• Theresa Crabtree posted an update 4 years, 7 months ago


    Release any guilt and shame for sexual conduct that you are presently or have previously indulged in. Look deeply at the activity that you have negative thoughts towards. If it was an issue from the past, then forgive yourself. If there is a need to apologize to another for something you have done, then do so. If it is not appropriate to forgive or apologize in person, then visualize yourself forgiving or apologizing to that person until you feel the energy leave you.

    Holding on to guilt and shame keeps you in victim mode. If this was a sexual act that happened in the past and you continue to feel guilt or shame, then state to yourself that you choose not to feel guilt or shame anymore. Then follow through by no longer allowing yourself to dwell on such thoughts.

    Many purposely use sex to manipulate others. If you are presently engaging in sexual conduct that causes you to feel guilt and shame, then you have two choices. Stop the behavior without going into victim mode or feeling like you have to give up something. Another choice is to loosen up your beliefs around sex and begin to enjoy the activity if it is for the highest good of all concerned.

    One thing to consider is to forgive anyone who has transgressed you, whether it is sexually based or not. Until you release the negative energies associated with feelings of unrighteousness and manipulation, you will not be able to attain high levels of love while in human form.

    When you first revisit some of your painful memories, there may be fear involved. Push through the fear. Give up the rosy façade that all is well and ask for help from your Soul, Spirit Guides, your friends or a therapist. No one has led a perfect life. No one has walked their Path without receiving pain on some level.

    As a culture, humans have separated themselves, becoming inaccessible to each other out of fear or reprisal. It is time to set aside judgment and reach out to strengthen each other. Many walk around wounded, continually looking for ways to protect themselves from being hurt. The walls of protection are strong. No one can assist you until you are ready to begin dismantling your walls.

    © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved.
    Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement.

    Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: theresacrabtree.com
    Listen to them at: youtube.com/c/theresacrabtree88

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    SC 155 Sexual Dysfunction compressed

    SOUL CONNECTION 155 ~ SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION Release any guilt and shame for sexual conduct that you are