• Gerry Straatemeier posted an update 7 years, 3 months ago

    Today has been a tough day for many people, including me, because it was inauguration day in the US and, well, “my side” lost an election and I’m afraid “the other side” is going to trample on everything I hold dear.

    The thing is I might be right…and I am committed to do everything I can, to continue to fight FOR the things I have worked for all my adult life – but even so, I must do so in high consciousness…Love Consciousness…because “the other side” are other humans, other emanations of the Divine and we are each others’ teachers.

    My son once had to decide whether he was going to come live with me in Oregon or stay in California with his father. He was in AA and spoke to his sponsor who told him, “If you move there, you will learn lessons. If you stay here, you will learn lessons.” I have never forgotten that great advice. We are here to give our gifts and to learn lessons on the way to spiritual unfoldment.

    Dr. King and Gandhi both modeled for me how to take a moral stand for what you believe is right without giving in to hating the people on “the other side.” I’ll do my best every day to live to that high standard. Some days I will fall short of the mark, but I will keep trying, because Love is my spiritual path.

    Peace and Blessings,
    Gerry #WUVIP

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    Today has been a tough day for many people, including me, because it was inauguration day in the US