Heather Corinne Lang posted an update 7 years, 1 month ago
In case you missed this article, which gives you an overview of the year and what to expect and how to work with the energies.
Yesterday was a 1:1:11 day! Did you set your intentions? Today is a Full Super Moon in Cancer (Jan. 1-2), and a day to set intentions to clear out any blockages within you to achieve your dreams and your true soul purpose! After the blog, there is a little new surprise….I look forward to hearing from you! Namaste!
http://blog.thewellnessuniverse.com/2018-master-number-11-year/2018 is a Master Number 11 Year! - The Wellness Universe BlogIn this article, WU World Changer Heather Corinne Lang shares why 2018 is significant in numerology because it is a Master Number 11 year!