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I’m a recovering addict, gratefully recovering since October 31st, 2013.  Over the course of my active addiction, I tried every toxic substance under the sun, but my main struggle for many years were opiates.  It was the worst period of time in my life and I brought much misery upon myself, but it was also the straw that broke the camels back for me.  It was through the pain & desperation that I felt through withdrawal that led me to seek a change.  I found that change I had been searching for when I entered the rooms of 12 step fellowship.  Of course the changes didn’t occur overnight, but through rigorous honesty, determination, open-mindedness, & complete willingness to do what was suggested of me, I embraced all of the positive changes that were taking place in my life.  With these changes, I have been blessed with a positive mindset & try to remain that way regardless of outside circumstances.  My mission is to empower, motivate, inspire & encourage other addicts, specifically parents, to find a place of serenity & peace as well. Finding a proper balance after active addiction is challenging in itself, but to combine parenting with that can often be difficult & overwhelming.  I have been where you are, & I want you to know you are not alone. You have a friend in me and together, we can & do recover!

I invite you to read my personal testimony of addiction to recovery.

Ashley Brewer

Profile picture of Ashley Brewer


Active 5 years, 3 months ago