Catherine Gruener posted an update 6 years, 7 months ago
Lots happening this month! Check out our very brief newsletter!
The Neuropsychology of Oversensitivity with @robertalexander and LifeRhythms Radio
Support Groups specifically for Parents of Gifted Children
and the Encouragement Parenting Division has expanded services. (I didn’t even include them in the newsletter!). You can become a member of the Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1426331410733325/ or sign up to receive Tuesday Tips and Wednesday Inspirations. http://www.encouragementparenting.com I’ll post the Tip in another post.
http://www.gruenerconsultingllc.com/so/aMDbSe4aMonthly NewsletterI am honored and blessed to be part of this amazing radio show. "If you consider yourself empathic, highly sensitive, emotionally intelligent, gifted, creative and or "in-tue," you want to listen to LifeRhythms Radio Episode 10 on The Neuropsychology of Oversensitivity." I am honored and bless Read more...