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    SOUL CONNECTION 146 ~ BASK IN JOY Today, spend as much time in nature as possible. Do only those things that give you pleasure. Pay attention all day to how you feel, bringing up feelings of joy whenever any lower vibrational emotions come up. Be mindful of every word you utter and every thought that comes into your consciousness. Go forth in joy! © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 146 Bask in Joy compressed
    Theresa Crabtree posted an update
    SOUL CONNECTION 145 ~ FAKE IT 'TIL YOU MAKE IT Sometimes, to get past something in your life, you have to fake it ‘til you make it. Most undesirable behaviors are rooted in emotional trauma, often having roots in early childhood. For example, sexual abuse may lead the child to create a “false belief” such as, “If I am fat and ugly, no one will do this to me again.” As a result, the child begins to overeat or avoid hygienic practices in order to be unattractive. This may be done consciously or unconsciously. Before long, a food addiction is formed, while the reason why it started may be forgotten. Discovering these “false beliefs” can be difficult. However, when you feel off balance with someone who “pushes your buttons,” this can be a clue to the root experience. The same is true for addictions or behaviors that you cannot stop. Spend some time in meditation, with the intention to find the initial root cause. Look at the issue from your current adult perspective. You may need to reassure your “inner child” that things are different now. Then, work together to build some strategies to replace the false beliefs with new ones that match your new way of living. One strategy to revamp beliefs that keep you locked into fear-based behaviors is to “fake it ‘til you make it.” This simple method can be difficult at first, but quickly gets easier with practice. First, choose a behavior you would like to change. Tell yourself you will no longer behave this way and then do your best to follow through. There is no need to make a public proclamation to others, for many times those you confide in will ridicule and test you. You may have to change other behaviors in order to support your targeted one. For example, you may choose to stop overeating. The only way to do this is to… stop overeating. However, you will need to change other behaviors such as reducing meal size, bring home half your meal when you dine out, not munch while watching TV and drink a glass of water instead of having a bedtime snack. Whatever you want to change, role-play as though it were already a reality. Use your five senses to solidify what you wish to change. When you do so, your subconscious brain does not know that this is not truly happening. It will respond as though this is reality, allowing you to retrain your brain. As a result, it will be easier to break the habit. For example, if you are wanting to stop overeating, visualize yourself doing what it is you want to change. Visualize a common scenario that is a problematic area. Let’s say that you commonly snack on a bag of chips, cookies and a soda while watching TV. Visualize yourself eating a light, healthy snack. See it in your mind’s eye. Taste how yummy it is, hear the crunch, perhaps you can even smell the pleasing aroma. Feel the texture in your hand and in your mouth as you mindfully chew. Praise yourself for making a better choice. Feel happy, knowing you won’t feel bloated afterwards. See yourself having more energy. Express gratitude for your body as you pledge to pay closer attention to what it needs in order to feel strong and healthy. Avoid whining or making statements such as, “I’m on a diet so I can't have any cake.” That will only lock you into victim mode. The good news is, you can have your cake and eat it, too. Just do so in smaller amounts and early in the day so you have a chance to burn off the calories. Also, avoid statements that make you seem noble that will lock you into ego trips. “I’m on a diet and losing weight, you should do it, too.” Don’t “should” on people. Build allies, not enemies. Also, it is important not to beat yourself up when you fall back into your old pattern. Review why you “fell off the wagon,” then get back up and make a better choice. Don’t entertain thoughts that bring you down, feeling like you “have to” give something up. Instead, think positive thoughts about how much more enriched your life is becoming as you leave behind what no longer serves you. No one has ever died while practicing this exercise, however, many have learned to live! Practice daily whatever it is you wish to experience. Do not let others or your fears stop you from living the life of your dreams. There is a lot more you can do and experience than you currently give yourself credit for. Dare to dream big. Meanwhile, fake it ‘til you make it! © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 145 Fake it Til You Make It compressed
    Theresa Crabtree posted an update
    SOUL CONNECTION 144 ~ Toss Those Bags Visualize yourself as driving a car loaded with all the emotional baggage you have carried since birth. While driving, you are listening to a CD that is helping to increase your inner vibration by feeling gratitude, love and compassion. You begin to forgive others for the painful things they said or did to you. Toss those bags out the window and keep on driving. (Don't worry, these bags self-destruct, so you won't get a ticket for littering!) As you recognize your pattern of choosing partners who bring you down, toss those bags as you continue to cruise. You are now ready to let go of some friendships based on negativity. Let those bags fall off the roof of the car. As you continue to fine-tune your day with more positive vibrational thoughts, words and actions, you become more objective with each bag you eject. Begin to see and take responsibility for the choices you have made. Switch the momentum o unsatisfying events by changing your perspective. Find the strength and courage to say, "no" and make changes that match your increasing vibrational level. This has to be, for "like attracts like." Don’t expect your car to come to an instant halt; that can be painful. If needed, make "leap of faith." Jump out of the car, even if it is still in motion. You may have a few scrapes and bumps as you hit the ground. Don’t sit there and whine about the past or worry about the future. Get yourself up, brush yourself off and start all over again. This time you will have a broader remembrance of the powerful creator that you are. Walk over to the car dealership and choose the auto that best fits your new perspective. Enjoy the journey! © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 144 Toss those Bags compressed
    Theresa Crabtree posted an update
    SOUL CONNECTION 143 ~ END THE SUFFERING Many wonder why God does not end the suffering on Earth. Yet the responsibility lies in the hands of each human. We were given the gift of free will. As creators, this permits us to express ourselves in a manner only limited by universal laws. Thus, the suffering on earth is a direct result of choices we make while incarnate. Review the history of humanity. The suffering we experience is due to the choices made by individuals over time. Many of us have incarnated before and are the ones who made these decisions. We are the ones who make fear-based choices. And we are the ones responsible for each belief that we hold onto. We have forgotten our spiritual roots. Our experience on Earth is miniscule in relation to the age of our Higher Selves. The hardships you experience now are less than a sneeze in the overall lifestream of your Soul. Yet from their perspective, all suffering has as much value as the joyous moments. You can experience that too when you can “step outside” yourself. Keep the Big Picture in mind. The end of suffering begins with you. However, to make global changes, we must unite with the clear intention of manifesting more love. We can’t just dream it into existence. We need to respect others and openly speak our truth. There are laws that need to change. Vote into power those who speak from their heart. Release others from their duties. Most importantly, stand firm in love every moment of your life. All of these things can be done if we join as one voice, uni-verse. It takes time and effort to make great changes. However, look what one person such as Gandhi or Mother Teresa was able to accomplish. You have the ability to take charge of your life and become a role model such as these two. Begin within by finding the fears and beliefs you created. End the suffering that you have created within yourself and with others. Then you will be a role model to others. This energy will ripple forth with the potential of becoming a tsunami of love. © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 143 Empowerment The End of Suffering
    Theresa Crabtree posted an update
    SOUL CONNECTION 142 ~ HEALING MEDITATION Before starting this energy healing meditation. select one goal you would like to focus on. This could be an emotional trauma, an addiction or a relationship. With this in mind, relax while taking in several breaths. Focus on your breathing until you have released any tension in your body. When you relax, you enter into theta brainwaves, allowing you to more easily disengage the busy, logical mind. Mentally, push a button that temporarily shuts off the left side of the brain. The right hemisphere stores the memories of what has occurred during your lifetime. You can release emotions easier when you are in a relaxed state. The right brain experiences the emotions without needing to express or hold onto them. The right side of the brain allows for greater healing to occur. Now, bring the problem you are working on to the forefront of your consciousness. Sit calmly and quietly and you may begin to receive answers. Pay attention so you do not miss the subtle cues that lead to the resolution of your problem. Know that within you lies the answers to anything you seek. End your meditation with gratitude. Then, go forth, knowing that the world is truly yours to explore! © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 142 Healing Meditation compressed
    Theresa Crabtree posted an update
    SOUL CONNECTION 141 ~ MIRROR MEDITATION Before beginning the mirror meditation, get into a comfortable position. Take a few moments to unwind. Then, deeply and slowly, breathe in and breathe out. Allow your muscles to relax. Mentally push the “off” button on your left-brain. Set the intention for it to auto restart when you return to your normal active brain state. The goal today is to explore the universe that lies within you. Drift inside these spaces for a while. Notice your heart space. Allow yourself to feel love. Visualize your Spirit Guides coming to meet you. Feel their loving energy as they embrace you in their etheric arms. Now, focus on loving every part of your Being. Do not focus on anything specific. Just send unconditional love through your whole Being on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Fill your heart with gratitude for all the support you receive from those in the physical realm. Extend your appreciation to those in the unseen realms. Make a Heart Connection with God, the Source of All. Do the same with your Higher Self. Bask in the love that returns to you. Stay in this space for as long as you wish. When you return, go to a mirror. Spend a few moments gazing into your eyes. Tell yourself that you are loved beyond measure. Allow yourself to receive this gift of love. Feel the warmth it gives you. Attempt to hold onto this feeling of love throughout the day. Every morning, gaze into your eyes. Remind yourself how much you are loved. Know that you are lovable, just as you are. Remember on the soul level, you are a part of God. You are here to anchor this love on earth. Just by being here. The “doing” is of less importance. Remember, you are a human being, not a human doing. Go forth and have a loving day. Send love to everyone you interact with. Before long, you will feel yourself elevate to another level of consciousness. © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 141 Mirror Meditation Compressed
    Theresa Crabtree posted an update
    SOUL CONNECTION 140 ~ JUDGMENT DAY There is no Judgment Day in which God will choose some to go to heaven and others to be banished to hell. Hell is your daily experience of the results of your fear, beliefs and actions. None will be lost; all will return to Source. Can you imagine a Creator who purposely creates a magnificent Being, like you, just to destroy it? Be creative with your life and release any thoughts and beliefs that leave you feeling less than or more than another. Treat yourself and others with kindness and compassion. You are an aspect of Source, a pure Being of light arriving on the Earth, for a time, to experience and express one small piece of God’s creation. Go forth and create the life you choose! © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 140 Judgment Day compressed
    Theresa Crabtree posted an update
    SOUL CONNECTION 139 ~ RELEASE TIME CONSTRAINTS Do you feel a quickening, as though there is no time to get things done, wondering where the hours went at the close of your day? There is currently a shattering of time as you begin to ascend to a higher consciousness. Time is relative to your interest in an activity, as well. You have likely experienced performing a chore that you disliked and it seemed to take forever. Yet, when you spent the same amount of time involved in a task that was of high interest, you wondered, “Where did the time go?” Many cannot wear watches, for it will either stop or lose its ability to maintain correct time. What happens is that clocks and watches may become jangled by higher frequencies and not work properly. However, you have the ability to warp time so it benefits you, without harming anyone else. When you follow your intuition, time will flow and more often, you will show up at the perfect time. Following your intuition and gut feelings is your inner guidance leading you to experiences that you have manifest through intentions and requests. Hone your ability to recognize these pulls. Watch for synchronicities when you release the constraints you place on time and allow yourself to go with the flow. You will find yourself drawn to places you didn’t plan to go. Follow these hunches and see what unfolds. Observe what is happening around you. Take action when you overhear a conversation or hear a song lyric that resonates with you. Pay attention to and expect other synchronistic events. Often, it is your Soul leading you on your path to spiritual enlightenment. Many signs are overlooked when you keep your eyes focused on your watch! © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 139 Release Time Constraints compressed
    Theresa Crabtree posted an update
    SOUL CONNECTION 138 ~ UNITED PRAYERS Be sure your prayers are coherent, that all involved are united with the intention. Before you pray, hydrate your body with pure water. Go within, tune into your Soul, then ask if the prayer you wish to manifest is appropriate. If you get a positive answer, then call in the Soul of all those involved and ask the same question. Often, you will find that it is not your business to intercede. Incoherent prayers often happen during group gatherings. Let us use the example of “world peace.” The group spokesperson states the intention, “We are gathered here to focus on creating world peace.” Yet rarely is the community involved setting off coherent thoughtforms. Some of the people in the circle may be visualizing the rounding up of government officials they label as criminals. They may even pray that they suffer horrendous deaths. Others may visualize armed troops gathering and torturing terrorists. Additionally, some may visualize everyone filled with peace. Others may prayer for the End Times or manifest the Rapture. Many times, people with good intentions will send out prayer requests for someone who has cancer or mental health problems. Others, with equally good intentions, jump on board and blindly start praying. However, they may not know the full story of the intention of the one being prayed for. Perhaps it is time for this person to die. Maybe the Higher Self is allowing the anxiety and pain as an aid for the person’s spiritual awakening. When the prayers are not coherent, this can cause energy imbalances. Tune in with the Higher Selves of those involved before sending healing energy. This is true whether you are praying alone, in a group or at the request of a third party. Coherent prayers are very powerful. Each thought, word and emotion you energize sends ripples throughout the universe. Coherent prayers, especially by united groups, gather force and momentum. Thoughts of love flow freely, blessing those who are open to receiving love. Thoughts that are not of love, although you may righteously believe they are, cause more strife instead of peace. Pray wisely! © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 138 Coherent Prayers compressed
    Theresa Crabtree posted an update
    SOUL CONNECTION 137 ~ RELEASE YOUR INNER CHILD Are you ready to release your inner child? Let us celebrate by making joyful noises! Release your inhibitions and begin to sing. Make up words as you go, they need not be in a language you know; they can be just silly utterances. Build your crescendo, play with the sounds. Ohm, if you choose. Shriek with delight. Make silly faces and movements. Have fun and release yourself your inner child. Make body movements; get up and dance around the room or better yet, in nature. Let the playful child inside come out. If there are others around, invite them to join you. Make silly faces at each other. If you feel like laughing, laugh. If you feel like crying, cry. Allow your emotions to arise. There is no need to attempt to understand why you are feeling these emotions, simply express them. Continue dancing and singing for as long as you choose. Then, drink plenty of pure water and relax. Do a short meditation for about fifteen minutes, express an attitude of gratitude for all those who have been of assistance to you, both on Earth and beyond. Allow yourself to release any emotional feelings that arise. Once you have finished, create a splendid day for yourself, filled with love and peace! Include this in your routine at least once a week and enjoy the freedom of releasing parts of you that are ready to be expressed. © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Problems with mental health, depression, anxiety, addictions, relationships, demons, haunted house, paranormal activity? SC 137 Release Your Inner Child compressed
    Theresa Crabtree posted an update
    SOUL CONNECTION 136 ~ DECREASE FEAR, INCREASE LOVE In order to decrease fear and increase love, you must face your fears. Like a bully, your fears will dwindle and back off when you boldly confront them. Changing the behaviors that keep your fears intact requires effort and courage. This is your public statement that you are changing something inside yourself that no longer serves you. Some may encourage you, while others may ridicule you, but stand fast to your truth and press forward. Your love will exponentially increase with each fear you release, for you cannot hold on to both at the same time. If you are harboring anger, hate or frustration towards another, you will block the flow of love. Some love may filter through when your time together is going well. However, the flow is still constricted due to the lower frequencies targeted towards that person. Others around you will be operating from their own fear-based foundation. You may react to an unresolved issue from your past. They, in turn, will be triggered by your reaction to an unresolved issue in their life. Thus, wars are waged in the schoolyard, the bedroom and boardroom. The more you love and honor yourself, the more you can express love to others. Many think they are unconditionally loving others until the person refuses to respond to their wishes. Take time every day to go within and find your fears and low vibrational beliefs and release them. This will open doors to choosing beliefs that are lighter, moving you closer to making love-based choices. © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 136 Decrease Fear, Increase Love compressed
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    Share your experience below! Meme 25 What Addiction Break Compressed
    Theresa Crabtree posted an update
    SOUL CONNECTION 134 ~ RESPONSIBLE SEX Most sexual acts are performed for the simple pleasure of the feelings they arouse. Although there is nothing wrong with this, it may drain you of energy that could be put to better use. Often, sexual acts are performed as a means to control another person, whether the manipulation is recognized as such or not. Many times sex is performed between two partners who barely know each other. Although there may be pleasure obtained in the moment, the results of the action can last an entire lifetime and beyond. When two come together, an energy transfer occurs. A bonding occurs in which cords are attached that keep them energetically linked to each other, which can create problems. When semen enters a woman’s body, the program is activated, “Make a baby! Make a baby!” Often there are children born in this type of union. Unwanted children have a very difficult lot in life. Although the words may never be spoken, the thoughtform of being unwanted or unworthy is impregnated into their energy field. Many are suffering unknowingly from this programming. If you feel unwanted, ask your Higher Self to help you release this thoughtform from your energy field. Many humans feel tremendous amounts of guilt and shame associated with their sexual experiences. Release any negative thoughts and beliefs associated with sexual activities. In the future, take into account possible outcomes and choose to have responsible sex, for you may be adding a heavy burden onto yourself, your partner and any children that may be born from this momentary act of pleasure. © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 134 Responsible Sex compressed
    Theresa Crabtree posted an update
    SOUL CONNECTION 133 ~ THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL You may have heard the adage, "the love of money is the root of all evil." Although there are a myriad of causes of evil, it might be closer to the truth to say that fear is the root of most evil. Yet who determines what is evil, if all experiences are catalysts for growth? The Soul of each human will ultimately return to Source, bringing a wealth of experiences to share with the whole. It is the intention of the universe to allow each soul to love all things, thus loving money is not a bad thing. However, using money to gain control over another reaps repercussions. Spending more time focused on acquiring money rather than taking care of personal and familial needs can create imbalance. Using money to buy the affections of another is a very low density proposition, leading to pain. There are many unhealthy ways a person can be attached to money, but it is not the root of all evil. This adage has reaped havoc with many, confusing those who are doing "God's work." Many feel they should not charge for services when their gifts are from God. Yet, all is part of Source. Do you think your Soul wants you to be miserable or live in poverty? There is nothing wrong with poverty, if you choose a minimalistic lifestyle. However, many block their own abundance with thoughts that amassing a fortune, while following their passion is a bad thing. Change your perspective of the belief that money is the root of all evil. Allow yourself to flow with the universe, which is ever expanding. Your Higher Self and Spirit Gs are awaiting your call to assist you in creating whatever your heart desires. There is no lack in the universe, all is open to you. Seek and ye shall find. Knock and it shall be opened unto you. These are not idle words, but powerful insights into what awaits once you let go of any blocks related to money. © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 133 The root of all evil compressed
    Theresa Crabtree posted an update
    SOUL CONNECTION 132 ~ CREATE YOUR REALITY Be responsible for your thoughts, words and actions, for they create your reality. Notice the way you affect your world individually. Pay attention to the pros and cons of every action you take. Listen to those who have opposing views, for you may find fragments of truth you overlooked in your zealous appeal to be righteous. Read the labels on things you place on your body and ingest, for many are toxic and causing you great havoc. Rest when you are tired. Eat when you are hungry. Drink when you are thirsty. The best form of nourishment for you is pure, untainted water, which currently is in short supply. Pray over your water, asking for it to return to its pure crystalline structure. The ancients have done this for eons. To see how thoughts affect water molecules, review the work of Dr. Masuro Emoto. When you pray, know you have the power within to co-create whatever you wish to experience, especially when you draw upon the services of the ascended masters. Be mindful when you pray for others, always consulting with their Higher Self and your own Spirit Guides, for what you are requesting may not be in their best interest. You create your reality within the current moment, thus, choose wisely for what you put out, will return to you. © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 132 Create your reality compressed
    Theresa Crabtree posted an update
    SOUL CONNECTION 130 ~ ENLIGHTEN YOURSELF Seek ways to enlighten yourself by overcoming fears and obstacles that keep you from moving upward. Focus your attention on ways you can move forward, leaving behind persons, places and events that keep you bogged in the mire. Choose acts of kindness, not of servitude, for that places you in a position of insubordination or “less than.” When you spend your time “saving” others to the detriment of moving yourself forward, you become part of the problem, not the solution. Know that many will remain stuck in the mire, yet all is well, for every person ultimately will return to Source. There will be times when what you do for yourself will be looked upon by you and others as acts of selfishness. At those times, keep your focus and make the choices that lead you to a fulfilling life of peace and joy. When you release the burden of saving others, you open the doorway to becoming a role model for those you are concerned about. However, be wary not to enable others, for this creates a sense of helplessness and unworthiness. © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 130 Enlighten Yourself compressed
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    SOUL CONNECTION 129 ~ RE-PATTERNING YOUR BELIEFS Within your brain, there are receptors that link to each other, anchoring new beliefs. In order to re-pattern a belief, you must break this connection by changing your perception and changing the behaviors associated with the old belief patterns. This applies to any belief whether it is related to religion, health or any experience in your life. When you are triggered by something that causes you to become emotionally out of balance, you can role play or choose actions you prefer to experience when a similar situation occurs in the future. State your intention to change this behavior, preferably while peering at your eyes in a mirror. Be solid and strong as you make this statement. Then, change your behaviors and lead your life as though the outcome has already changed. Be mindful of the traps that have kept you imprisoned in the related thoughts, words and actions. Have the courage to say “no” when the temptation to fall back into old routines presents itself. Live your life in a way that enhances your new choices. Pay attention to the side tracks that are ever-present with the possibility of ensnaring you again. While you are re-patterning your beliefs, you may need to change friends, move to a new location or make small or drastic life-altering decisions. Keep your focus, without falling into the feelings of “woe is me.” Be proud of your choice and stand firm in the face of adversity. You are reclaiming your life and working your way towards peace, joy and kindness. Who can fault you for that? Take charge of your life as you move towards the higher vibrations of love and kindness. © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 129 Re-Patterning Your Beliefs compressed
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