Dena Gould posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago
2016.05 – I suck at a lot of things, but I do me perfectly.2016.05 – it takes someone special to Love you enough to tell you to shut up2016.05 – JUST BE THE LIGHT, take a deep breath, think a positive thought2016.05 – Let's give thanks and appreciation today. Please focus only on gratitude. Please also MAIL a letter or card2016.05 – Magic can be found in the subtle moments2016.05 – NEVER, EVER compare your journey!2016.05 – No matter how much we have to be grateful for, sometimes we just wake up with that damn knot.2016.05 – Self deception ruins lives2016.05 – Sometimes it only takes a moment to bring us back to center2016.05 – Sometimes mornings suck, but you shush your negative thoughts.