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The creation of balance and harmony in ones life through our chosen career or field of work. Occupational wellness is firmly connected to societal health and well-being. Using your skills, talents, and gifts to not only enrich ones own life, but extending these gifts to enrich and encourage society.

Connect with Occupational Wellness WU World-Changers

Profile picture of Toni Warner
Premier Member

Toni Warner

I’m Dr. Toni. Mom of 3. Psychotherapist and Transformational Wellness Coach. I help driven, caring professionals to create balance so they can live, lead & love powerfully without sacrificing impact, health or relationships.
Profile picture of Moira Hutchison
Premier Member

Moira Hutchison

Mindset Cultivator, Spiritual Guidance, Tarot Card Readings... Empowering you to shift through change and challenge with grace & ease.
Profile picture of Marilyn O'Malley
Premier Member

Marilyn O'Malley

Marilyn O'Malley, Energy Guide and Life Coach to Highly Sensitive and Creative People who are called to stand out and make a difference in the world.
Profile picture of Asit Ghosh
Premier Member

Asit Ghosh

Transformation Catalyst - speaker, trainer, coach, NLP master, behavioral analyst and author - three decades in practice.

World Changers


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