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A movement spearheaded by Love and Kindness, Hope, Honesty, and Transparency. Spreading our beliefs across the world to give people hope and solace. Gnostic Light Keepers is focused on giving people tools to help get through this lifetime a little easier.

Theresa is a Spiritual Coach, speaker, teacher, minister, hypnotist, healer and founder of  Gnostic Light Keepers, a nonprofit corporation 501(c) 3. Facebook: Gnostic Light Keepers

For free spiritual online or phone meetups, join us the 3rd Sunday of the month @12 noon PST and enjoy a meditation at the end of the Gnostic Light Keeper meetup.

We have numerous services in addition to meetups, house blessings, classes, coaching, weddings, memorials, hypnosis sessions, hands-on and energy healing and more.

Theresa is also founder of a Public Benefit Corp., Gnostic Light INC,  which holds Spiritual Classes and Gatherings and is the parent of PHTC Hypnosis School. Theresa is Director of Premier Hypnosis Training Center (PHTC) and former Director of Hypnosis for Sylvia Browne Hypnosis Training Center. PHTC teaches advanced and classic hypnosis to use for yourself or certification. The basic class includes regression and past life regression. Advanced classes include Spiritual Hypnosis: easily taking people to Heaven to visit helpful Temples, Spirit Guides, loved ones and your Afterlife.  Theresa's Power Room for ages 5 to 105. and NLP with Spiritual flavoring is also included in PHTC.

Azna's White Lighters is a Facebook group believing that combining our effort we can create miracles.  Join us in praying for prayer requests each day. Just think of adding your Light to others to send prayer appeals to God. We believe God is a duality, both feminine and male aspects. We call the female side, the Mother Goddess, Azna. In sharing our spark of God to enhance requests for the greater good, we believe we have more powerful prayers.

Post prayers on Facebook: Azna's White Lighters   or You can join us at 9 a.m. and or 9 p.m. to pray and since there is no time in Heaven, you can add your light and your prayer when you remember at any earth time. Looking forward to your Light joining ours for miracles! You can even join us in person during our Spiritual retreats.

For information or questions, contact: or contact us through Facebook. Gnostic Light Keepers (Facebook) or



Awards and Affiliations

IHF International Hypnosis Federation member and approved School
ACHE American Council of Hypnotist Examiners
NGH National Guild of Hypnotists
Ordained as Cardinal,minister, Society of Novus Spiritus
Director Emeritus, Sylvia Browne Hypnosis Training Center
Finalist Presidential Award for Excellence in Teaching,1990
UNESCO International Education Conference on integration 1988 delegate

Causes and Organizations

nonprofit 501 (c) 3,, FB Gnostic Light Keepers
One way we are helping people is through training people to do hypnosis to help themselves, family, friends or start their own career as a hypnotist. We can help people focus on getting through this life a little easier. We can take people to the point where a problem started and release the negativity. We can take people to Heaven to meet their Spirit Guides or loved ones or visit the many Temples and Halls on the Other Side to help us in this life. We train hypnotists to help people change habits, improve skills, and heal their mind, spirit, and body (often collaborating with the medical profession). What a wonderful gift, an avenue to help others. Our Director was the former Director of Sylvia Browne Hypnosis Training Center and includes her wonderful hypnosis emotional and spiritual healing methods.


Theresa Micheletti

Profile picture of Theresa Micheletti


Active 5 years, 2 months ago