• Gerry Straatemeier posted an update 8 years ago

    We live in turbulent times and many people have been tossed out of their comfort zone into a maelstrom of chaos and fear…and for many, deep anger. There is temptation to give in to fear and for some of my friends, hatred and derision.

    That will not bring us the world we are working for.

    Mother Teresa once said that she would not join an anti-war protest, as strongly as she felt about war and peace,, but if someone would hold a PEACE rally, fighting FOR peace instead of against war, she’d be the first one there. I paraphrase.

    Gandhi and King, whose principles I teach, anchor their philosophies and strategies soundly in the principle of the Golden Rule, of Brotherly Love, the foundation of every one of the world’s major religions.

    Of course if we believe a thing seems harmful to other human beings or Mother Earth, we are morally bound to resist it. But we fight for justice and fairness…brotherly love… and hatred has no place in our struggle.

    We must remain in our hearts and affirm and trust that Love is stronger than hate and fear.


    We live in turbulent times and many people have been tossed out of their comfort zone into a maelstr
    • I’m so with you on this, Gerry. I am finding the times very challenging on my heart and staying in this space but I am committed to staying engaged in the process, staying informed and active and also staying in my center of Love. It’s a balance but one that I know that we all are being called to do. Thank you for all that you do to remind us of who we are.