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Acknowledging and expressing our emotional state in a healthy, productive manner despite our challenges, disappointments and frustration is the heart of emotional wellness. The ability to understand and accept our feelings and limitations. The ability to deal with change, cope with stress, challenge, and fear – as well as love, joy, and harmony – in an appropriate and healthy way.

Connect with Emotional Wellness WU World-Changers

Profile picture of Moira Hutchison
Premier Member

Moira Hutchison

Mindset Cultivator, Spiritual Guidance, Tarot Card Readings... Empowering you to shift through change and challenge with grace & ease.
Profile picture of Raelin Saindon
Premier Member

Raelin Saindon

I am a Healer, Reiki Master-Teacher, Certified Hypnotist, Ho'oponopono Practitioner and Transformational Coach. All titles aside, I simply and compassionately Hold Space for the faciliation of Healing for those who Spirit leads to me. It is honorable and sacred work we Healers engage in, and I am thankful for it.
Profile picture of Desiree Holmes Scherini
Premier Member

Desiree Holmes Scherini

I work with multiple modalities, in person and virtually - I am here to help you succeed! Positive change and progress you are waiting for are within reach. I am trained and certified in multiple helping modalities to meet the needs of my clients. I am excited to help you be all that you can be.

World Changers


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