love for all on a level deeper than you currently fathom. We all come from one Source and at the appointed time, we will each merge again with Source. Until then, enjoy the time you have on Earth, allowing yourself to experience life to the fullest! © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 156 Express Gratitude for Everything compressed
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    SOUL CONNECTION 155 ~ SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION Release any guilt and shame for sexual conduct that you are presently or have previously indulged in. Look deeply at the activity that you have negative thoughts towards. If it was an issue from the past, then forgive yourself. If there is a need to apologize to another for something you have done, then do so. If it is not appropriate to forgive or apologize in person, then visualize yourself forgiving or apologizing to that person until you feel the energy leave you. Holding on to guilt and shame keeps you in victim mode. If this was a sexual act that happened in the past and you continue to feel guilt or shame, then state to yourself that you choose not to feel guilt or shame anymore. Then follow through by no longer allowing yourself to dwell on such thoughts. Many purposely use sex to manipulate others. If you are presently engaging in sexual conduct that causes you to feel guilt and shame, then you have two choices. Stop the behavior without going into victim mode or feeling like you have to give up something. Another choice is to loosen up your beliefs around sex and begin to enjoy the activity if it is for the highest good of all concerned. One thing to consider is to forgive anyone who has transgressed you, whether it is sexually based or not. Until you release the negative energies associated with feelings of unrighteousness and manipulation, you will not be able to attain high levels of love while in human form. When you first revisit some of your painful memories, there may be fear involved. Push through the fear. Give up the rosy façade that all is well and ask for help from your Soul, Spirit Guides, your friends or a therapist. No one has led a perfect life. No one has walked their Path without receiving pain on some level. As a culture, humans have separated themselves, becoming inaccessible to each other out of fear or reprisal. It is time to set aside judgment and reach out to strengthen each other. Many walk around wounded, continually looking for ways to protect themselves from being hurt. The walls of protection are strong. No one can assist you until you are ready to begin dismantling your walls. © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 155 Sexual Dysfunction compressed
    Theresa Crabtree posted an update
    SOUL CONNECTION 154 ~ Unconditional Love: 10 Tips Are you ready to experience more unconditional love for yourself and others? Here are some starter points. 1. Tell yourself often you are perfect and pure. 2. Stop any thoughts you have that condemn yourself. Choose instead to visualize how you will change your future behaviors and rectify past behaviors. 3. Step out of your box and dare to eat, speak, dress, walk, play, rest, dance and sing in manners that are fitting of the truth you wish to proclaim. 4. Be kind to yourself and all others. 5. Smile at everyone and everything. It is hard to hold onto negative thoughts when you have a smiling face and heart. 6. When you find yourself making an unnecessary negative judgment, change your thought immediately. 7. Be mindful of every action you take, that it comes from a sense of love rather than obligation. 8. Choose carefully how you spend your time. Watching a violent movie will take you into that space, creating the possibility of that scenario occurring in your life. 9. Talk with others who have opposing views until you have the ability to accept their opinion. You need not believe what they say, but learn to allow them to believe what they choose without feeling a need to sway them to your side. 10. Look at various cultures and religious institutions and adopt the customs that are meaningful to you. Variety is the spice of life and it is good that no two persons on Earth share exactly the same beliefs. Practice these suggestions until they are second nature and you will be well on your path to loving unconditionally! © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 154 10 Tips to Love Unconditionally compressed
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    SOUL CONNECTION 153 ~ SMILE AWHILE When you go out today, smile and nod a greeting to everyone you meet, making brief eye contact when appropriate. If you will not be going outside today, send smiles and love telepathically to the people you find yourself thinking about, especially anyone you are having problems with. Consider taking a few moments to go through your address book and send a brief smile and Heart Connection to twenty people. If you are reading this in the evening, then make a note to yourself to remember to smile at everyone you encounter tomorrow. Make smiling a habit. It is a great physical, mental, emotional and spiritual exercise! © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Download the Heart Connections at: Listen to the Soul Connections at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 153 Smile Awhile compressed
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    10 PRINCIPLES TO LIVE BY 1. Daily take time for meditation, whether you choose to seek ways to improve yourself or simply as a way to relax. Spend less time running around doing mundane things that suck your energy. 2. Be kind to yourself and all living Beings on Earth, for this will bring great joy as you begin to harmonize closer with each other. 3. Spend moments in gratitude until this becomes your fulltime attitude. Gratitude is of a very high frequency and will go far to break through barriers of separation. 4. Seek whatever methods allow you to remember that God loves you. Look into the mirror and tell yourself that you are lovable, until you feel it within every fiber of your Being. 5. Change any unhealthy dietary habits. It is difficult to maintain the higher frequencies of love when your cells are filled with toxic substances. Research organic methods of farming and begin growing and/or eating those foods. 6. Be aware of your thoughts, for these are your future actions. Where you focus your attention is what you will draw unto you. Like attracts like, it is a law of this universe. 7. Be mindful of what you do with your body. Exercises that build strength and flexibility are well worth the effort, leading to a life of strength, agility and less pain. 8. Nurture yourself. Learn techniques to relax every moment, no matter how much stress surrounds you. Gift yourself with the things you would readily supply to those you love. 9. Sleep well. If you awaken feeling refreshed, you are receiving the proper amount of sleep. Know that this will change from time to time. Treat yourself to a nap when you are tired. 10. Love your Self! Remove thoughts and beliefs that keep you imprisoned in feelings of “less than” or unworthiness. Everyone comes from One Source and will return to One Source. There is no way that one can be more or less than another. Begin to see the God Essence in yourself and in all others. Treat each other accordingly and all wars will stop in an instant! © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 152 10 Principles to Live By compressed
    Theresa Crabtree posted an update
    SOUL CONNECTION 151 ~ YOU ARE A LIVING LIBRARY You are a living library. Picture yourself as a hologram of original Source, completely one with All. Know that you are not separated from Source; you are temporarily playing a part in a role your Higher Self has chosen. Your role on Earth is important for all of creation, for it allows all to experience everything through you. Anything that has occurred can be accessed through the Akashic Records. As your body logs information during your daily walk, it is downloaded into the Records. Thus, you are a living library. Every action you take, every emotion you feel is logged. It is important. You are unique. Only you can experience things in the way that you do. These records are stored for eternity. There are many who live on faraway planets, yet are able to access these records for their personal enjoyment. They also receive inspiration for their personal life stream and to create new worlds. You are that important! You are adding to these Records every moment. They are rich with information and resources. These Records are open to you at anytime for your enjoyment and enrichment. To gain access, go within and ask for permission to enter the Hall of Records. As you make this a practice, you will find it easier to gain access. However, if your motives are not pure when requesting access to the Records of others, you will be denied. © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 151 You Are a Living Library compressed
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    What reality are you creating in this moment? Meme 28 You become what you think Think Happy Thoughts compressed
    Theresa Crabtree posted an update
    SOUL CONNECTION 150 ~ CONNECT WITH OTHERS It is good to connect with others in your life. To make a Heart Connection, send a feeling of love, from your heart to their heart. This may be difficult in the beginning with those you have difficulties with, but you will find it easier as you practice. Subconsciously, people sense feelings and thoughts you project towards them. Many people are closed to accepting love, so it may take repeated doses to chip down their barriers. Practice doing this and watch how your attitude and judgment towards others begins to change. Notice how others react differently towards you. We are all One, coming from the same Source. Positive thinking and continual acts of kindness will assist in overcoming obstacles that currently keeps us separate. © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. FREE DOWNLOAD OF THE HEART CONNECTIONS AT: Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 150 Connect with Others compressed
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    SOUL CONNECTION 149 ~ SYNCHRONICITIES Pay attention to synchronicities, which are meaningful coincidences. Count them as blessings as you walk along your life Path. Have the courage to follow through with ideas that feel inspiring, for they likely are guideposts for you. There are times when you will falter, but you will never be lost. Call on your Higher Self and Spirit Guides for assistance. They are always nearby to set up new experiences to help you stay on your Path. Take time to clear your mind. Go into meditation and seek inside for answers. Often the responses are subtle: a fleeting thought, an intuition, a gut reaction or a “knowingness.” Trust your instincts. It is much easier to trust your instincts after you have relinquished your fears. At times, you may receive an intuition, but your fears create a reaction response that keeps you from following through with your intuition. This is an important reason why facing and walking through your fears is imperative. Also, pay attention to your feelings when you make choices. In most cases, if you have released associated fears and false beliefs, you will know with certainty which choice to make. You will find these guideposts in many ways. Perhaps you will overhear a part of someone else’s conversation that is relative to you. Books may fall at your feet. Objects appear to almost glow or “call” to you. Your loved ones who have crossed over may send familiar scents to let you know they are nearby. Song lyrics repeating in your mind, may be a clue. A website may pop up unexpectedly on your computer. You may feel a strong urge to go somewhere or turn on the television or radio to a specific channel. There are many ways your Higher Self, Spirit Guides, Ascended Masters and loved ones attempt to reach you. When you are paying attention, you will notice their clues. Seek and you will find. Watch for synchronicities that are unusual, yet relevant. © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 149 Synchronicity compressed
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    SOUL CONNECTION 148 ~ EMBRACE DIVERSITY Embrace diversity, for very person is unique, coming from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. Your beliefs are the foundation upon which you manifest your entire reality. When your foundation is built on love, peace, joy and kindness, you will see the world from these lenses. You will expect people to respond to you in like manner. No two humans are the same; why attempt to make it so? Accept others’ individuality. Embrace and encourage them even when you do not agree. Then we will create unity in our world. Even within spiritual circles, there is much dissention. What does it matter if you have different views of god? Does it matter if some religious laws are different? All religions state that it is good to love and be kind to one another. If there is to be a unified religion, this should be the guide. If a unified language is to be chosen, perhaps silence would be the greatest. This would allow more time for meditation and create less miscommunication through the use of oral language. Telepathy that is heart centered is optimal. There is no hierarchy in the higher frequency Dimensions, although there is organization. Everyone has an equal role to play, supporting the love-based creations of each other. Isn't that a goal worth striving for on Earth? How can you bring heaven to earth? Stop for a moment and reflect on what judgment you will release today. How can you better embrace diversity? © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 148 Embrace Diversity compressed
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    SOUL CONNECTION 147 ~ CO-CREATION Co-creation is the act of consciously working together to attain a specific goal. Through all ages, there have been Masters with incredible powers who have unlocked the secrets of the building blocks of this universe. Through their understanding, they have been able to do things that most humans cannot not do. However, veils between Dimensions are thinning, allowing information to flow freely to all who communicate with these Masters who have ascended duality. Many ancient mystery schools are now opening their doors to outsiders. Their secrets were guarded for centuries; however, now it is time for them to be shared by those whose hearts are pure. No one and no thing can stop you from experiencing spiritual growth, unless you allow it. You can also help others with their spiritual awakening as you attain more enlightenment. Master the ability to focus on your intention for an extended period of time. Become aware of your thoughts, words and actions; keep them flowing from a base of love. Face your fears and uncover false beliefs you adopted from childhood onward. Make choices that lead towards healing your emotional trauma and the ability to love unconditionally. This will allow you to vibrate at a higher frequency. Your vibration then spreads out across the cosmos. Thus, raising your vibration affects those around you, giving them the opportunity to raise their vibration. That is co-creation in action. Hold onto your vision of perfect health and harmony for yourself and others. Do your part by paying attention to what you think, do and say. Be a role model for others. Set time aside for daily meditation. Choose your friends wisely. Speak your truth. Walk the Path that leads to enlightenment. There is much to be gained by taking responsibility for yourself. Take each step in joy, knowing that you are manifesting a more bountiful life on Earth for all. You have already experienced the result of inaction. Now, take time to formulate your plan of action. © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 147 Co-Creation compressed
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