Lisa Meisels posted an update 5 years, 9 months ago
This was our sunset last night. Can you believe the colors? I’m always amazed at what beauty is available to us in nature.
Over the last year, I’ve been actively involved in the practice of “allowing and receiving”.
It started as an experiment- just to see what happened when I totally let go.
I let go of:
My “identity”
The need to control and “make” things happen (my way)
The shoulds
The shouldn’ts
The to-do list
The fear of lackAnd I completely surrendered to KNOWING I was supported and that no matter what, I would be OK.
And you know what?
I watched my client roster go down
I watched my bank account drop significantly
I spent more time in nature
I spent more time with my animals
I immersed myself in what brought me joy
I spent more time meditating
I started creating again
I expanded personally and spirituallyIf I had not allowed myself the SPACE to BE, I would not have been able to expand.
So much of the time we try to shove something in every space we have- in our minds, our homes, our calendar, and we forgot to allow space to BE.
We think if we’re not “productive” or “accomplishing” something, we’re being lazy.
This is NOT true!
This is someone elses voice.It’s time to listen to your own voice within. Listen to your body. What are they saying to you?
Do you need to slow down?
Do you need to sleep more?
Do you need to move more?
Do you need to eat better?What do YOU need for YOU? Whatever it is, allow yourself the gift of SPACE to BE 🙂
Lisa IMG_5539