• Cheryl Meyer posted an update 7 years, 1 month ago


    I would like to invite you to join 21 experts in health and cancer and listen to Erin Ley’s Thrive Onward and Upward with Cancer Symposium.

    This online series can “Instantly Boost Your Quality Of Life Post-Diagnosis!”

    I am honored to be a speaker in this series. After I finished writing It Feels Good to Feel Good, I have been speaking to groups about the dangers of toxins that are everywhere in our daily lives. My mission is to help others take control of their health and make the changes that can significantly improve their quality of life.

    Although I wrote the book for people with inflammation and autoimmune disease, I now understand that inflammation is one of the key root causes of many of our chronic diseases, cancer, strokes, heart disease, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, diabetes (both type I and type II) even depression is impacted by inflammation.

    I have spoken to cancer groups because not only have cancer survivors been attacked by the disease, but then also by the treatment. They can not afford to be attacked by the toxins in their lives. They need direction to help them “clean up”. I want to share my information to help them do just that.

    Erin Ley, our host of this symposium, is a cancer survivor. She has also lost close loved ones to cancer. Her mission is to help other cancer survivors with tips to boost their quality of life Post Diagnosis, and she has put together an amazing online event with 21 caring health professionals with a passion to share their tips with you to live a long life and thrive.

    When someone is confronted with a cancer diagnosis, it usually evokes fear, anxiety, confusion, anger, remorse, and resentment. However, it also evokes immediate appreciation for life far greater than ever before. Things get put into perspective. It’s an opportunity for growth and allows the patient to soar to new heights on many levels.

    Increasing the quality of life and peace of mind for cancer patients is what this online event is all about. We share extraordinary incite, powerful examples, ground-breaking cutting-edge information, and collaborative advise you couldn’t put a price on that WILL change your life.

    This is the amazing list of speakers you will hear for free when you sign up for this series:

    Speaker Schedule

    Day 1: 2/15- Dr. Bernie Siegel
    Day 2: 2/16- Victor Wedel
    Day 3: 2/17- Kristen Hagopian
    Day 4: 2/18- Avinoam Lerner
    Day 5: 2/19- Diana Jordan
    Day 6: 2/20- Beth Greer
    Day 7: 2/21- Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy
    Day 8: 2/22- David Tabatsky
    ​​​​​​​Day 9: 2/23- Darren Neuberger
    Day 10: 2/24- Susan Apollon
    Day 11: 2/25- Leyla Ali
    Day 12: 2/26- Andrew Schorr
    ​​​​​​​Day 13: 2/27- Danielle Duperret
    ​​​​​​​Day 14: 2/28- Cheryl Meyer
    Day 15: 3/1- Denise Povernick
    Day 16: 3/2- Leticia Croft-Holguin
    ​​​​​​​Day 17: 3/3- Bill Aron
    Day 18: 3/4- Tari Prinster
    Day 19: 3/5- Jennifer Manning
    Day 20: 3/6- Gigi Belmonico
    Day 21: 3/7- Jenny Mulks Wieneke

    There are 21 experts participating in this world-wide event who are not only offering their personal stories and expertise, they are also offering FREE gifts to help you on your endeavor to live a more fulfilling life, a life filled with quality and peace.

    This summit goes live February 15 and runs for 21 days.

    To get FREE access to this world-wide event, go to http://www.telesummit.erinley.com

    Right now is such a crucial time to set the direction for your life. Join us as we empower you to take another step onward, with greater peace of mind, toward the dreams and goals you’ve set for your present and future. Join me, Erin, and 20 other experts, so we can support you in doing just that—the leap into a life of countless options, greater quality of life, and peace of mind.

    If you are a cancer survivor, or have loved ones that are cancer survivors, friends, family, co-workers, please share the information about this conference with them. The insights and tips by this group of experts can make a big difference in their lives.

    To get FREE access to this world-wide event, go to http://www.telesummit.erinley.com

    If you have any questions, or want more information, don’t hesitate to write to me at cherylmhealthmuse@gmail.com cancer-symposium2

    QUALITY OF LIFE MATTERS I would like to invite you to join 21 experts in health and cancer and liste